King of Sports

Chapter 142

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Tang Yan's expression outwardly didn't change but his mind was running overtime.

Since returning to the past, he had done many things to interfere with the timeline but so far he had felt the minimum effect, with things not differing too much in the grand scheme of things.

This was the first time, he felt the consequences of his interference. Since he hadn't followed swimming strictly before whilst he had his suspicions seeing the sudden emergence of Lei Jianyu in the preliminaries, he hadn't been sure.

But this confirmed it, whether he followed swimming strictly or not, a swimmer suffering a heart attack and then being found out to be doping was something that would have made the news and entered his field of view.

He didn't know how his interference had led to this but he was about 80% sure this hadn't happened in his previous life.

Now the main issue was what impact this would have on everything else.

He turned his head and glanced at Sun Yang. Lei Jianyu's results would definitely be invalidated, so Sun Yang would rise from third place into second, qualifying for the 400m like he would have done in his previous life.

However, Sun Yang didn't seem to realize this. His eyes were serious and he was listening to Shen Qing.

"The organizing committee has attached great importance to this matter. All the urine samples reserved will be re-examined. there anything you guys wish to tell me?" Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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The three shook their heads instantly in unison.

Shen Qing nodded and didn't seem to be in a hurry to say anything, he looked them once over then sent them off.


The Lei Jianyu incident made the fifth day of the championships dignified, a cold chill set over the competition but fortunately in the re-examination, no other swimmers were found to be doping which set the organizing committee at ease.

This matter, not only had the athletes afraid but also the organizing committee, after all this greatly damaged the image of Chinese swimming.

By the time the episode was over, the National Swimming Championships also ushered in the penultimate day of competition.

The events today were the 50-meter butterfly, 50-meter backstroke, 50-meter breaststroke and 50-meter freestyle and the 4X100 medley.

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Although it was not a weekend, the attendance rate of the swimming pool reached more than 70%. Many people went to the swimming pool to witness the exciting short-distance races.

The first to start was the 50-meter butterfly.

The relative speed of the butterfly stroke was slower than the freestyle stroke but the swimming style was beautiful. Phelps, who dominated the swimming pool, was a butterfly master.

The butterfly stroke domestically was relatively low level. Like in the 200 meters, the Zhejiang province had some achievements in the competition.

Li Zhuhao, the newcomer for the Zhejiang Province, had the best results in the preliminaries with a time of 25 seconds.

This result made Tang Yan's heart itch. Compared with freestyle, this event had virtually no rivals. Looking at the gold medals that were within reach but he couldn't touch, he seemed to see the passing honor points and his heart hurt.

However, at least for this year's championship there was no way around it but he was thinking about a way to enter the other swimming disciplines.

Next was the backstroke, which unfortunately the Zhejiang Province failed to win but in the breaststroke, Xu Jiayu of the Zhejiang Province swam a time of 25 seconds 21 and directly reached the A grade standard requirement for the World Championships.

When the breaststroke race was over, the 50-meter freestyle competition began.

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Tang Yan's 22 seconds 38 from the test trials was enough to get him the first lane.

With the buzzer, the swimmers all dove into the water.

Tang Yan used his high frequency kicks and quickly opened up a gap and the gap widened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the end, he took the lead with a huge advantage over the other swimmers. His time was finally fixed at 22 seconds 41, which was similar to his time during the test trials.

Of course, this was a result of him reserving his strength.

Tang Yan won his group and the results of the other groups came out and as expected, Lu Zhibin had a time of 22 seconds 96, Ning Xuantao 23 seconds 11, they would be his main opponents in the finals.

Up next was the finals of the 4x100m medley relay.

Tang Yan wasn't in the medley team. It wasn't that Shen Qing didn't believe in him, but that others also needed opportunities. So whilst the medley included freestyle, it wouldn't do to give all the opportunities to Tang Yan.

For freestyle, they had Lu Zhibin and with him they managed to win first place in their group and successfully advanced to the finals in the evening.

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But things took a turn when Wang Shun who was responsible for the breaststroke pulled a muscle.

Compared to freestyle and backstroke, breaststroke was simply the soft underbelly of the Zhejiang Province.

This sudden situation made Shen Qing anxious like an ant in a hot pot.

This was a medal he was determined to win, they had the strongest team overall he felt.

In the afternoon's pre-match training, Tang Yan and his teammates had the final training session before the finals in the evening. He adapted to his upgrade and adjusted himself to his increased kick frequency.

Although Tang Yan had the power of Zhang Shun, using his powered up kick frequency used a huge amount of physical strength.

After doing a few laps, he felt his legs becoming sore, so he decided to stop. He used the breaststroke which was the most labor-saving stroke to swim to shore.

Shen Qing was frowning and his eyes were dignified looking into the swimming pool. At this time, he saw Tang Yan who was swimming to shore.

His eyes flashed as he suddenly remembered something.

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