[The First Dinner]

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The night at the Ehrenberg House was filled with merry.

Lady Lilia, Tayte’s mother, was able to join us for dinner, too.

Although she was feeling unwell from the morning, she had apparently been watching me and Tayte getting along with each other in the garden from the window of her room, and it had made her body brimming with strength: “I can’t stay like this!” so she explained. It appeared that our flirting had the power to improve even Lady Lilia’s physical condition.

“Still, I really am glad you’re getting along so well now,” Lady Lilia said with a gentle smile.

“Y-yes, My Lady, so am I…” I stuttered.

“Lilia, are you sure you’re fine? You see… to have more appetite than usual,” Lord Alonso said with a slight worry in his voice.

“Yes. I’m not sure why, but… seeing them makes me feel like I can eat to my heart’s content,” Lady Lilia nodded energetically.

Maybe that proved just how happy she was. Where she usually ate only a half piece of bread, she had already eaten three. Her skin was glossy, and her complexion was bright.

Tayte appeared to be relieved seeing her mother’s energetic appearance, too.

After the meal, Tayte headed to another room with Lady Lilia and her servants—including Marina and the others—to pick a dress she would be wearing to the ball tomorrow.

Leaving me and… Lord Alonso alone.


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…It was super awkward.

I-I had to think up a topic of conversation… but what was I supposed to talk about with my father-in-law in this situation?


“Y-yes?!” Getting called out of nowhere, I answered, my voice cracked. “W-what may the problem…?”

“You… are investigating Raul Lorenz’s case, aren’t you?”

“! H-how did you—”

I was wondering how Lord Alonso knew, but the mystery melted away a moment later. Lord Alonso was a board member of the academy and often attended its meetings. He must have heard of what I was doing from that person.

That person was, yes—Ms. Teixeira, no doubt.

Surely, she didn’t simply mention “Barrett is interested in this incident,” in the passing. That suggested something.

…It was—

“Let me share with you everything we have found out regarding the incidents so far.”

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I knew it.

Personally, I was excited at the prospect of getting a clue about the guy who was trying to throw mud at Raul. The original Protagonist Raul—I knew all about his sad background, so I wanted him to play an active role like in the original storyline.

But of course, I must have his flag with Tayte be broken.

Because I would make Tayte happy by myself.

Whoops, getting a little excited there.

Let’s return to the main subject.

“So… what have you found out?”

“Hm. Our investigation has—”

I held my breath, waiting for Lord Alonso’s words.

“—not turned up anything so far.”


“…Are you okay?” Lord Alonso asked me.

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“Y-yes—wait, you’ve found nothing?!”

A long time had passed since the incidents, and they still hadn’t found any leads?!

“Well, accurately speaking, we haven’t found conclusive evidence.”

“Conclusive evidence…”

…I see.

That meant they already had a suspect in mind.

Just that, they were treating them as ‘innocent until proven guilty’.

“The academy board sees this as a systematic crime. And from the methods that have been used so far—”

“The culprit must be an insider.”

“! …That’s correct. Have you expected it?”

“Well, I was doing my own investigation, too.”

Though my three maids were the ones who actually did the investigation.

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However, to think not only Marina and the others, but also the academy teachers were unable to find any leads… it was safe to assume that the culprit was an expert at hiding his tracks.

…And, one more thing.

“…Lord Alonso.”

“What is it?”

“Why are you giving me this information?”

The information Ms. Teixeira had refused to disclose to me. If she truly had meant to provide me with the information through Lord Alonso, what could her true objective be?

After a while, Lord Alonso spoke, “Before I answer your question—let me ask you something.”

“What may it be?”

“Why are you so interested in Raul Lorenz’s case?”

Because if Raul exerted his original power and wielded the Demon Sword, he would grow into an indispensable force for the kingdom—but I had one other reason. Though more accurately, this was my real reason.

“For my beloved Tayte.”

I stated loud and clear.

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