[The One Who Descended is…]

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“T-that is…”

A flying object was flying straight towards us from the sky.

It was…

“?! A w-wyvern?!”

It had the head of a ferocious dragon.

Sharp claws similar to that of birds of prey.

Large wings in place of arms, and body covered in green scales.

It was a vicious being contrasting to the peaceful rural town.

Why did it appear at this timing—it would be pointless to ask a monster about such a thing, but I was so panicked that such a question popped up in my mind.

“?!” The always-calm Mr. Abel, on the other hand, froze at the unexpected appearance of the wyvern. As for Tayte, she couldn’t even utter a sound.

“Mr. Abel!”

“—Gh?!” Mr. Abel came to his senses when I called out to him.

We quickly re-readied our weapons—but right after, the wyvern flapped its wings and caused a strong gust to hit us.

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The fragile and weak Tayte couldn’t withstand the strong wind.

Having come to that conclusion, I immediately dashed with all my might to Tayte’s side. I picked her up in my arms, then I brought her to hide in the woods beside the road.


“Tayte, you stay here.”

“No! I will fight too! I am also a member of Knights of the Academy!” Tayte vehemently objected—but her shoulders were trembling from fear.

“I appreciate your thoughts, Tayte. But your power is mainly for support, right?”


It appeared she had forgotten her role in her agitation.

Tayte was a Saintess.

Her forte was healing magic.

She couldn’t only heal wounds, but also illnesses, status ailments, curses, and many more.

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To sum it up, I would be in charge of fighting that heinous wyvern, while Tayte would heal me physically and mentally when I got injured.

“You can leave the fighting to us.”


“I assure you we will win, so please wait here until then.”

Having said that, I left the forest and confronted the wyvern.

Houses and windmills were blown away by the flapping of its wings. On top of that, it seemed that it also had the ability to breath fire, as some houses were on fire.

Mr. Abel and the others knights were trying to fight it back, but the opponent kept maintaining distance in the sky.

“You bastard…” My hand holding the Holy Sword clenched tighter.

I poured mana into the Holy Sword and the Holy Sword began to shine.

While Raul had been training under Mr. Klaus, I had been training with Tayte.

As Ms. Teixeira said before, the Holy Sword tested its wielder.

In exchange for unconditionally granting tremendous magical power, it could bring disaster to its wielder if the wielder failed to use its power justly.

Heck, the original Barrett might even have ended up the way he did because of the Holy Sword.


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The cry tore apart the cloudy sky.

I couldn’t let this bastard who was destroying the town as if it owned it acted as it pleased anymore.

“Here I go!”

An eye for an eye.

A tooth for a tooth.

Fight the wind with the wind.

I converted the element of the mana I put into the Holy Sword into wind and swung it with all my might.

A strong gust that was as strong as the one produced by the flapping of the wyvern’s wing occurred. It flew straight at the wyvern—but of course, that wasn’t all there was to it.


The wyvern must have thought it was just a normal gust of wind, but as soon as it was wrapped in it, numerous tears appeared on its body instantly. They were caused by wind blades that were sharp enough to cut into the wyvern’s hard scales and dealt serious damage to it.

We gained the upper hand.

But in the next moment—the wyvern breathed out flames at me.


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Its speed and power surpassed my expectations.

It appeared I couldn’t avoid it.

I immediately tried to defend myself with water magic, when…

“Lord Barrett!”

…I heard a familiar girl’s voice from afar.

Was that… Eureka?

When I involuntarily turned around, the flames that flew with such force that they appeared going to burn my body to ashes were extinguished.

“I-I managed to cast water magic in time…”

“It’s not yet time to relax, Eureka.”

“It’s as Raul said. The enemy has already started its next move.”

Who appeared were…


…Eureka, Raul, and Jarvis.

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