[Just Before the Opening]

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After spending a relaxing time at the café――an event the opposite of that awaited me.


It was the martial arts tournament.

There was a coliseum in a part of the academy town where Astor Academy was located.

The place was usually used for special events such as the martial arts tournament and, sometimes, the Order of the Knights promotion exam.

“It’s finally time, huh…”

“I-I’m getting nervous as well, for some reason…”

When Tayte and I arrived at the waiting room, we were already nervous.

There was no other student in the waiting room, as there was still some time until it started. Usually, I’d love just being together alone with Tayte, but… right now, I hadn’t the peace of mind for flirting.

My opponent was Jarvis.

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What’s more, she was filled with an unknown, grim sense of resolve.

The current Jarvis… couldn’t be compared to her usual self.

“Barrett… are you okay?”

Noticing my wavering heart, Tayte gently placed her hands on my right hand. The warmth from her hands instantly soothed my nerves.

“Thank you, Tayte.”

“I’m happy I could be of help to you.” Tayte smiled.


It would be fine.

Tayte would be there to support me, I’d win no matter who my opponent would be.

—Wait, even though I said I had no peace of mind to flirt, I ended up thinking only about Tayte, still.

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But this time, I had to steel myself.

Right then.

“Huh? Lord Barrett?”

“Young Mistress Tayte, too! You are so early?!”

Raul and Eureka entered the room.

“Well, I can say the same to you.”

“Uhm, I became nervous, so…”

Raul said embarrassedly—mm?

“Raul… Could you be feeling unwell?”

“Huh?! H-how did yo-?!”

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It appeared my guess was right.

Even an amateur in the medical field like me could tell that Raul’s complexion was not very good right now.

“Forcing yourself is not good, Raul.”

“T-that’s right!”

Though Tayte and I told him so, Raul only smiled wryly.

How unusual of him, the moment I thought so—it suddenly came to me.

Raul aspired to join the Order of Knights. Belonging to the Knights of the Academy, he had a big lead compared to other students, but depending on the result of this martial arts tournament, the evaluation of him might change completely.

Raul’s opponent would be Madeline—or rather, his twin brother Joel who was disguised as her.

But Raul didn’t know that.

Raul thought that Joel was the real Madeline.

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…Raul would have an overwhelming advantage if he fought Joel instead of Madeline. Even though he was not feeling well, it shouldn’t pose a problem.

Gradually, the students participating in the martial arts tournament gathered in the waiting room.

Of course, among them were Joel who dressed up as Madeline and Eleanor, his maid, as well as…

“Heya, Barrett.”

…Jarvis, who walked over to us.

She had a calm look on her face, too calm, in fact.

“Today, I hope you fight me seriously.”

“Of course. Let’s fight fair and square.”

Jarvis and I exchanged a firm handshake.

Although I was a little anxious inside, the martial arts tournament finally began.

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