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As the operation to rescue Tayte drew near, we gathered at the place where we had been instructed to wait.

From here we could see the mansion of the lord of the Anom region, which had been taken over by some of the rioters, just as the knights’ reports said. The distance wasn’t that far, and we could perfectly see the lookouts while they couldn’t us.

As there was still time until the operation, I decided to go over the circumstances that led up to this point.

First, the Anom region was ruled by the Haywell House.

It used to be a, bluntly put, weak noble household compared to mine and Tayte’s with neither territory nor influence.

But apparently, there had recently been odd things going on with the Haywell House—or so Jarvis and Madeline told me.

“The Haywells, they… have filled the holes our families left behind.”

“They what?”

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Although it was no longer the case, Jarvis’s Lekrust House and Madeline’s Halman House used to hold large territories and had a strong influence over national affairs.

However, because of their numerous crimes discovered after the academy festival, they had been stripped of their powers. Then it seemed that out of nowhere, the Haywell House swooped in and took over a part of their former territories.

“Do you think your families have anything to do with this incident?”

“Well, nothing is clear yet at this point, but I wouldn’t put it past mine…”

At the possibility that her family might be involved, Madeline had a serious look on her face.

Also, this was something I had heard from Sir Klaus earlier, but apparently, as an apology for not being able to attend the party hosted by the Ehrenbergs, the head of the Haywell House had invited them to come visit his territory, but… then the incident happened.

“What might the rioters’ aim be?”

“Hmm… I can’t even begin to guess. I mean, they haven’t made any particular demands.”

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“Yeah, and that’s what makes this whole thing weird.”

Andrei, Raul, and Eureka were discussing the motives of the people who had caused this incident.

That’s the most puzzling thing about this case.

Their aim was a complete mystery.

A ransom demand to release the nobles… or anything of the sorts thing never reached the knights.

Just what was their aim?

“You got a guess, Barrett?”

Jarvis asked all of a sudden.

“…I haven’t got the slightest idea.”

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It didn’t even happen in the original storyline.

They went out of their way to take nobles hostage but didn’t demand anything. Nevertheless, they seemed so intent on not letting anyone rescue them… their actions were full of mysteries.

Just then, as we were worrying over the matter, an even more worrying thing happened.

It was…


Eureka, who was watching over the mansion, suddenly shouted.

Right as I was about to remind her to be quiet, she pointed at the mansion with shock written all over her face.

When I shifted my gaze over…

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I ended up raising my voice as well, then I hurriedly covered my mouth with my hand.

On the terrace of the second floor of the mansion, there was Tayte.

Everyone else also noticed the emergency and gasped.

Tayte was out on the terrace, but she was looking around restlessly――then the rioters patrolling the garden of the mansion walked right under the terrace. Seeing them, Tayte panicked and hid.

“W-what’s going on?!”

“I have no idea… but it’s clearly an emergency.”

I stood up with my Holy Sword in hand.

We must rescue Tayte before the rioters found her!

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