[Eureka’s Determination]

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Eureka finally obtained the Staff of Dawn.

Because it was a legendary item, the academy responded with great haste.

Not long after the Divine Gift Ceremony, they extended an invitation to her, asking if she would like to attend the academy as an official student.

Of course, Tayte, her mistress, gave an OK to this invitation.

And with Tayte’s permission, Eureka was now able to attend the academy without worries.

“Isn’t that great, Eureka?”


Tayte and Eureka were delighted.

However, Eureka still had one problem to overcome.

And that was—Raul.

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Since those who had wielded the Staff of Dawn all had an affinity for the light element, it was almost certain that Eureka would be placed in the same light element class as us. That meant she would be in the same class as Raul, who had confessed to her.

It was not an exaggeration to say that this was a turning point.

Whether or not Eureka would accept Raul’s confession… now that she had obtained the Staff of Dawn, and even the academy had great expectations for her, she could proudly stand by Raul’s side.

The rest depended on how she felt about him…


That night.

In the lounge, Tayte and I were working on our homework as usual.

“This is how you solve this one, right?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

Studying with the girl you love… Hmm~, what a blissful experience.

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Oops, this wasn’t the time to be immersed in happiness.

“Hey, Tayte.”


“You know, about Raul and Eureka…”

“…You are worried as well, I see.”

Apparently, Tayte was also worried about their relationship.

“Do you think Eureka will accept Raul’s confession?” I asked.

“I’m not sure. Raul isn’t a bad person, and I don’t think Eureka dislikes him, either. She seems to have gained some confidence after obtaining the Staff of Dawn at the Divine Gift Ceremony too, at least now she will no longer feel that she is not suitable for him…”


It seemed that Tayte had the same opinion as me.

“Well, in the end, it’s up to the two of them, but I sure hope they can be together.”

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“I hope so as well,” Tayte nodded in agreement.

…Still, as I just said, this was the two’s private matter… we couldn’t just tell them to go out, that would be stepping out of line.

“Huh?” At that time, Tayte, who was looking at the scenery outside the window, raised her voice.

“What’s wrong?”

“L-look over there.”

In the direction Tayte pointed, there were—Eureka and Raul?

“Huh?! W-what are they be doing there?!”

“Could it be that… Eureka is going give her answer to Raul’s confession?!”

“It’s a must-watch, then!”

I hurriedly put away my notebook and was ready to rush out of the lounge. Of course…

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“Yes! Let’s go!”

…Tayte was going to come with.

In fact, she was ready to go faster than me, and more eager, too.

We went outside and ran to the spot where we’d seen Raul and Eureka earlier.

When we arrived, we came across a scene where Raul and Eureka were standing facing each other.

“L-let’s hide.”


I whispered to Tayte, then we hid in a nearby bush.

“T-thank you for coming today,” Eureka began with a high-pitched voice.

Sure enough, her answer was—

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