[Hated Hero, Burning with a Sense of Rivalry Against the Protagonist]

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“Raul?! Mr. Klaus?!”

Tayte and I ran up to the terribly worn-out duo.

“What happened to you?!”

“Barrett… it would be a long story, but to summarize…”

“To summarize?”

Upon seeing Holy Knight Klaus’s solemn face, I couldn’t help but nervously swallowed my saliva.

“We got lost halfway through our training journey.”


The reason was far simpler than I imagined.

Having been lost in the wilderness, the two appeared quite famished, so Tayte and I handed them the sandwiches we brought with us to eat on the way in case we got hungry.

“I apologize, Lord Barrett… for interrupting your date with Lady Tayte…” Raul said apologetically.

“Well, don’t worry about it. As long as you’re safe.”

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If the worst happened, I might have had to hear the news of the Protagonist’s death at the start of the new semester. I was just glad that I was able to prevent that.

“Yeah, sorry about this, really.”

“A-as I said, you don’t have to worry about it, Mr. Klaus. We were just about to head back for lunch, anyway.”

“I don’t mean this as an apology, but let me tell you about a great spot we found on our way here. It’s deep in the bushes over there. It’s difficult to see from the surroundings, and the sound of the flow of a nearby streamlet should drown out your voices somewhat. No one will be able to tell whatever you do there.”

“Please don’t lead me on to do weird stuff!”

“I’m just joking.”

What a nasty joke…

Luckily, seeing how she was tilting her head, Tayte didn’t seem to get what we were talking about.

“W-well, that aside… how is the training coming along?”

“Pretty good. You took the Kraken subjugation quest, I hear? Well, similarly, we’ve been taking on monster subjugation quests ourselves.”

“Is that so? What kind of monsters have you subjugated?” Tayte was interested in the duo’s quests, apparently.

——That reminded me, it also happened in the original storyline.

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The training journey of Holy Knight Klaus and Raul, I mean.

And Tayte came along with them.

Raul and Tayte got closer after the ball, but through this training journey, the two became even closer. It was one of the most popular episodes in the web novel. In order to save Raul from a crisis, Tayte even—


No, let’s stop.

Continuing that train of thought would only piss me off.

There was no way the current Raul would do that, but…

“? Is there something on my face, Lord Barrett?”

“No, never mind.”

When I unknowingly stared at him, Raul looked back at me with a look of puzzlement.

…Well, it was likely just a needless worry, but I should keep it in mind, just in case.

I’ll never hand Tayte over to you, Raul.

I’m going to make her happy by myself!

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――With the time for lunch fast approaching, Tayte and I decided to take the duo back with us, and then we headed to where Marina and the others were.

Still… we ended up cutting our date short.

I had to make up for this during this summer vacation.


When we arrived, we found that Marina and the others were preparing lunch.

“Welcome back—oh my? You are…”

Marina, who was busily moving around, turned around sensing our approach, and was surprised to find Mr. Klaus and Raul accompanying us. Whereas Rebecca, who was similarly making lunch, became panicked seeing the sudden visitors.

Well, one of them was the Holy Knight.

It was no wonder she’d react that way.

“Mm? Where’s Priim and Eureka?”

“They went to collect firewood to make a fire.”

“Is that so? Err, we suddenly got more people, but…”

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“If it’s the amount of food you’re worried about, please rest your mind. We have brought more than plenty,” Rebecca proudly answered.


How reliable.

At that moment, the two who had been away to collect firewood returned.

“Young Master? You returned pretty early-meow.”

“Well, something came up.”

As Priim and I were talking, Eureka showed up from behind Priim—when…


…Raul’s expression completely changed upon seeing her… but so did Eureka’s.




Did they know each other?

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