[Hated Hero, Getting Ready for the Ball]

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“Oh? Is Miss Tayte not with you? Your intimacy has been the hot topic at the academy these days, so I thought today you two would return together while flaunting how close you are to us who are still single.”


Jarvis spoke fluently and without hesitation.

—Jarvis Lekrust.

The only son of the House of Lekrust.

He was well-behaved and had excellent grades.

Paired with his androgynous features, he was very popular with girls, but that didn’t mean that he was hated by boys; instead, many had a favorable impression of him.

I wondered why he would accept (former)Barrett’s invitation to join his party after graduating from the academy, and start doing evil things after the fact.

Did (former)Barrett lead him astray?

…No, I’d secretly marked Jarvis as the highest priority target, and from the result of the investigation so far, I thought I now had a good grasp of his personality. I believed he wasn’t the type of person who’d walk the path of evil just because someone tempt him or something.

Moreover, I’d asked the maids to extend their investigation to the House of Lekrust, but the result was there was no indication that the House of Lekrust was moving behind the scenes.

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I was honestly disappointed, as I’d also assumed that the House of Lekrust might be the mastermind behind Raul’s berserk incident.

Well, it was possible that the House of Lekrust was simply too good at hiding its tracks and was actually doing dirty work behind the scenes, but… then again, if that was the case, the academy’s teachers would have noticed.

“What’s wrong?”

“Ah, no, it’s nothing.”

“Are you sure? Then, I’ll excuse myself.”

With that, Jarvis left with a refreshing smile.

Almost immediately, a girl called out to him and they started talking.

…Yeah, I admit I’d got him wrong this whole time, there was no way Jarvis was inherently a wicked guy who’d do much evil.

Something—something must have happened in the original storyline to cause him so.

Jarvis… and also Raul. If I could make them fully demonstrate their true power, there’d be no companions more reliable than them. If an event were to occur that would change Jarvis into a completely different person than he was now, I would do everything in my power to prevent it.

However… what could it possibly be?

As I was thinking, a boy came up to me.

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“Lord Barrett!”

It was the Protagonist Raul.

“Raul? What’s up?”

“Today I will be serving as your personal attendant. I’ll be in your care, My Lord.”

“Personal attendant? –Ah.”

Now I remembered.

At the ball, the nobles and commoners were given different roles.

The nobles were the main characters, whereas the commoners were to act as an attendant to the nobles they were partnered up with. Though on the surface it was advocated that the arrangement was only for play, and it was more meant to promote interaction between nobles and commoners. Nonetheless, to think they would nonchalantly make a display of the difference in social class here as well…

I supposed it may be normal in this world, but for someone with memories from their previous life like me, I couldn’t help but find it discomforting.

…Anyway, I got a more pressing problem.

“As Lord Barrett’s partner, I, Raul Lorenz, will do my best so as not to embarrass you!!”

Something… was weird about Raul.

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Did something happen during the day off yesterday?

“Uhh… W-well, keep it in moderation, okay?”

He sure was in high spirits.

It felt similar to when a dog got attached to you.

“F-for now, I’ll to go back to my room and join my maids for a fit session, so… I’ll catch you later.”


Did someone inject him with something strange or something…?

Well, I guessed this was better than if he was to hate me.

After parting with Raul, I returned to my room in the dormitory.

In the room, the maids already had clothes for me to choose prepared.

Tayte put so much thought into choosing her dress. As I’d be standing by her side, I wanted to be well dressed as well. I’d conveyed that wish of mine to the maids before we’d gone to visit the House of Ehrenberg, and they had replied with “With pleasure!”.

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“Hmm… I’m not sure which one to pick.”

“In that case, how about this one?”

Marina presented a black suit-like outfit.

A plain choice.

However, as evident during the production shown at the Divine Gift Ceremony, Barrett had been too flashy until now, so this may actually be a good choice.

“Let’s go with that.”

“Understood. Now then, we will help you get changed.”


“It was just a joke,” Marina said with a chuckle.

The other two maids also seemed to be holding back their laughter.

…They were… just messing with me, huh?

Dismissing the maids into the hallway, I began to get changed by myself.

After wearing this, I’d go to the ball with Tayte… I couldn’t wait for it.

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