[The Hated Hero Plunges Into the Battlefield]

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Touch them a little, and you’d be burned—that was the atmosphere being exuded by Eureka and Madeline.

And I have to go there…? It was a bit too late, but I regretted my decision a little.

However, Raul cried out with teary eyes when he noticed my approach, “Lord Barrett, please help!” I guessed I couldn’t leave him in the lurch.

“Yo, Raul, Eureka.”

For starters, I called out to my fellow members of the Knights of the Academy as if I had come just to greet them.

“…Lord Barrett.”

“…Senior Barrett, huh.”

So heavy!

The atmosphere was so heavy that I wondered if the gravity had gone haywire at this place only!

…But don’t lose heart, Barrett.

You had to save Raul.

“E-err… You are Madeline Halman, am I correct?”


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“Were you acquainted with Raul?”

“We happened to meet in a forest during the summer vacation. …As I was attacked by a terrible monster, Raul came to my rescue.”

“M-Master Klaus was with me then.”

“You have my deepest gratitude for saving me back then.”

“Y-you’re welcome…”

I see.

This wasn’t the first time they met, and they had even become acquainted through such an unusual event, huh.

Still… this was an important piece of information.

The encounter between Raul and Madeline was not mentioned in the【The Rise of the Weakest Holy Swordsman】. It was only said that she was one of his rare few acquaintances from before the start of the original novel.

How they met wasn’t described, but… this was bad. Raul had triggered her flag.

The original harem members I’d met so far have each found a different partner, and they didn’t even see Raul as a romantic interest in the first place.

But Madeline was different.

She was clearly into Raul.

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…Pretty deeply, at that.

How do I know? Well, she was emitting “I don’t care even if you already have a girlfriend, I’ll take you away” aura.

“It’s a real honor to be able to fight with you in the martial arts tournament.”

“Y-you’re exaggerating.” Raul being Raul, he couldn’t outright draw a line between them.

Well, in the original novel, his considerate personality was exactly what brought him endless troubles (?) and created him a harem.

“…Raul, we have somewhere to be.”

“Oh, r-right. Sorry, Madeline, but we have to go. I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s match.”


Pulled by Eureka, Raul was forced to leave.

Seeing that, it seemed things would be okay.

Even in the original novel, if Raul and Eureka were a couple at the start of the story, it would surely have been filled with rom-com development, with no harem element involved.


I patted my chest in relief and was about to return to Tayte when Madeline addressed me.

Once again, I looked at the girl named Madeline Halman.

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She had big round eyes and green hair that hung over her shoulders.

In addition, there was an aura unique to heroines coming off her body.

After coming over to this world, I was somehow able to feel it… Heroines had a kind of aura unique to them. Two more heroines had yet to make their appearance… but if possible, I’d like to prepare a countermeasure before Raul caught their eyes.

“? Is something the matter, Senior?”

“?! N-no, it’s nothing. More importantly, do you need something from me?”

“I’d like to declare war on you.”


Was that something you should say so straightforwardly?!

“I have a feeling that I will fight you someday.”

“! …Is that so? Okay. I’ll take you on any time.”

“I’m relieved to hear that. Then, I will see you another time.”

With that, Madeline coolly left.

I wondered if she was the type with high conscious awareness.

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…If that was the case, could it be that she held admiration instead of romantic interest toward Raul?

Either way, I supposed I should organize the information that Marina and the others should have collected by now later.

Afterward, I returned to Tayte and we enjoyed the banquet.

With the festival finally starting tomorrow, everyone was highly excited.

Near the end of the banquet, Tayte said she’d like to say hi to Reina and left to see her, when…

“Mm? That’s…”

…I suddenly caught sight of Madeline.

The young woman next to her was… her personal maid, perhaps?

What caught my attention was Madeline’s expression.

She was far away so I couldn’t tell for sure, but she looked kind of pale.

“Is she feeling sick or something…?”

Raul and Eureka’s berserk incidents suddenly flashed in my mind.

Could it be that—the moment that thought crossed my mind, I was already running after Madeline and her maid.

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