King of Sports

Chapter 120

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Tang Yan felt overjoyed and humbled over today's events.

He had treated swimming too flippantly.

He saw some of the limitations of the system clearly today. 

Even though he knew, he was lacking in swimming knowledge, he hadn't taken enough action to rectify that.

He had paid a small price for that today but it could have been worse.

He had to go back and go over all the rules with a fine tooth comb.

This wasn't like archery or boxing where he had preemptive knowledge on the sport.

But inadvertently he had become too cocky and lazy after his recent windfall of success. 

He needed to put in the work and not become reliant on the system to strong arm his way through things.

The system was the supplement not the core. Zhang Shun's abilities were useful but only when used correctly.

With the current season ending, he had till next season to prepare.

With these thoughts and promise of the provisional team, he headed back.


Tang Yan was to begin his weight-gain program.

After a discussion with Qin Hailong, they had set out a plan and he was immediately set up with a professional dietitian.

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Time flew by and it was heading towards the end of the year.

In less than a month, he had successfully gone from 49 kg to 52kg.

In the process, he had to fight to maintain his body fat to muscle ratio but he managed to do so after sticking strictly to his training regimen.

It was now heading towards the end of the year, New Year's Eve was fast approaching and Tang Yan, like most other athletes finished his training program and prepared to head home for the new year.

It had been a little over half a year since his rebirth.

And what an earth shattering half a year, he had been through.

From an unknown security guard of his previous life.

To winning two gold medals at the Youth Olympics and finessing three gold medals at the Asian Games. With his name known across the country.


His father and mother, had already moved into the new house. 

They had just begun preparations ahead of time for New Year's Eve and Chinese New Year which would follow.

Whilst his parents were busy buying things for both event's and getting prepared. He snuck off looking for his friends and to chat with former classmates, to relive the experience in memory again.

He had been grinding all year, now it was time to sit back and relax.


Tang Yan was sat on his phone in the living room while watching TV.

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When the doorbell rang.

"Mom! there's people at the door." He shouted lying on the sofa unwilling to move.

His mother was preparing food in the kitchen, when she heard his shouting, she shook her head.

Quickly washed her hands and wiped them dry and called "Coming" whilst heading to open the door.

She casually opened the door, before loudly screaming.

Tang Yan hearing this lurched up and rushed over. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Mom, what's wrong?" 

" can I help you?" His mother stuttered to the guest at the door.

Tang Yan looked past her and saw Deputy Secretary Zhang and with him were a few companions.

"Hahaha, oh dear I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you."

"Oh no, it's just I was shocked..I didn't expect it to be you."

"Hahaha, well we were just passing through the neighbourhood and so we decided to make a short visit. I hope we are not imposing!"

"No, no nothing of the kind..umm please come in."

His mother stepped back and let the group in.

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"I'm sorry for the mess, we've been busy preparing for the New Year, we haven't got round to clearing up." His mom said with excitement and slight nervousness.

"It doesn't matter, don't mind us. This isn't an official visit. We just came to visit you privately. Plus I know the struggle as well hahaha." Secretary Zhang said as he walked in.

As he walked in, behind him in came his secretary carrying a bag of what seemed like gifts, which he placed on the table.

However, Tang Yan's gaze at this time was on those behind Secretary Zhang. Two other people came in and Secretary Zhang even waited for them to sit before he sat.

This detail didn't escape him, it clearly showed the status of the two.

Tang Yan's eyes showed a hint of curiosity. Who were they?

"So Tang Yan, how long have you been back?" said Secretary Zhang, drawing back Tang Yan's attention.

"Just a few weeks now."

"Good to hear, it's important to spend time at home and rest up.

How is everything though, training wise. Is it going well. Do you need anything?

"Uh no sir, I'm good. Everything is going well, just finished everything off for the year. Now I'm know relaxing and spending time with my family at home over the New Year."

"Well, if you need anything just contact Xiao Liu directly, he will arrange it for you. Got to take care of our star athletes now" Secretary Zhang said whilst nodding over in his assistant's direction.

"Oh I nearly forgot, let me introduce everyone." Secretary Zhang smiled and turned to look at the two people behind him.

"This is Deputy Director or just call him Director Gao of the Provincial Sports Bureau and this Shen Qing, Coach of the Provincial Swimming Team."

When Tang Yan heard this, though he had already guessed they were important figures but a Deputy Director of the province really came to his house. This was unexpected.

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"Tang Yan, how are you." Director Gao said reaching out to shake hands with Tang Yan.

Tang Yan got up and politely shook hands with him: "..I'm good, pleased to meet you Director."

Shen Qing followed up and shook hands with Tang Yan. After sitting down, he followed and said: "I heard  you tried out for the swimming team?"

"Yeah, the city swimming team." Tang Yan nodded and said.

"Well Guo Yong told me about your situation." Shen Qing said with a little excitement.

"Director Gao is responsible for the swimming division. We have already discussed it and directly recruited you into the provincial swimming team. If you agree, you can come and report in after the New Year. " Shen Qing said.

"Thank you...sir, thank you both for the opportunity. I'll report to the provincial team after the New Year." Tang Yan smiled and said.

"Good to hear!" Deputy Director Gao said energetically.

"Good, hahaha you know when Ye Shiwen and Sun Yang heard that you might be joining, they were very excited!" Shen Qing said.

"Ye Shiwen and Sun Yang?" Tang Yan instinctively asked.

"Yeah, they said they talked with you at the Asian Games. They seem to admire you!" Shen Qing said with a smile.

Tang Yan laughed and smiled.

These two swimming geniuses who would shine in the future were actually both from the Zhejiang Province. 

"Sun Yang! Wow." His mom said hearing Sun Yang's name and her face was full of excitement.

Tang Yan shook his head helplessly, he had forgotten that his mother had been a fan of Sun Yang since the Beijing Olympics.

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