[Hated Hero, Going on a Date with the Childhood Friend-Saintess【Part 1】]

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Astor Academy followed the same exact schedule as the education institutions I went to back in my previous life.

Five days of lecture and practical lessons.

Followed by two days off.

It applied to both students and teachers.

Therefore, tomorrow, basically all school buildings—except the Central Academic Building, where the teachers’ room was and where student extracurricular activities were held—were closed off.

In the wake of the series of berserk incidents, security in the academy was strengthened. Earlier this morning, I had also spotted people clad in the uniforms of the order of knights, seemingly on patrol.

It made it feel like a dangerous air had begun to hang in the academy.

Perhaps the academy had uncovered a new lead.

I, meanwhile, was secretly trying to do some investigations on Mr. Timmons, who was a foe in the original storyline. But as it turned out Mr. Timmons was on a business trip and would only be back after the days off.

Which meant the recent incidents may have not anything to do with him, but… I still couldn’t dispel the uneasiness in my chest.

“Young Master.”

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As I was thinking in my room, Marina, my maid, stood right next to me before I knew it.

“M-my apologies. I didn’t mean to surprise you.”

“I-it’s fine. So, what’s up?”

“Well, I simply would like to remind you it will soon be time for your appointment.”

“Y-yeah, that’s right.”

The appointment she referred to was, of course, the date with Tayte.

The pretext was to buy new pots to be used by the Horticulture Committee, but we were basically going to walk around town just the two of us, hence a date it actually was.

Still, a date, huh…

Well, I had been getting along pretty well with Tayte, if I did say so myself; so long as I didn’t make a blunder, it should go well.

…The only thing that was causing me worry was Barrett’s relationships with other women.

For one thing, I hadn’t yet sorted things out with Melia. Though considering that she was in a close relationship with Klein, I doubted she held any real feelings toward me. But still, I had to properly apologize to her.

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The same went for other women.

They had been forced by (former)Barrett to go out with him. I planned to meet and apologized to them soon.

But if the matter was exposed before the date was over… I couldn’t imagine how Tayte would react.

Just dating such a cute girl was already making me nervous yet on top of that, I had unnecessary stuff to worry about… I supposed I could take this as one of the trials I had to overcome to lead a peaceful life as Barret Albers, the hated Hero.

Ah, I wanted to quickly be free of all these problems, then I could flirt with Tayte without worry…


Our meet-up place was in front of the dormitories’ gate.

Outside a large carriage owned by the Alberses was already waiting. We were going to head to our destination, the royal capital, by riding it.

Incidentally, Rebecca would serve as the coachman.

Still, no matter how much I was looking forward to it, to think I’d end up coming to the meet-up place 40 minutes early… it should still take a while before Tayte cam—

“I-I’m sorry to have kept you waiting!”

As I was watching the scenery seen from the dormitory gate, I heard a voice from behind—it must be Tayte.

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Looking back and—as I’d expected, it was Tayte.

“I-I’d just arrived myself! If anything, this is much earlier than the appointed time.”

“B-but, if so, why were you here already…?”

“Well, I was really looking forward to it, and I found myself here before I knew it.”

“Fufufu, it’s the same for me.” Tayte broke into a smile.

Seeing her smile, my heart stopped for a moment.

Having somehow managed to stop myself from falling down to my knees, I turned my gaze back to her.

There I found the figure of my (future)wife dressed in not her usual uniform, but plain clothes.

Barrett was fairly up-to-date with the fashion trends in this world, but he only fancied items worn by the upper class, or ‘name-brand’ if I went by the term in my old world.

But the outfit Tayte wore wasn’t a name-brand product. It was a one-piece dress usually worn by commoners, and it looked really great on her.

…It gave me the realization that the one wearing the clothes was more important than their brand.

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“Those clothes look great on you. You look so cute.”

“Cute?! T-thank you for the praise! Y-you also look wonderful, Barrett!” Tayte bowed her head over and over again. I didn’t expect her to praise me out of the blue, so I couldn’t help but scratch my cheek in embarrassment.

“This dress… is my favorite. I received it from my mother.”

“So it’s from Lady Lilia.”

“She remade her old clothes herself and gave them to me for my personal use.”

“Lady Lilia remade them herself? That’s amazing!”

Perhaps the former Barrett would have dismissed it by calling it: “Shabby.”

In the original storyline, he valued things based on their brand, after all.

…Though to be fair, it was likely a rare case in other noble houses, too. For the wife of the head of the house to do needlework herself, I mean.

“O-okay then, let’s get going, shall we? –Here.”

“Huh? Ah… yes ♪.”

I held out my arm, and Tayte entwined hers with mine. It caused embarrassment for both of us, and we ended up breaking into smiles.

Now, as a man, I had to make sure to escort Tayte properly.

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