King of Sports

Chapter 90

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The sound of punches continued to ring in the boxing ring.

Shiming came in, weaving and bobbing, swinging hard for the body. Tang Yan shuffled his left foot forward and swung for him aiming for the side of his face with a straight right.

Shiming blocked with his left and jabbed out with a right, it caught Tang Yan on the jaw.

Tang Yan caught him back with a sharp left jab of his own. 

Qin Hailong, who was the referee, was stunned after seeing this scene. The two were trading intense blows.

Tang Yan with reliance on the unloading system wanted to use his own boxing strength to hold off Zou Shiming.

Whilst Zou Shiming wanted to put Tang Yan down in this round.

The physical strength of the two was rapidly consumed.

Tang Yan's strength wasn't infinite. He felt his strength approaching it's limit, he was starting to feel the effects of Zou Shiming's blows so he threw out a series of jabs to try force back Zou Shiming.

But Zou Shiming drove forward weaving through and forcing Tang Yan back into the ropes with a ferocious body attack and pinned him there, rattling his jaw with one-two's, working down to the stomach again. Tang Yan clutched, holding himself together by sheer nerve, keeping himself on his feet somewhat weakly, he fought back.

Shiming was not the kind of fighter you could merely block. You had to punch with him. He was too fast for purely defensive tactics, too smart. 

Biff! Bim! Bam!

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Zou Shiming was caught in a perfect whirlwind of punches; it was like being clawed by a panther. But, with a savage grin, he slugged it out with him. That was his game! Tang Yan hit him with three blows to his one, but his were the ones that counted.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

The moment he found Tang Yan struggling, he rocked him with a volley of rights and lefts.

Tang Yan went back on his heels and his hands flew up. Shiming stepped in, sank a left to his solar plexus and swung a right over the dropping guard.

Tang Yan's eyes went glassy, through the haze of pain, he saw Shiming's face before him and he hooked a right into it.



The two hit the other almost instantly.

In the next second, the two stumbled back. Zou Shiming was rocked, Tang Yan's right caught him cleanly on the jaw but he fought intensely to stay on his feet, despite wobbling a few steps back he stabilized himself.

But Tang Yan dropped back onto the ropes and slowly slid down onto his back.

Qin Hailong was about to end it right there but saw Tang Yan fighting to get up.

So instead he began the count.

Tang Yan's willpower was extremely strong. He fought with his body in an attempt to stand.

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Tang Yan shivered in anguish and he gritted his teeth, as Qin Hailong's countdown was about to end, he clawed his way up with one last push onto his feet.


He was up just before the count of 10.

However, his willpower reached its limit, he could only do so much and like a puppet with its strings cut his body fell back uncontrollably and hit the canvas.


When Qin Hailong saw that Tang Yan stood up, his face was inextricably excited. He found Zou Shiming to test the limits of Tang Yan. He didn't expect Tang Yan to hold his own so well against Zou Shiming.

When he saw Tang Yan fall, he rushed over and when he saw him lying there smirking, he was relieved.

Zou Shiming was leaning on the ropes at this time. His head was still a little groggy. Staring at Tang Yan, he had the look of pleasant surprise on his face.

This boxing match ended with his victory, but it was more hard fought than he expected.

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Zou Shiming returned directly to his personal training hall. This fight brought him some enlightenment that he didn't expect.


Tang Yan received intense one to one training from Qin Hailong.

In such a training atmosphere, Tang Yan's strength was constantly improving.

When they were only three days away from the Asian Games, he finally reached his goals through hard training.

In archery, his 72 arrow score became stable at 700 points and his rate of fire increased drastically.

In boxing, after fully adapting the unloading system, his defensive ability had been substantially improved compared to before.

After finishing all this preparation, he and his other teammates took the plane to the Guangdong Province, where the 2010 Asian Games would officially kick off.

The host city of this Asian Games was Guangzhou, the capital of the Guangdong Province. The Games would be co-hosted by Dongguan, Foshan and Shanwei, the three neighbouring cities as well. But they headed to the host city of Guangzhou this time to attend the opening ceremony.

The last time he participated in the Youth Olympic Games, Tang Yan also experienced an opening ceremony and saw the famous singer Lin Junjie singing the Singapore national anthem but after all, it was in Singapore, there wasn't much sense of belonging or pride but this time it was at home, the feeling was different.

Because the law and order in Guangzhou wasn't as good as other big cities, they were strictly forbidden to go out after they arrived.

On the second night in Guangzhou, they represented the Chinese team at the opening ceremony.

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For the first time in Asian Games history, the ceremony was not held in a traditional stadium setting. Instead, it was held at Haixinsha Island, using the Pearl River and Canton Tower as focal points.

They were paraded in by boats along the Pearl River. The ceremony featured a water-themed arts show and showed off the culture of Guangzhou.

The last torchbearer, diver He Chong lit up the cauldron and ignited traditional Chinese firecrackers, the flares shot up to the top of the tower where the cauldron was held. The flag bearer for China was Jin Ziwei the Olympic women's rowing champion.

Enjoying the sea breeze, it was an exceptionally smooth experience for the audience and the athletes.

Then President Hu Jintao and the other members of the National People's Congress appeared on scene, attracting a burst of cheers from the audience.

For the first time, Tang Yan saw the national leaders up close.

He took in how far he had come in this life.


After the opening ceremony, Tang Yan and the rest left the venue together.

Because the archery competition would be held on the second day after the opening ceremony, Tang Yan participated in the opening ceremony with his teammates from the archery team.

They were now heading back in a group.

When they heard someone call out: "Which one of you is Tang Yan?"

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