[The Second Divine Gift Ceremony]

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The day after the entrance ceremony.

Regular classes would start from this day, so after getting my books and stuff ready, I headed to the classroom with Tayte.

By the way, since classes were divided by attributes, I didn’t have to worry about getting put in a different class from Tayte.

“The new semester starts today.”

“Yeah. But this year, we’re also part of the student council and the Knights of the Academy. We’ve to put it more effort than last year.”

I’d greeted the new students during the entrance ceremony without a problem.

…It had been nerve-wracking. Not to say that I was bad at speaking in front of people, but I couldn’t seem to get used to the atmosphere.

Nevertheless, as the student council president and the leader of the Knights of the Academy, there would be many occasions where I had to make public statements. I must get used to it.

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While I chatted with Tayte, we arrived at the classroom before I knew it, and our classmates greeted us.

“Good morning, Lord Barrett, Lady Tayte!”

“Oh, morning, to both of you.”

The first ones were Raul and Kleine.

Then Cornell, Melia, and our other classmates. As we were having a fun conversation, the bell rang and Mr. Walter entered.

“Morning class! Now that you’ve entered your third year, you might have gotten tired of seeing me, but let’s spend our last year together with enthusiasm!”

Now that I thought about it, the one thing that hadn’t changed in the past three years was Mr. Walter as our homeroom teacher—there was one thing that changed about him, though, and that was, he was now going out with Miss Teixeira.

“Today the second years are going to undergo the Divine Gift Ceremony, so you third years will have a free day!”

Talk about straight.

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…Wait, the Divine Gift Ceremony?

“Hehehe, it’s nostalgic, isn’t it?” Tayte, sitting next to me, quietly said.

“It is…”

Now that I thought about it, that was the beginning of everything.

As an avid reader of the original novel, I’d known that I would receive the Holy Sword, so I hadn’t been surprised, but from the other students’ point of view, it’s an important ceremony that will affect their entire lives. The original Raul had a lot of trouble because he received the Demon Sword.

Speaking of which, Madeline was now a second year. She should participate in the ceremony as well.

It hadn’t been mentioned in the original novel, though.

The student council would have a meeting later in the afternoon, so I should ask what item Madeline received then.

With the holding of the Divine Gift Ceremony, we only had one morning class.

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We were allowed to spend our time freely for the rest of the day.

After having lunch at the student cafeteria, Tayte and I first went to the Horticulture Committee.

Since the former chairman, Hans, had graduated, Melia was appointed as the new chairman.

“Good luck, Melia.”

“Thank you, Tayte.”

Tayte would have been appointed instead if she hadn’t already had her hands full with the student council and the Knights of the Academy.

But Tayte’s love for flowers, Melie told her to show up anytime she was free. Of course, I seconded the idea.

“Thank you, Barrett!”

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A smile spread on Tayte’s face like a flower blooming.

Ahh, this was the reason I lived.

I had to make sure to give her as much as time to come by as possible. I’d best ask the rest of the crew for help.

Done greeting the Horticulture Committee members, we went on to head to the student council room.

We happened upon Madeline on the way, but…

“Ah… hello, Barrett, Tayte…”

She got dead look in her eyes.

She looked worse than Raul did last year.

What in the world did she get…

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