King of Sports

Chapter 192

Tang Yan clicked on the Weibo account. Although he didn't have her down as a friend, he could still see several of her recent posts and pictures. There were selfies of Yang Bing with her friends at the Shanghai Oriental Sports Center.

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He clicked on her comment and responded: \"Hahaha she's a friend, I still only serve Sister Bing.\"

As soon as the comment was sent out, it attracted likes. This was the first time that Tang Yan had responded to a comment on Weibo.

The comment was quickly pushed to the forefront, and fans were speculating about the relationship between \"Ice_QueenYan_Bing\" and Tang Yan.

However, Ice_QueenYan_Bing didn't seem to be there, as no reply came.

Tang Yan saw that Yan Bing didn't reply, and his friend request was still pending. So he figured she had gone offline so he didn't  bother waiting any longer. After putting down the phone, he joined the rest of his team mates.


As the celebration party winded down, people started heading out one by one, they had to be back in Zhejiang in two days.

With the World Championships over, the pressure was mostly off their shoulders for a while. So most made plans to go shopping tomorrow to buy a couple of things to take back.

As for Tang Yan, he had a few days off but then after a week he would be off to the boxing team to report in for the upcoming AIBA World Boxing Championships.

He would naturally go home between that so he also planned to get something to take back for his parents as well.


Tang Yan headed out but not before linking up with Zhuang Jiajie. The two went shopping at the Shanghai Times Square supermall and bought some imported food and souvenirs. Because of the light rain, they only went around a couple of places before getting ready to return home.

Carrying their bags and walking home they saw a crowd of people running towards a bridge not far away.

Then they heard someone shout: \"Someone help, she's in the water!\"

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Hearing this, Tang Yan and Zhuang Jiajie both looked over, before going to see what the commotion was.

When they got to the bridge, there were a group of women upstream on the shore calling for help.

Looking over Tang Yan saw a girl downstream from them, getting pushed down by the river.

\"These students really don't know the difference between life and death. On such a rainy day, they actually ran to the riverside to play and so close to the edge, no wonder one of the girls slipped in and got caught by a wave.\"

\"Really, the river looks so calm, can't you go in and grab her out\"

\"Humph, you can't see it but there are a lot of undercurrents.\"

\"Whoever dares to go down, basically won't be able to come back!

\"They've called 110, help should be here soon.\"


Listening to the voices around him, Tang Yan soon understood what was happening.

The girl was pushed further and further away.

She fiercely fought the waves, her head appearing every now and then again before being forced under by the waves.

It was clear to see at this rate, she was bound to tire out soon.

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Though everyone knew this, no one dared to go down. Everyone living by the Huangpu River knew how turbulent the undercurrents were.

As the girl passed the pier, she was pulled in by a vortex brought by the pier and disappeared from view.

Huh! Gasp!

\"It's over, she got sucked under.\" Someone cried.

The man's voice hadn't fallen, when the girl appeared again in their field of vision desperately grasping onto the wooden leg of the pier.

Although she was coughing violently, you could see that the girl's luck was good, she was still alive.

\"Thank God she's alive! Dammit what's taking the police so long\" Zhuang Jiajie became anxious seeing the girl vanishing in and out of the water.

His heart was racing but when he didn't hear Tang Yan respond, he turned back and found that Tang Yan was long gone.

\"Look, someone's going down!\"

Just then, an exclamation came from the crowd.

Zhuang Jiajie heard the shout, and looked over to see someone rushing towards the river.

When he saw the man's back, there was shock on his face, followed by panic as he shouted:

\"Stop! Tang Yan...Stop!\"

\"Are you crazy!\"

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The person who rushed down was Tang Yan. When he saw the girl being swept down, he was already calculating how he could save her.

He rushed down the side road by the riverside, edging closer to the edge as he headed for the girl.

\"Take a video! Record it, someone record this!\" Someone cried excitedly.

Zhuang Jiajie was in full on panic mode at this. He never thought that Tang Yan would take such a risk, but with Tang Yan about to jump in, how could he stop it.

Tang Yan dove straight into the river.

As soon as he entered the water, he felt his body freeze as an icy shiver ran through his whole body, then he was lurched along as if countless hands were pulling him left and right under the river.

The icy cold temperature of the river and its undercurrents grasped hold of him, it was clear why no one dared to go down into the river.

However, after all, Tang Yan was no ordinary person. His extraordinary control over his body allowed him to quickly regain control, as he swam towards the girl.

It was a race against the clock.

The crowd that had been shouting soon calmed down, all of them looking down at Tang Yan with nervous expressions.

They didn't expect someone would actually jump into the river.

Tang Yan closed in on the girl, they were about five or six meters apart.

Watching Tang Yan getting closer and closer to the girl, the crowd couldn't help bursting into cheers.

Zhuang Jiajie also reached out and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

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But suddenly the cheers of the crowd turned into exclamations.

The girl who was originally grasping onto the leg of the pier was suddenly sucked under by the vortex. This time she wasn't so lucky. When she was driven out the vortex, she could be seen being pushed out further downstream before being swallowed by the river again.

At this time she was only a few meters away from Tang Yan.

Looks of pity fell across the faces of those who dared to watch. This was the undercurrents of the Huangpu River. You could never guess where a vortex would appear next.

Tang Yan saw the girl disappear and without any melancholy or thoughts of retreating, he dove under into the river.

Seeing this, everyone on shore knew what Tang Yan was trying to do, and a look of tension appeared on their faces.

The deeper you dove into the river the stronger the undercurrent was....

They all watched with bated breaths as Tang Yan swam deeper and deeper underwater until he was out of sight....

1 minute passed and there was no movement on the river.

2 minutes passed and still neither appeared on the river.

Three minutes passed and even downstream of the river, no one appeared.

As time went on, the chances of Tang Yan and the girl surviving were getting slimmer and slimmer.

Zhuang Jiajie was pale and his heart was palpitating. 

\"Why haven't the police arrived yet!\" Although no one jumped forward to help they couldn't help scolding when they saw Tang Yan and the girl disappear.


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