[Hated Hero Receives a Flash of Inspiration]

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The next day.

Raul became even more dispirited than yesterday.

Eureka was apparently going to get back to work as Tayte’s personal maid again, but since she wasn’t a student, she didn’t participate in classes.

In which case, there would be fewer opportunities for Raul and Eureka to come into contact with each other.

At this rate, they’d never get together.

Since Tayte had even gone as far as wearing a maid outfit to cheer me up yesterday, I had to figure out a way to help them somehow.


After having quite an enjoyable dinner with Tayte as usual, I went back to my room.

Having told my three maids to take a good rest, now I was lying on the bed by myself, facing up.

As you might have expected, I started thinking about those two.

How could I get Eureka to enroll in the academy?

I thought of all possible ways, but the best answer I came up with was ‘uncover her talent in magic just like in the original storyline’.

But what exactly caused her awakening in the original storyline?

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When I thought about that, a nagging feeling appeared in my heart.

It felt like… I had forgotten something about Eureka.

I wondered what it wa—

“Oh, crap.”

At the same time as I turned over, the Holy Sword I left leaning against the bed fell to the floor with a thud.

“Well, no way something like that gonna leave it with a chip or anything, but…”

I hurriedly grabbed the Holy Sword and inspected it, but—Mhm. It was as good as ever.

“Mm? …The Holy Sword?”

That was the trigger.


The nagging feeling in me started unraveling.

That’s it.

How could I have not realized it until now?

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“The Diving Gift Ceremony!” I exclaimed in excitement.

I remembered it.

【Staff of Dawn】

That was the name of the staff Eureka used in the original storyline. Although it had never been explained in detail, she must have obtained it through the Divine Gift Ceremony. The Divine Gift Ceremony was Eureka’s awakening event.

Now, I just had to figure out a way to let her undergo the Divine Gift Ceremony—but it was most likely going to be difficult.

After all, the Divine Gift Ceremony was a sacred ceremony that was only held at certain times for a limited period.

I doubted the church would make an exception and hold it for Eureka alone just because I asked.

“Hmm, I can’t think of any good idea… In the first place, how does Eureka undergo the Divine Gift Ceremony in the original storyline, anyway?”

It wasn’t mentioned in the original novel.

Would it be explained later down the story, or was it just a matter of convenience?

…I sincerely hope it was not the latter.


In the end, morning came without me coming up with a good idea.

“Good morning, Barrett.”

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“Morning, Tayte. Ah, you’ve got a new hairpin?”

“Ah, my mother made this for me during the summer holidays.”

“Lady Lilia did? She sure has gotten a lot better, hasn’t she?”

“Yes. She said she felt like she has been reborn. She’s always in high spirits.”

I wondered if she had gotten better because her worries had gone after seeing me—or should I say, Barrett Albers had reformed himself. I mean, I once heard that stress could be pretty dangerous for health.

“What are you doing after class today?”

“Oh… actually, I want to stop by somewhere.”

“? Where?”

“Ms. Teixeira’s place. There’s something I’d like to consult with her.”

“M-may I know what you want to consult about…?”

I didn’t know why, but Tayte looked uneasy as she asked.

No way, could it be that she thought I was going to do something illicit with Ms. Teixeira?

Looked like I had better properly explain my purpose to dispel her anxiety.

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“I’m thinking of having Eureka undergo the Divine Gift Ceremony, see.”

“Huh? Eureka?”

I knew she was going to be surprised.

But I was sure that Eureka in the original storyline obtained ‘Staff of Dawn’ through the Divine Gift Ceremony.

“That’s why I’m gonna go ask Ms. Teixeira for help. I mean, there’s nothing to lose trying, anyway.”

“Barrett… for Eureka, you would go so far…”

Oh, no.

She was having a weird misunderstanding again.

“To me, your personal maid is no different from my personal maid. That’s why I want to help Eureka. We are about the same age, if she can enroll as a student, I think we can be good friends.”

There was no lie in my words.

And it seemed that Tayte got it too.

Eureka’s Divine Gift Ceremony.

Whether or not it could be realized would likely have a major impact on the future.

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