[Hated Hero and the Holy Knight]

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Eureka began to go berserk.

Then Raul came as if he had been waiting for it.

His timing was too perfect for it to be a coincidence. Was this the thing they called hero time?

“You guys step back.”

Raul tried to get closer to Eureka to stop her, but Holy Knight Klaus, in front of him, extended his arm horizontally, blocking him and telling us to draw back


“Calm down, Raul. Leave her to me.”


“I know you want to help Eureka, but you’re still not strong enough to deal with her in a berserk state.”

As expected of someone with the title of Holy Knight.

He was completely composed even in the face of the berserk Eureka.

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—But Raul sure seemed quite desperate to save Eureka.

He ended up being stopped by Mr. Klaus, but if Mr. Klaus hadn’t done that, he would have surely risked himself to stop Eureka.

It seemed that he and Eureka weren’t just mere acquaintances.

Even now, he was worriedly staring at the berserk Eureka who was glaring at Mr. Klaus.

“Alright, Miss Eureka… I’ll help you right away.”

Mr. Klaus took out something from his pocket.

It was a small bottle containing a transparent liquid.

It wasn’t just… plain old water, wasn’t it?

“Gaa!” Eureka lunged at Mr. Klaus, who dodged her by a hair’s breadth. He then provoked her by wiggling his index finger at her as though telling her to come at him. Enraged, Eureka lunged at him again, but Mr. Klaus, having seen her speed earlier, counterattacked.

That said, the counterattack wasn’t big enough to inflict a fatal injury, he just gave her a light nudge after sidestepping from her way.


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Eureka lost her balance and fell over to the ground.

But of course, that wasn’t enough to subdue her. Almost immediately she tried to stand up, but in a quick, fluid motion, Mr. Klaus got on top of Eureka, thrust the small bottle into her half-open mouth, and forced her to drink the liquid inside.


In an instant, Eureka began to writhe.

Could that be poison?

…Nah, there was no way he would use such methods.

As I pondered the identity of the water, Eureka stopped moving completely. When I cautiously approached her, I found that her face had returned to normal and that she had fainted.

“Looks like the holy water is working,” said Mr. Klaus as he brushed off the dust on his knees.

“Holy water?”

“That’s right. The principal asked me to try it, see. Holy water was one of the things they used to nurse back to health the students who had gone berserk. I was asked to try it on Raul in case he went berserk again, and well since we were going on a training journey, I decided I might as well accept it.”

“I-I see.”

Apparently, Eureka’s returning back to normal was thanks to the effect of the holy water.

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“If we had left her alone, she would have probably returned back to normal on her own, as was the case with Raul, but… according to Ms. Teixeira’s research, that may not apply to everyone.”

“Y-you mean…”

“Some afflicted by this berserk illness may stay berserk no matter how long we leave them alone. Luckily, Raul and the other student had quickly regained their senses.”

I see.

Well, if that was true, it wasn’t surprising that the academy kept a tight lid on the result of the research. Even my three maids failed to get a clue about it.

Raul and Jarvis approached the unconscious Eureka.

On the other hand, I walked over to the trembling Tayte. It seemed that she was shocked by Eureka’s transformation.

“Are you okay, Tayte?”


Seeing Eureka whom she was getting along well with becoming like that must have terribly shaken her.

I gently embraced Tayte.

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“Have you calmed down now?”

“……Yes.” Tayte finally stopped trembling.

After confirming that, I went to Mr. Klaus.

“Um, Mr. Klaus.”


“Eureka… let’s keep her at my place for now.”

That was the best course of action I could think of.

As we waited for school to start, we looked after her at the villa, and after that, we brought her to the academy to have her examined by Ms. Teixeira.

I left the dungeon while hugging Tayte. Eureka was being carried by Raul, and Jarvis was following behind him.

Our first dungeon exploration ended in an unimaginable way… but the holy water brought by Mr. Klaus and Ms. Teixeira’s research—looked like we were slowly but steadily reaching the solution for the berserk incidents.

I had to do what I could, too.

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