[Hated Hero, Challenging Practical]

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Two weeks had passed since I was reincarnated as the hated Hero Barrett.

No particular incident had occurred since.

Raul and Rick—the two students who had caused the berserk incidents had returned to normal school life. The teachers apparently had summoned the two on multiple occasions to inquire about the incidents, but they had yet to uncover the cause of their going berserk.

I had had my three maids conduct an investigation on Mr. Timmons as well, but they had yet to find any incriminating evidence.

Thus, the truth of the berserk incidents was still veiled in mystery.

“Hmm… is Mr. Timmons actually not involved in this these incidents?”

“He is quite good at covering his tracks. But it is certain that he is doing something behind the scenes,” Marina commented to my remark.

“So, the question is whether or not that’s under the instructions from the academy, huh.”

If by chance the academy had secretly requested Mr. Timmons to investigate something, even if I made a direct inquiry to the academy, I wouldn’t receive a clear answer.

As long as there was no proof that Timmons in the original storyline and Mr. Timmons from the academy were the same person, we must continue the investigation on him.

――Let’s put that aside for now and talk about my relationship with Tayte. We had been going along… well, to say the least.

As proof, she invited me to visit the Ehrenbergs mansion on the next day off.

However, I was worried that this would put tremendous pressure on her family. After all, while both of our families were nobles, there was a major disparity in our ranks. But Tayte had assured me: “You don’t have to worry about it,” relieving a bit of my worry…


The following day.

We were having a magic practical for the first time in a long while.

This time I was allowed to use the Holy Sword, though it was prohibited to actually use it for physical attacks. After all, it was a magic practical. We had to use magic to attack and defend.

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“Alright! Let’s do this!”

I was bursting with energy.

It was partly because I had made good progress in my control of the Holy Sword these days. As a matter of fact, I had improved to the point where I was able to receive approval from Ms. Teixeira.

It was difficult to get the hang of in the beginning, but once I did, it was smooth sailing. I’d become so familiar with the Holy Sword that it felt like a part of my body.

“Please do your best, Barrett!” Tayte cheered on me as I was checking my condition.

Now, my victory was nothing but certain.

“Both parties, to the front!”

At Mr. Walter’s signal, I stepped forward.

It was a joint class with another element class, and I was up against a student whom I usually didn’t come into much contact with.

““Let’s have a good match!””

Facing each other, we bowed.

The name of my opponent was Thomas.

He had tanned skin and orange hair. In the school ranking of the same element, he already marked his name among the top ranks despite him being still a second-year; a very talented guy.

Incidentally, when it came to the light element, my ranking was 8th, and the 1st rank was firmly held by my sister, Reina.


The practical started, and at the same instant…


…flames wrapped the body of the enthusiastic Thomas.

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The flames gradually changed shape, eventually taking the form of a giant snake.


Cheers arose from both classes.

I expected no less from a high-ranker.

Even among senior students, it was rare to find someone capable of controlling the fire element with such finesse.

“I can go all out, right? Barrett Albers.”

“But of course.”

The former Barrett would have approached the opponent beforehand and forced them to hold back—no, to lose on purpose.

But the now Barrett was no longer the old Barrett.

And Thomas probably knew that as well.

“Here I come!!!!” The giant snake made of flames manifested by Thomas headed straight toward me.

What a superb skill.

It must have taken him a considerable amount of training.

――However, the Holy Sword and I wouldn’t lose.

Facing the straightforwardly incoming magic, I welcomed it straightforwardly in kind.

With a swing of the Holy Sword, a shield of light appeared before me.

The moment the snake made of flames collided with the shield of light—a strong shockwave was sent to the surroundings.


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Thomas and I somehow managed to hold our grounds.

The dust cloud caused by the shockwave covered both of our visions.

Where’s he going to come from… I sharpened my nerves and concentrated my mana in the Holy Sword, waiting for my opponent to come close. But then…


…Mr. Walter gave the signal to end.

As I was wondering why did he stop the match, the dust cloud gradually cleared up, and—the sight of Thomas raising his hands came into view.

“You repelled my strongest attack… I have no chance to win.”


“Not to mention, you—haven’t used your full power, have you?”

…He caught me, huh.

Having admitted his defeat, Thomas slowly walked my way.

“I suppose this is no surprise. You’re as strong as the rumor says. The only thing different from the rumor is the behavior you displayed during the fight.”

With a laugh, Thomas offered his hand.

I firmly grabbed it back with a smile.

“I will improve my skills and challenge you another time,” Thomas said.

“And I will accept it anytime,” I replied.

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After that, we bowed to each other and made our way back to our respective classes when those in the surroundings broke into applause.

Applause to praise our good match—I wondered if I could take it that others’ opinion of me was on the rise.

“You did it, Barrett!”

When I returned, Tayte immediately came up to me.

“Thanks, Tayte.”

“You were really cool!”

“Hearing your praises always makes me happy. Can I expect another reward?”

“Yes♪. Look forward to it♪.”

Good, good.

Now my happiness multiplied.

“Ah! It seems like Cornell will be up next!”

“We’ve got to cheer her up, then—oh, shoot. I forgot my towel. I’m going to go grab in a jiffy.”

“All right.” Tayte nodded.

After giving notice to Mr. Walter, I headed back to the school building to grab my towel.

“Oh? There it is.”

With the towel in hand, I made my way back to the training ground while wiping my face, but…

“Lord Barrett.”

…a strange middle-aged man stood blocking my path on the way.

Who? I wondered at first… but wasn’t this guy—

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