[Hated Hero, Pitching in and Helping]

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I’d come up with a plan to save Jarvis from the crisis she was facing.

To be honest, I thought it’d be best if she could skip the class altogether using some excuse, but this practical was compulsory for those who met the criteria. In other words, if she didn’t get a passing mark, she wouldn’t be able to advance to the next grade, and in the worst case, she may get expelled from the academy.

No matter how small—I mean, how modest her breasts were, there was no way she could be in front of a large group of boys without a top on, her figure would give her away.

Jarvis wasn’t pretending as a boy because she wanted to be one, but because she was forced by personal circumstances… she had yet to divulge them to me, but judging how shy she was when I’d seen her naked in the public bath, she was surely still a girl at heart.

I hadn’t asked what sort of circumstances compelled her to dress as a boy, but she was so desperate to keep the secret. She must be resolved to see it through to the end.

As my fellow party member-to-be, I’d like to do everything I could to help Jarvis. As such, now that I’d gotten her consent, I’d be letting Tayte in on the secret; that would open up more options to support her.

…Whoops, it appeared that the boys had finished changing while I was immersed in my thought.

Once I was done changing into my swimwear, I called Jarvis over and had her get changed.

“Let’s go, the others have gone.”

“Thank you, Barrett. I appreciate it.”

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Carrying her swimwear, Jarvis hurriedly entered the changing room.

…Still, what should we do if her chest grew dramatically bigger in the future? No, even if it was just a little bigger, people would definitely catch on. She was still thirteen—which meant she was still in her growth period, so we couldn’t rule out the possibility.

As I was thinking…

“Huh? Lord Barrett?”


…a boy came back to the changing room.

Wait, it was… Raul?!

“What are you doing here? The class will start soon, you know?”

“W-well… I’ll be there in a minute.”

“I’ve never seen the teacher before, but he seems to be a pretty scary person, you know? Please make sure not to be late.”

“G-got it. Thanks for the heads up.”

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Now I could have a fairly casual conversation with Raul, too—wait, this wasn’t the time to be thinking about such stuff!

“S-so what brings you here, Raul?”

“Oh, right! I forgot something in the changing room, can you let me in?”

“Well, uh…”

Raul asked as I was blocking the door to the changing room.

This was bad.

I had to at least let Jarvis know the situation.

“I-I see! So, you came back to the changing room to pick up something, Raul!!”

“? Yes, I just said so.” Raul tilted his head in wonder… All I could do now was to pray that Jarvis had heard my scream.

“A-alright, I’m gonna open the door for you! I’m opening it now!”

“Who are you saying that to…?”

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As expected, even Raul seemed to have begun to feel suspicious.

…I couldn’t stall any longer.

Please, Jarvis!

I opened the changing room dorm determinedly.

And there—was no sign of Jarvis.

“Oh, there it is! Geez, how could I forget to bring the Demon Sword when we would be having magic practical… I was so clumsy, even if I do say so myself.”

“I-is that so? Then, you’d better pay more attention from now on.”

“Yes! Now, shall we go?”

“S-sorry, but please go ahead. Also, please tell the teacher that I will be a little late.”

“It’s fine with me, but… what’s the matter?”

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“I-I’m feeling a little sick to my stomach.”

There’s no way anyone would buy that—or so I thought, but the pure Raul got seriously worried about me: “R-really?! Please don’t push yourself” and even offered: “Would you like me to take you to the infirmary?” to which I politely declined.

Raul kept worrying about me until I finally convinced him to leave the changing room… I felt bad for some reason.

“The coast’s clear now, Jarvis.”

I’d make it up to Raul later, but what mattered now was Jarvis.

After I called out to her, Jarvis came out from a nearby locker. She was hiding there, huh—hang on…

“Sorry, Barrett… I’m always troubling you.”

…Jarvis bowed her head apologetically, but… she must have been really flustered. She’d forgotten to wrap the towel around her body—she was just holding it in front of her chest with her hands. If she let her guard down a little, I may get a peek at her private parts.

“…It’s fine, I’ll be outside if you need anything.”

“Y-yes, I’ll get changed right away.”

I left the changing room, trying my best not to look at Jarvis.

Immediately after, she must have noticed her appearance, I heard Jarvis’s small scream from inside: “Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!”

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