King of Sports

Chapter 150

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Qin Hailong let out a deep breath.

Tang Yan's outstanding performance proved that he was far too concerned, he had underestimated his proud disciple.

Tang Yan didn't care much about this kind of thing, if anything surpassing people's expectations time and time again was one of the joys of life.

The tournament had a tight schedule, and the fights continued on the third day. For example, the 56kg class directly entered the semi-finals, and the winner would be through to the final tomorrow, thus qualifying for the AIBA World Boxing Championships.

Tang Yan's opponent in this round was Zou Chen from the Henan Province. The Henan province was the home province of Shaolin Kung Fu. Zou Chen coming out from here had a strong in boxing style and his strength was good.

However, compared to his strength, Zou Chen's real magic weapon was his style of fighting, he was a left-handed boxer or a southpaw in boxing terms.

In boxing, southpaws were very rare and even fewer were present the higher up the ladder you went but once they reached a certain level, they held the advantage in a fight.

This was due to a matter of habit. If in all your previous fights, your opponents all attacked from your left side and you suddenly faced an attack from the right. It would be quite difficult to adapt and Zou Chen's strength wasn't weak, especially since his left punches would be heavier than others, which was the key to his continuous KO of his opponents.

This type of opponent was a challenge for Tang Yan.

"His left punch is very heavy. It will throw you off slightly when you go up. At the beginning, you should circle appropriately to observe his offensive routine." Qin Hailong specifically told him before he entered the ring.

Tang Yan nodded, wearing his protective gear.

Seeing Tang Yan's debut, the mood of the audience was quickly ignited.

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After yesterday's fight, the video of Tang Yan KO'ing Qin Qiong quickly spread through his Weibo and soon brought a positive impact. Today, the boxing hall reached full capacity for the first time since the start of the championship, needless to say, most of them came to support Tang Yan.

When Tang Yan entered the ring, the cheering was deafening.

Most of the audience were fans of Tang Yan. So such cheers were understandable, but the fans who came to support Zou Chen couldn't stand it.

"These lot are so annoying, such a plastic fanbase, no skill at all."

"Fully, they just support him because he's been winning so far. Look at Zou Chen waiting for him and he's busy acting like a star!"

"Zou Chen, come on!"

"Zou Chen, come on !!"

Grumpy, more than a dozen fans started cheering for Zou Chen. Although they were trying their best, they couldn't beat the momentum of Tang Yan's fans.

The audience on Tang Yan's side grew even louder in an attempt to drown them out.

The fight hadn't even started yet, but the audience on both sides started to clash.

The on-site staff rushed up and stopped things from getting out of hand.

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By the time the audience's emotions were under control, the referee and the boxers from both sides had settled into the ring.

Zou Chen waved his hands to the crowd, which immediately attracted a burst of cheers from his fans.

Tang Yan didn't respond. He didn't feel anyway about Zou Chen. He had only one purpose and that was to defeat his opponent to reach the finals tomorrow.

The introductions were over and they touched gloves then took a step back.

After Zou Chen opened up the distance, he circled carefully and didn't rush to attack. 

Tang Yan didn't take the initiative to launch an attack. After gaining a new understanding of Jeet Kune Do and adapting to fight at a higher weight class, he now fought defensively and counterattacked.

His style had adapted from his previous sharp frenzied attacks to a more calculating style, where he bided his time, stalking his prey and aiming for the perfect moment to strike and end it as fast and efficiently as possible. 

Both boxers circled and observed looking for gaps, while their respective fans were chanting heavily for them to defeat the other.

After a while seemingly giving into their shouts, Zou Chen took the initiative to launch an offensive.

He dashed in front of Tang Yan, guarding with his right hand and attacked Tang Yan with straight left jabs.

Zou Chen was quite confident in his boxing ability.

Tang Yan not used to Zou Chen's left-handed offense, blocked two of his jabs then took the initiative to distance himself from Zou Chen, slipping away from his blows.

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Zou Chen hit empty air, startled he quickly retreated.

His movements were fast and his distance from Tang Yan was widened at a glance. It could be seen from this that his reaction time was also quite fast.

However, his fans immediately shouted encouraging him to attack.

Zou Chen then launched an attack again.

But with Tang Yan's continuous dodges, Zou Chen's offensive failed.

After five-six consecutive punches, Zou Chen still couldn't even touch Tang Yan's hair. He immediately felt something was wrong.

Tang Yan's dodges were too fast, it wasn't like that of a 56 kg boxer at all!

When he realized this, he once again opened up the distance between them and wanted to organize an effective attack through observation.

"Swing! Hit him! Kill him!" The dozen fans saw Zou Chen take the initiative to retreat and immediately shouted again.

Zou Chen held back but then launched an attack again. This time, he started with a right jab then a left jab continuously alternating. Then he suddenly shifted to the right and launched a left hook straight towards Tang Yan's right side.

In order to block Tang Yan had to use his right hand and once he did so, his right hand could attack Tang Yan's jaw directly with an uppercut.

This was an adjustment he made after his previous attacks were fruitless.

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In a sense, Zou Chen's adjustment was a manifestation of his boxing talent, but he obviously underestimated Tang Yan's strength.

While Zou Chen was testing the waters, Tang Yan was also adapting to his southpaw style. This sudden attack was a threat to Tang Yan but at the same time it opened Zou Chen up.

Seeing this, Tang Yan didn't choose to hold frame and block but directly punched out with a left swing towards the inside of Zou Chen's left arm.

Zou Chen was originally slower than Tang Yan. Coupled with depletion from his constant attacks, this time he reacted too late to dodge.


Hit on the arm, his left hand became numb and was pushed aside.

Before he could retreat, Tang Yan took the initiative to step forward with his left foot and followed with a right hook directly towards his face.

He didn't have time to dodge at all.


Zou Chen absorbed the full blow onto his left cheek, his head shot back and his body followed.

Zou Chen's consciousness was chaotic after falling to the canvas. Even with the referee's countdown of 10 seconds, he was unable to stand up.

There was an uproar at the scene.

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