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Raul, Eureka, and I successfully infiltrated the mansion.

However, if the other rioters noticed that the door guards were gone, it would surely cause a huge uproar.

We must proceed faster yet more carefully.

I weaved my mana cast detection magic throughout the entire mansion.

From the responses it picked up…

“Seems like the hostages have been gathered in the large hall at the end of this corridor. There don’t seem to be any traps too, so that’s one worry off our list.”

All we needed to do now was rush to the hall and rescue the hostages.

“I understand.”

“Lord Barrett.”

“What’s wrong, Raul?”

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“Please leave rescuing the hostages to me and Eureka. You should hurry to Lady Tayte.”

Raul proposed we split up.

“Thanks, I’m counting on you two.”

“We will be sure to suppress all hostiles in the hall as fast as possible.”

“Yeah, be careful.”

If there was a commotion in the hall, the other rioters would surely head there.

They should be able to suppress them in less than a minute—especially with the power of Raul’s Demon Sword. From what I had seen, the enemies stationed in the mansion were rather… lacking, to say the least; maybe because they had sent most of their forces to ambush us yesterday. The reason they had gathered the hostages in one place was likely also because they didn’t have enough men to keep watch on them.

But that wasn’t a reason for us to be careless.

The enemy had that trump card that was the hostages.

We had to subdue them before they used it.

After splitting up with Raul and Eureka, I headed for the terrace where Tayte was.

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Upon arriving upstairs, I found the terrace, but… right at that time, two patrolling rioters happened to be nearby.

This was bad.

Judging from their route, they were heading for the door leading to the terrace.

If they entered… Tayte would be in danger!

I poured my mana into the Holy Sword.

Then I cast ‘Haste’, a body-strengthening spell that enhanced one’s speed to the extreme.

“…Here I go.”

With that mutter, I charged the two rioters from behind them at maximum speed.


Taking the sudden attack, the two rioters instantly collapsed on the spot without even eking out a sound. Of course, I didn’t kill them. I simply knocked them out.

I went on to restrain them with a spell then rushed into the terrace.

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“Tayte, are you okay?”

“?! Barrett?!”

A smile was immediately plastered across Tayte’s tearful face and she rushed over.

“Are you injured?”

“No… I’m fine… I believed that you would definitely come to save me…”

“Isn’t that a matter of course?”

Even if Sir Klaus had stopped me, even if no one had helped me, I still would have charged here to rescue Tayte.

–Of course, that was only a what-if situation. In reality, I was able to get here and reunited with Tayte thanks to everyone’s help.

“Oh, right! Mother and Father are still inside!”

“Don’t you worry.”

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I whispered while stroking Tayte’s silver hair to reassure her.

Right then, from the first floor…




…came screams of men.

Seemed like Raul and Eureka were going on a rampage in there.

The rioters standing guard outside instantly tried to rush into the mansion after hearing the screams, but they were intercepted by Andrei and them, then they were then subdued in no time.

“Looks like the situation is under control now.”

Glad that everything went without a hitch.

Hugging Tayte by her shoulder, I started making my way to the large hall to regroup with Raul and Eureka.

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