[Tayte’s Crisis]

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Mr. Walter led us to the principal’s office.

When we entered…



Jarvis and Andrei were already there waiting for us.

Their faces were cloudy. They must have been briefed about the situation. Eureka was also in the room, sitting on a chair in the back. Her expression was dark, but—what worried me was the fact she was here, alone.

Eureka was here, but Tayte wasn’t.

The fact made me shiver.

“W-what’s going on, Eureka?!”

“L-Lord Barrett?!”

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The moment Eureka caught sight of me, tears immediately filled her eyes and she bowed her head.

“I’m terribly sorry! I should have stayed by the Young Mistress’s side, but… but…”

“C-calm down, Eureka. Take a deep breath and then slowly explain to me what—”

“Let me explain it for you.” Principal Abigail, owner of the office, interjected as I was calming Eureka.

I left Eureka who had broken down in tears to Raul and stood in front of the principal.

“So what’s… going on?”

“…I’ll warn you beforehand, you mustn’t act rashly.”

With that, the principal began to explain the situation.

A large-scale riot broke out in the Anom region where Tayte and her parents had gone to. They were safe because they were at the lord’s mansion they visited, but it was unknown how long that would last. Therefore, Eureka escaped by herself to inform the Academy of the situation and seek help.

“T-Tayte is…”

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I couldn’t stop trembling.

According to Eureka, she was taking refuge in a safe place, but…

“I’m truly sorry, Lord Barrett.”

“…You’ve done nothing wrong, Eureka.”

I reached out to the Holy Sword on my waist.

“Barrett… calm down.”

The principal’s words snapped me out.

I had almost unleashed the Holy Sword’s power and rushed to the Anom region where Tayte was.

I stopped, but… I couldn’t just sit here doing nothing, either.

Everyone else had complicated looks on their faces. They must be feeling the same.

Just then…

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“…It seems he’s come.”

The principal smiled.

Right after, someone knocked on the door and entered the room.

“It’s been a long time, Abigail.”

“Yeah. It really has… Klaus.”

It was the Holy Knight Klaus.

“W-what are you doing here, Sir Klaus?”

“I came to pick you guys up.”

“Pick us up?”

We looked at each other in confusion.

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Seemed like no one understood what he meant.

“I hear that the students here, including my disciple Raul, are all elite. –So, I figure I should ask your help.”

“Huh? You mean…”

“The Knights of the Academy was formed to protect the safety of the students. As we speak, Tayte Ehrenberg, a student of the academy, is in a predicament… you’ve got to do your duty, right?”

…I see.

So that was why he was here.

“Klaus, tell them the details.”

“Okay. Now… where should I begin?”

This was going to be our, the Knights of the Academy’s, first battle.

Tayte must be trembling with fear at the moment, but we were going to save her without fail!

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