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“Hah! Talk about arrogant! We have you completely surrounded. You really think you can defeat us?” The man looking like the leader spat.

At a quick glance, there were around 30 men surrounding us.

Our party consisted of six members, so we had to deal with five men each.

Ordinary people might have fallen into despair at the difference in numbers, but…


Our party members were no ordinary people. None of them showed any sign of fear.

“Get them!”

With that signal, the armed men rushed at us all at once.

The first ones to arrive were—the men on the left!

“Andrei! Jarvis!”

“On it!”

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“Leave it to us.”

Power and speed.

Andrei and Jarvis, specializing in each, took the lead.


Andrei used his brute strength to smash away the approaching men. With just one sweep, the large-bodied men were sent flying, spinning.

“W-what’s the deal with that bastard?!”

“N-no one mentioned there was such a powerful guy among them?!”

He was just as big as the men—no, even bigger, I’d say.

–But he wasn’t the only one there.

“You guys have to more attention to your surroundings, you know?”

Following the rampaging Andrei, Jarvis struck the men from behind them with her sword. Of course, she just incapacitated them.

Meanwhile, other men approached us from the other side.

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Raul and Eureka stepped up and confronted them.

“Here I go…” Raul pulled out the Demon Sword.

In that instant, ominous mana began to fill the air.


“W-what’s going on…?!”

The men flinched at the unique mana emitted by the Demon Sword. The savage looks on their faces disappeared, only to be replaced by fear and anxiety.

…Man, I got where they were coming from.

I’d also had goosebumps when I faced the Demon Sword for the first time.




Eureka took down the frightened men one by one.

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In no time, the enemy’s numbers were cut by half.

“W-what’s wrong with you guys?!”

“Fuckheads! Don’t let yourselves be beaten by some brats!”

“They’re too strong! They ain’t just some brats! We need backups!”

Realizing that we were tougher opponents than they had expected, the enemy called for reinforcements.

–Not that would do them any help.

“How about we join in the battle, Barrett? That will save us some time.”

“…You’re right.”

So, Madeline and I decided to deal with the enemies in front and their reinforcements.

“Sorry I’m not Tayte, but I’m counting on you to watch my back.”

“So am I, Madeline.”

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“You bet. –Well then, let’s go!”

Madeline started sprinting. Following close behind her, I pulled out my Holy Sword and let my mana loose.

“Wow… your massive amount of mana never ceases to impress me… if I had faced you in the tournament, I would probably have surrendered right away.”

Madeline said half-jokingly, but she was being modest.

She was powerful enough herself.

Otherwise, she wouldn’t have given Raul such a tough fight.

Tightening my grip on the Holy Sword, I began to blast the approaching enemies away.

–Dozens of minutes later.

More than 100 men sprawled on the ground around us, with reinforcements that had come one after another making up most of the number.

We, on the other hand, were completely unscathed.

There wasn’t even a scratch.

Thus, the Knights of the Academy off-campus debut battle ended in our major victory.

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