[Hated Hero and the Maid’s (Attempted)Scheme]

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As usual, after having dinner in the dormitory cafeteria, we finished our homework while having tea in the lounge, and then we chatted until the lights out.

“Come to think of it, it seems there is going to be a swimming class soon.”

“Swimming class?”

“Ah, I mean the water element magic practical. Since there will be some students who can’t completely control their magic yet, we’ll have to wear swimwear so it’s okay even if we get wet, right?”

“Ah, y-yes, t-that’s right.”

The moment I brought up the topic of swimwear, Tayte started fidgeting.



“What kind of swimwear did you bring from home?”

“—?! W-what kind…?! W-well…”

As expected, it seemed she found it hard to answer.

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“Hahaha, you don’t have to be shy, Tayte. You have a great figure. I’m sure you’ll look amazing in any swimwear. I, for one, can’t wait to see it.”

“T-that’s… but the class will be held separately according to gender.”


It felt like I’d been plunged into the abyss of despair in a blink of an eye.

How can that be… in that case, I won’t be able to worship Tayte in swimwear!

“U-um, Barrett…”


“I-if you don’t mind… may I ask you to have a look at my swimwear before class?”

“! O-of course! In fact, please do!!”

There was no way I’d refuse when she was asking with such a bright red face.

Or rather, it must be Tayte’s way to console me seeing me getting down from being unable to see her in swimwear.

As I was elated that I’d get to see Tayte in her swimwear anyway…

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“Young Master Barrett, it will soon be time for the lights to be out.”

“I-it’s already that late?!”

Rebecca had been coming over to pick us up when it was almost lights out.

Still… it’s so strange.

When I was talking with Tayte, I felt that time passed extremely fast.

Calm and precious time.

I supposed it was as they said: the more fun you have, the faster time passes.

After escorting Tayte to the front of the women’s dormitory, Rebecca and I returned to the men’s dormitory.

Though it was called a men’s dormitory, it housed many sons of nobility who also brought their maids as I did, so strictly speaking, it wasn’t completely a men-only space. In fact, the men’s dormitory apparently had rooms where only maids could enter to relax and have fun.

Once we were back in my room, I told Rebecca about my plan for the summer break.

“You wanted to have Lady Tayte over to the villa…?”

“Yeah. To the one by the large lake not too far from here.”

“You mean Risten villa?”

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“Yeah! That one!”

The Albers had eight vacation homes across the kingdom. Among all of them, Risten villa had the most beautiful scenery—in other words, it was the most suitable place for a man and woman to spend time together. In the original storyline, Reina and Mr. Abel were supposed to get married there, too.

If I wanted to spend time with Tayte, it was the perfect place.

“I think it is a good idea. Lady Tayte was surely elated when you invited her, wasn’t she?”

“Yeah. She was really looking forward to it.”

“In that case, we have to get ready.”

“Right. Wait, get ready?”

Get what ready…?

“Ah, I’ve got it. It hasn’t been used for a while, so it has to be cleaned—is what you mean, right?”

“There are excellent servants in the villa, and they should be keeping it clean at all times.”

“Huh? T-then, what are you going to get ready…?”

“Well…” Rebecca grinned suspiciously.

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Seriously… what was it?

I was getting really nervous here.

“Young man and woman spend their vacation under one roof. That calls for careful preparations.”

“What are you up to, really?!”

No matter how you looked at it, she was clearly planning something inappropriate to show to kids.

It was too early for me and Tayte to do that… I mean we were both still 13-year-old.

“In any case, just keep everything as usual. The villa has nice scenery and a large garden that other villas don’t have. Contact the maids there and tell them to pay extra attention to the garden.”


She was obviously dissatisfied, but that was alright.

—Okay, everything was ready.

All that I had left to do now was to pass the regular exams before the vacation.

I hoped no major trouble would occur until then.

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