[A Moment in the Morning]

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The day after the ball, school resumed as usual.

The shocking fact that Jarvis was actually a girl had worried me so much that I almost forgot about it, but a comparably worrying threat had appeared at yesterday’s ball.

Yes—it was the synthetic monster.

Many appeared to view it as a naturally born mutant species, but… I beg to differ.

I may be feeling this way because I’d confronted it directly—but I believed that the monster was created by human hands.

The question was, who created the monster and why did they set it loose in the academy?

It was nigh impossible to smuggle in something that big from the outside unnoticed. With that being the case, it was only reasonable to think that an insider was secretly conducting research somewhere here in Academy Homeville.

But to create such a big monster would likely require an equally big research facility.

Now, was it really possible to create a large facility to conduct such an experiment without anyone’s knowledge here?

“Young Master, is there something on your mind?”

As I was in deep thought, Marina called out to me.

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Oh, right.

I was in the middle of getting dressed for school.

It appeared that I was concentrating on thinking so much that my hands stopped moving, causing her to worry.

“If it’s about the monster from yesterday, please rest your mind for we will be looking into it as well.”


That was Marina for you. She knew me well. Out of the three maids, I’d known her the longest, so perhaps it was only natural.

“…Um, Young Master. May I ask you something?”

“What’s the matter?”

Marina asked timidly, kind of unusual of her.

“It’s regarding Lord Jarvis’s visit last night.”


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That bothered her, huh.

Well, she must have thought it was strange that I’d asked her and the other two to get out of the room out of nowhere.

I’d promised Jarvis to keep the fact that she was a girl a secret. For now, I should just make up an excuse. Also, I had to keep in mind to ask Jarvis why she was pretending to be a boy when the opportunity came. If there was anything I could do to help her, I’d love to.

“Well, about that—”

“Have you two been in a relationship for a long time?”


She posed a very misunderstandable question with a very serious look on her face.

Or had the misunderstanding gone too far already?

Marina’s face was looking slightly pale.

“Of course, I don’t mean to say that I’m against Young Master’s inclination. I love it, in fact. But that’s beside the point. If, if you’re seriously thinking about having a future with Lord Jarvis… what… will be of Lady Tayte…?”

…She nonchalantly revealed her inclination just now, didn’t she?

Wait, more importantly—

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“You’ve got it wrong! Jarvis was just asking me for advice! Except for Tayte, I have no eyes for any other—ah, I mean, my point is that I only like Tayte!”

I’d almost said ‘any other girl’.

That would make it sound like Jarvis, whom I was meeting yesterday, was a girl. Though that was the truth.

However, I’d ended up unintentionally blurting out “I only like Tayte,” even though it was only to deceive Marina. It caused her to look at me with a very amused grin.

But anyway, thus I continued my desperate attempt to clear up Marina’s misunderstanding.

…Or rather, Marina was actually a fujoshi, huh.

As a result of my convincing—

“I see.” Marina regained her composure, seemingly having accepted that I only like Tayte… but was it just me, or did she really look slightly regretful?

To begin with, I had no intention to do anything that would make Tayte sad.

Even if, just for argument’s sake, Jarvis had tried to seduce me to keep me silent, I would have refused and vowed not to tell anyone, anyway.

More importantly—

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“Information regarding the synthetic monster… I leave gathering it to you.”


Evil hands were creeping into the academy.

There was a high possibility that the mastermind behind this incident was also involved in Raul’s berserk incident.

Until this issue was resolved, I wouldn’t be able to have a peaceful school life with Tayte.

“Young Master~, Lady Tayte has arrived-meow~.”

Priim’s voice came from outside the room.

So much time had passed as I was considering various matters, huh.

“Alright, I’m off.”

“Have a nice day.”

Being sent off my Marina, I left the room.

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