“We’ve asked around and unfortunately didn’t manage to find any good horses for now. We’ll do our best to procure some before you leave for your journey of course.”

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“Sorry for the trouble. We’ll be counting on you then.”

Afterward, Jonas-san explained about the present goods, and we started picking out the stuff we would get. Among all of us, Elna had the most experience when it comes to this sort of stuff, so it was mostly her and Jonas-san who talked and negotiated.

Apart from the gathered goods, I also purchased a new pot, one of the magic stoves that was invented by the chief, as well as some spices and condiments. The others also shopped for their own personal effects. When we finished picking everything out, the number of goods turned out too numerous to carry successfully without a carriage.


Compared to the time when we traveled with Beck and Thor, the number of goods we currently have on hand now was a lot more substantial.

“How much for all of these?”

“Well, we still haven’t managed to procure any horses for you, so you can just pay the full amount on the day of your departure. In the meantime, we will look after your supplies and your carriage.”

“Oh, that would help a lot. Please do so then.”

This is great. I don’t have much cash on hand right now, so this arrangement suits me perfectly.

“By the way, is Tarus-san available today? I was thinking of introducing the branch chief of the Magic Guild to him later.”

“Yes, he’s available. We shall await you all at the mansion then.”

Cleria and the rest of the girls seem to want to go around other shops as well, so we decided to split up.

When I came to the Magic Guild, I found the chief already decked out in some fancy-looking dress.

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“Good morning, chief. Tarus-san’s available today, so if you’re all good, then shall we go pay a visit now?”

“Good morning, Alan. I was waiting for you. Oh, I’m feeling quite nervous! Today is the day to decide the fate of this branch. Please give me some support later, okay Alan?”

“I understand. But Tarus-san is actually quite a good-humored person, so I don’t think you’ll have any problems.”

The chief remained all quiet while we were heading for the mansion. It looks like she really is feeling the pinch.

I found Willy sweeping the front of the mansion like always.

“Hey there, Willy. We have an appointment with Tarus-san today.”

“I’ve been informed about it, Alan-san. Please come to the office.”

We were immediately guided to the office.

“You sound really casual with them, Alan.” the chief observed.

“We stayed over at this mansion for a day or two a while back after all.”

“…I can’t believe it. To think you were able to stay over at this mansion, of all places…”

The dryer I made was already placed on top of the table at the office.

Tarus-san and Jonas-san entered soon after. And we were served tea immediately, as usual.

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“Good morning, Tarus-san.”

“It is my pleasure to make your acquaintance, sir. I am Cara. I serve as this city’s Magic Guild’s branch chief. I thank you for setting some of your precious time in order to meet us today.”

Oh, right. The chief’s name was Cara. Man. I always addressed her as chief all this time, so it almost slipped my mind.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you as well, Cara-san. I am Tarus. This is Jonas, the one in charge of managing my stores. Thank you for coming all the way here.”

“Like I proposed before, we came here in order to hand over the repair and maintenance services for the magic tools to the branch chief of the local Magic Guild branch.” I began.

“That’s right. This greatly puts me at ease. According to Alan, you can also take over the production of these magic tools?”

“Yes. There will be no problem in producing this particular magic tool.” the chief answered.

“Actually, the chief is my mentor, so I think she can do a better job than me.”

I backed the chief up just as I promised earlier.

“That sounds quite reassuring. Well then, since that’s the case, then would it be fine if I placed an additional order for thirty units apart from what I ordered from Alan?”

“Of course. There’s absolutely no problem. You want identical units, correct?”

“As a matter of fact, I don’t. I do think the units made by Alan are already quite excellent, but I would like to order goods that would cater to the taste of nobility a bit more.”

Well, I did make these with the intention of using them ourselves, so I really didn’t take into account their appeal with nobles.

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“Cater to nobles, is it…? Understood. I have received orders for magic tools like that in the past. There would be no problems, I believe. I shall bring you a sample product later on, so you will be able to appraise it first.” the chief promised.

“Oh, I would really appreciate it if you do so. Let’s see… I will buy each unit minus the magic stone for at least forty thousand Guineas. Please make one with that wholesale price in mind.”

Oh! So it’ll be double the price of the one I made huh. It looks like it’s gonna be quite the luxury item. Thirty units would amount to one million two hundred thousand Guineas all in all.

The chief was trying so hard not to smile from ear to ear that the sides of her lips were twitching unnaturally. She’s really holding it in.

“Understood. It does seem a bit dull to create an exact copy. Shall I also adjust the output a bit?” the chief inquired.

“What do you mean?” Jonas-san asked back.

“I suggest modifying this part in order to adjust the output of the warm air being blown from inside the magic tool.”

I see. So she’s planning to use the mechanism she developed when she invented her magic stove. It does seem like a really nifty feature.

“Oh! That does sound nice! Please go ahead and give it that function.” Jonas-san approved.

After that, Tarus-san, Jonas-san, and the chief talked about the materials they were going to use to make the exterior housing of the magic tool. I wasn’t really familiar with all the stuff they were talking about, so I just sat around and listened. In the end, they settled for an initial order of about thirty units.

“Well then, I will bring the trial product as soon as I can. Shall I head to your general store for the next visit?”

“No, please feel free to visit this mansion instead. Though there’s a chance I would be out due to some unexpected business.” Tarus-san replied.

“Understood. I shall do so then.”

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“Well then, Tarus-san. Thank you very much for today.” I expressed my thanks as I moved to bid farewell.

“No, no, I am glad you introduced me to such a competent individual. As expected of Alan’s mentor. I look forward to working with you.”

After hearing that, the chief finally couldn’t hold back making a smile. The chief and I finally left Tarus-san’s mansion.

“Hey, Alan… This isn’t a dream, right? I managed to make a one million two hundred thousand Guinea deal! And I even made one directly with Tarus-san… I still can’t believe it.”

“I’m happy for you, chief. I’ll at least be able to leave this city with a lot more peace of mind now.”

“Now that you mentioned it, you will really be leaving this city, huh Alan… Um, Alan… Can I ask for a bit of your help first? If it’s fine with you, can you draw magic circles for me before you go?”

Drawing magic circles huh… No problem. I can draw one sheet in three minutes anyway. Instead of drawing the magic circle, it’s applying the magic liquid on the pattern that takes more time.

“Okay. How many do you want me to draw?”

“As many as you can please. How do a thousand Guineas for one sheet sound?”

I don’t really mind doing it for free, but I guess the pen and ink will cost money.

“A thousand Guineas for one sheet sounds fine. Just how many do you want though? Actually, I can do it for one hundred, or even two hundred you know?”

“…Alan, that’s really far too cheap. If you sell them for too cheap a price, you’ll end up troubling the other Guild members. One thousand Guineas is fine. Fifty sheets should do nicely.”

“Understood. Thank you very much. We’ll have to purchase quite a bit of stuff for our journey, so this really helps.”

A thousand Guineas for each sheet would make my total payment fifty thousand Guineas huh. Man. I’ll actually earn that much for just two to three minutes of work for each sheet. Talk about an easy windfall.

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