[Hated Hero, Taking Down the Monster]

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I took a walk along the deserted beach with Tayte and Jarvis.

I was sure that normally this place was crowded with people coming to enjoy their vacation, but now no one else was around as far as the eye could see… it must be a big blow to the tourism industry.

“Wonder why the monster hasn’t appeared yet,” I muttered.

“They say it attacks people, but it’s so peaceful here. It’s unimaginable that there’s an aggressive monster lurking in the area,” said Jarvis.

“Unimaginable, indeed…” Tayte nodded in agreement.

As we continued to walk, the sand under our feet was replaced by small pebbles, and it became a little difficult to walk.


“Whoa there.”

Tayte lost her balance, and I caught her.

…Was it because it clung to the skin? Hugging Tayte in a swimsuit felt different from when she was in normal clothes.

“I-I’m sorry…”

“Ah, n-never mind. As long as you’re not injured.”

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As we stared at each other, Jarvis intentionally cleared her throat as if to remind us of her presence.

Well, it couldn’t be helped, I guess.

Watching other people flirting right in front of you… no one would feel good about that.

Afterward, we tried to check around the area, but we still couldn’t find anything strange.

In the end, we could only wrap up our investigation without anything to show for it.

“…How strange.”

I couldn’t sense any monster in the sea, either.

That being said, there were eyewitness reports, and it had supposedly caused great damage, so it must be hiding somewhere…

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Just as we were going to head to the designated meet-up place with Mr. Walter, however…


…a female’s scream reverberated across the beach.

“Barrett!” Jarvis shouted toward me, face serious.

“Yeah, I know! Let’s go, Tayte!”

“Yes!” Tayte gave a nod.

The three of us hurriedly ran in the direction where the scream was coming from.

Behind large rocks, we found a lone woman. The woman—or more accurately, the girl, who appeared to be the same age as us, had a huge squid leg extending from the sea wrapped around her leg. It seemed to be trying to drag her into the sea.

“Let’s help her!”

I immediately infused my mana into the Holy Sword.

Mana of wind element.

When I swung the Holy Sword, a gust of wind transformed into blades that tore the squid leg into shreds—but its main body was still underwater. As long as it was still alive, we couldn’t say that our job was done.

“Jarvis, please support me! Tayte protect that girl!”

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“Leave it to me!”


After giving the two instructions, I dove into the sea.

The water was very clear so the visibility was good, but it was deeper than I’d expected.

A giant squid with a length of 20 meters caught my eye.

It was a Kraken.

A ferocious high-level monster that attacked humans.

—But, hang on a second.

Krakens normally attacked ships that drifted offshore. I’d never heard of one being sighted so close to a town.

It seemed that… there really was more to this part-time job than met the eye.

I had to report this to Mr. Walter, but before that, let’s take down this guy to prevent it from spreading more damage.

Time to test the results of all that water magic practical.

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I converted my mana infused in the Holy Sword into water.

Just like in the practical, I used the mana to transform the water into the shape of a dragon and sent it to rush toward the Kraken. The water dragon bit the body (or head?) of the Kraken before shooting upward, dragging the Kraken with it, to the surface of the sea.

The Kraken’s gigantic body emerged from the sea and soared through the air.

Before long, it was washed up ashore on the deserted beach, and after a bout of struggle, it stopped moving,

“Phew… I guess that is it.”

I muttered while looking at the limp Kraken nearby after swimming back to the beach.

“Impressive as usual.”

Jarvis came to my side and said so while shrugging her shoulders.

“That water dragon is impractical in normal battles, though.”

“But what it lacks in practicality, it more than enough makes up in power. Jeez, I didn’t even get a turn to give support.”

After a fist bump for a successful subjugation, we hurried to Tayte’s side.

The only problem left was the attacked girl… was she okay?

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