[Towards the School Festival]

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Knights of the Academy’s first expedition ended in great success, with Reina and Mr. Abel’s relationship making a great improvement.

A day after the two-day off.

The academy was full of color.

The reason was simple and clear.

The school festival was fast approaching.

“Everyone is looking so excited for the festival, aren’t they?”

“They sure are.”

After classes ended, as Tayte and I were heading to the student council, we naturally began to talk about the school festival.

The school festival was the most anticipated event for students attending Astor Academy.

That was why their enthusiasm was on another level.

By the way, the academy allowed students to set up stalls so as to give them social experiences like in my former world. But it was done per committee instead of per class, and I heard many committees, including the student council, partook every year.

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Tayte was a member of the Horticulture Committee, but she was also a part of the student council, and she said she would help out at the latter.

The reason being, it was customary for the Horticulture Committee to guide the parents and nobles visiting the garden every year, and Hans, the committee chairman, had told her that he had secured members to handle it so she didn’t have to worry, apparently.

…Incidentally, I wondered what happened to the maid outfit she had shown me before.

Tayte looked so wonderful in it. It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that it was a collector’s item. It was just a pity there was no camera in this world.

However, Tayte said that the costume plan had been scrapped off.

When I asked why, an unexpected fact came to light.

“Well, actually… I was the one who requested to cancel it.”

“Huh? Why?”

“Uhm… I don’t like the idea of wearing such a dress in front of anyone other than Barrett very much…”

“So you’re saying you don’t want to show yourself wearing that outfit to anyone other than me?”

When I asked for confirmation, Tayte’s face turned bright red and she nodded.

How pure!

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“So, we decided to hold a dress contest as an alternative.”

“A dress contest?”

“Yes. There is a dress-making committee, and we are going to be showcasing several dresses made by its members.”

So in short, it was a fashion show of sorts, huh.

But that meant she’d still be dressing up, right? Though since dresses were worn at parties and such, it’d likely be a lot easier for her to wear than a maid outfit.

“What about you, Barrett? What will you be doing?”

“Reina asked me to help set up the venue and stuff. Ah, but I think I will be free from afternoon on the day of the festival, so… what do you say we look around the festival together?”

“I’d love to!”

An immediate answer.

She truly has changed since we first met.

As I was impressed by Tayte’s change…

“Oh! Perfect timing, Barrett.”

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…we ran into Mr. Walter who had just come out of a classroom. It sounded like he was looking for me…

“May I help you with anything, sir?”

“Yes. I’d like to ask if you have any interest in participating in the martial arts tournament.”

“Martial arts tournament…?”

“Huh? You forgot? During the school festival, we always hold a tournament where several selected students will have a mock battle in front of His Majesty the King and the Commander of the Order of Knights.”


Yeah, there was something like that, wasn’t it?

“You refused last year, but I was wondering if you’d like to participate this year. Just so you know, the teachers are looking forward to your participation. Especially since you have been doing so well lately.”

“I see. Then I—”

I was about to agree but paused mid-sentence. If memory served me right, the martial arts tournament should be held in the afternoon.

I’d just promised Tayte that we’d be looking around the school festival like a minute ago, I couldn’t possibly break it.

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Seeing me at a loss to answer, Tayte, standing next to me, asked Mr. Walter, “Mr. Walter.”


“If I am not mistaken, in the martial arts tournament… you can assign a student as a healer, can’t you?”

“That’s true… oh, I see. All right. Let’s do it that way.”

“Thank you.”

It seemed the two had reached a consensus, but… from the flow of the conversation, Tayte would be my healer?


“With this, I can watch Barrett onstage up close♪.”

I-I hit the bullseye, huh.

Jeez, she had become so bold…

But well, looked like I couldn’t afford to lose now.

Since Tayte would be watching me, I had to win no matter who my opponent would be!

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