[The Outcome of the Match]

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To close the gap between me and Jarvis—no, to turn the tables and bring the match to an end in one fell swoop, I infused my mana into the Holy Sword.

Having guessed my intention, Jarvis braced herself without fear.

She had no chance of winning in a direct clash of mana, so she’d definitely take advantage of her speed to dodge.

Would my blow land?

Or would Jarvis’s speed win?

Before I knew it, the venue had fallen silent.

Our fierce exchanges of blows had stopped and now we were just silently facing each other. This change in situation threw the audience into confusion.

“W-what is going on? They both stopped moving.”

“Have they perhaps run out of stamina?”

“Are you stupid? They are waiting the other to make their move.”


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Right now, we were waiting for the other to attack while keeping our distance.

—But surely Jarvis would not take the initiative to attack.

Although Jarvis’s mana was high-tier, hers couldn’t be compared to mine, who received the Divine Gift that was the Holy Sword.

If she faced me head-on, defeat was inevitable.

However, Jarvis wouldn’t foolishly do so.

I was guessing that she was aiming to dodge my blow and attack me with a powerful counter. I had to get past that counter.

“Phew…” I sighed thinking of how difficult the task was, and then—


Following my short roar, the mana enveloping my body transformed into flames.


“Barrett Albers intends to attack with fire magic!”

“Still, how is he in control of such terrifying magic… it’s almost impossible to believe that he is still a student like us.”

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Blazing flames enveloped the Holy Sword.

Tempestuous cheers erupted from the audience.

—But this was just the opening!

“Here I go, Jarvis!”

“Come, Barrett!”

I turned the flames into arrows and shot them at Jarvis.

Not just one or two, but fifty in total.

Fire arrows rained down on Jarvis from overhead like a torrential downpour.

“D-dodge, Jarvis!”

Due to their sheer numbers, Andrei was unable to give accurate advice.

—But Jarvis didn’t seem to need it, anyway.

“They are a lot… but!”

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Jarvis dodged the raining arrows with her prided speed.


This time, not only the spectators but also the knights watching the match raised their voices.

Well, it was only natural.

There weren’t many knights who could move as fast as her.

…But it sure was a pity, Jarvis.

Your speed was certainly amazing, but there was limited room for movement on this stage.

So… please do forgive me for taking advantage of that!


I stabbed the Holy Sword into the stage.

Right after, flames overflowed from the tip of the sword like hot water, and before long it covered the entire stage.

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“W-what is that?!”

“He can cast magic over such a wide area?!”

“There’s no escaping that!”

That was what I was aiming for.

Setting the entire stage on fire and depriving Jarvis of a room to escape—that was what the flames were for.


Jarvis was taken by surprise and shaken by the heat of the flames, and stopped in place.


“Take this!”

Running through the flames, I struck Jarvis with a critical blow.


It made a direct hit on Jarvis’s body and sent her flying.

And—all of her HP instantly disappeared.

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