[Commence Counterattack!]

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Having endured Madeline’s fierce attacks, Raul was now ready to counterattack.

“Go, Raul! Pay her back in full!”


Encouraged by Eureka, his girlfriend as well as supporter, Raul infused mana into the Demon Sword.

With this, the battle situation was completely reversed.

After all, only a few people within the academy could beat Raul when he was fully demonstrating the power of the Demon Sword.

“He’s done well enduring so long, now he can turn the situation around.”

“Yeah. He sure is an impressive guy, that Raul.”

Not only Eureka but also Tayte and Jarvis were sure that Raul would win.

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Looking at the situation, I, too, thought that this was the end for Madeline—but there was still this uneasy feeling within me that wouldn’t go away.

I shifted my gaze to Madeline to identify the cause of this anxiety.

She was gasping for breath, presumably exhausted from her earlier fierce offensive.

The painful look on her face proved that she was almost completely spent.

…Realize it, Raul.

If my guess is correct, I wanted to shout to warn Raul, but according to the rules, as soon as I did that, Raul would lose by disqualification. That would lose him big points from the knights.

So, I could only hope Eureka, his supporter, figured it out, but…


She couldn’t read the situation clearly, fully confident of his victory.

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…Then again, there was a chance that it was just an unfounded concern on my part—in fact, looking at the situation, that would be more likely.

But what is this… this indescribable… chill.

Despite my anxiety, Raul charged at Madeline with momentum so big as though he would pay back for her fierce attacks earlier.

――At that time—it was difficult to make out because she was looking down—but I could definitely see that the corners of Madeline’s mouth were slightly raised.

She was smiling?

It was a trap, after all!

Strength returned to Madeline’s powerlessly hanging arms. She tightened her grip on her sword and lunged at Raul at the same time as he swung down his sword.

She counterattacked?!

Madeline must have been aiming for this from the very beginning.

Her rapid continuous attacks shaved Raul’s HP little by little, then she made him think that she was tired, inducing him to attack her with all his might. And that was when she would take out all his remaining HP with one powerful counterattack.

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This was Madeline Halman’s grand plan.

And Raul completely fell for it.

Perhaps because he was aiming for a one-blow reversal, his swing was big, making him easy prey for Madeline’s counterattack.


That was when I felt another doubt.

The cause was Raul’s action.

His swing was too big.

Sure, this was his chance.

Even though it was Madeline’s trap, from Raul’s perspective, this should be his best chance to turn the tables—but he normally wouldn’t blindly charge at his opponent and make such a pointlessly big swing at times like this. He was a calm, steady kind of guy.

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So why would he leave such a big opening for Madeline?

“—?! No way, Raul, you?!”

He saw through everything?!

From the start to now—Madeline was dancing on the palm of his hand.

Even now, wasn’t he actually pretending to fall for Madeline’s trap and intending to use her counterattack to make a counterattack of his own?


Before I could collect my thoughts together, Madeline swung out her sword.

Even the knights in the special seats were taken by surprise at her counterattack.

In response to this, Raul――

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