Golden Word Master

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Chapter 304 Taishi’s Resolve

In the blink of an eye, the formation of the Allied Forces of Miracle at the Demon Capital, Xaos, was known throughout the continent. And naturally, that news also reached Victorias.


Avoros had probably predicted that it would happen as he wasn’t surprised in the slightest and, in fact, appeared to be enjoying himself while listening to the report.


“I see, this has gotten interesting. To think that Judom Lankers had already gone over to the demon world.”


“Wouldn’t it have been better to obliterate him rather than leaving him?”



The Valkyria no. 5 uttered, without showing any emotion, standing beside the throne on which Avoros was sitting.


“No, this is fine. It’s fine if they just come invading with the army they think is the best. I will make them all submit to me with my power. I will turn the hope and miracles they believe in into despair.”


“However, he has gathered 3 races now. And among them, the hero whom we have failed to capture also exists.”


“Seems like it. Kuku, but we have our pieces, as well. For the hero…… the hero.”


Avoros laughed and got off the throne.


“Directing is also important in a war, you know? I will have the hero carry out his mission as the hero. Where is he now?”


“Yes, he is probably in that room.”


“I see, then I guess I will go tell him. To teach him what he must do.”



Below the royal castle in Victorias, Avoros had made a vast space. It was made similar to the ruins which the Cupid race made long ago.


Surrounding the large magic circle lied a huge number of coffins. The only thing different from the ruins the Cupid race built was that it had an ominous huge stone that emitted blue light inserted into the wall instead of the stone statue of a beast.


And inside of that stone lied something with a human-like body, covered in bandages, making it difficult to discern its appearance. The stone was also filled with some sort of a liquid, as the bandaged body kept slightly swaying up and down. Bubbles were also forming from its mouth.


There was one person looking at that stone with an expression of grief. His name was Aoyama Taishi. He was an Earthling who was summoned to this other world, Edea, by the will of Victorias’ king as one of the heroes.


“Don’t worry, he’s not dead.”

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A child-like voice said from behind him. When Taishi turned to look, there stood Avoros, with his usual fearless smile, unknowing of defeat. Even no. 5 was beside him.


Taishi glared at them with hate.


“Kukuku, don’t make such a scary face. Just as I said before, that thing is not dead.”


“Don’t say ‘that thing’!”


Feeling anger swell up, Taishi shouted, gripping his fist strongly. But Avoros was still smiling, as if he even that was amusing to him.


“You received an explanation about it, right? That… Kuku, that child is still alive.”


“Da… damn it…”


Taishi trembled and gritted his teeth in frustration. Avoros shifted his gaze towards the bandaged human and said,


“Seems like it has adapted quite a bit.”


“….What exactly… is it doing?”


“Ah, I see. You didn’t hear anything from them, eh? Mmm, well, I did come here to discuss that as well, so let’s have a talk.”


Taishi gulped, now paying attention to what Avoros was about to say.


“That child is, well, a sacrifice.”


“Wha?! W-w-what in the world are you talking about?!”


He tried to grab Avoros but no. 5 came in front of him, blocking the way. Taishi reluctantly stopped.


“Ahaha, don’t be so angry. That child is just scheduled to be sacrificed, for now.”


“W-what do you mean?”


“Hmm, right. Do you understand what this place is?”

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“This place…?”


All the coffins standing in a row and the magic circle at their center, as if it was protecting them. And the wall which has a crystal-like stone inserted in it. A very ominous and queer scene.



“This is the place to perform the ritual of resurrection. And, to resurrect the thing I want most, I chose that child, you see.”


“D-don’t mess around with me! Why Chika?! I am–we’re not even dwellers of this world in the first place!”


That’s right, the bandaged person inside that crystal was Suzumiya Chika, who was summoned just like Taishi.


“Why… why?! We just… to save the Humas… why did it come to this…”


Taishi fell to his knees and hung his head. Looking down on Taishi with cold eyes, Avoros said,


“…Naive. Do you really believe bullshit like everyone getting what they want?”




Without being able to say anything back, the cold and harsh voice just echoed.


“I don’t know how soft and easy-going the world you came from was. I don’t even want to know. But know this, the cruel reality calls upon everyone equally. What’s unreasonable is how suddenly it comes. Nothing will change if you just lament, scream and go mad about it. And that’s exactly why you need to act to change it. Do you understand? Ignorant hero-kun?”


“T-that is…”


“If you want to change this situation… if you want to save her, then take action. If you just keep on screaming and grieving, it will all be over in an instant, you know? A human’s life, that is…”


Hearing those words, feeling their weight, Taishi actually felt his body become heavier, as if gravity was doubled on him.


Taishi gritted his teeth, and raised his head.


“…What do I need to do? What do I need to do for you to release Chika?”


Taishi resolved himself, that that is the only thing he could do. Of course, he didn’t trust Avoros. But even still, he thought that even if there was a slight chance of helping Chika, he had to take action.


Avoros’ expression distorted to a smile and he said,

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“You do know that war will break out soon?”




“I will also have you join that war. There, I will have you fight the person I tell you to.”


“….Who is this person?”


“Is there a need for you to know that now?”




“Kuku, well, I guess it’s fine. Then I will tell you. Your opponent will be…”


Taishi just looked at Avoros without even blinking and with a tensed expression. And Avoros just silently said,


“…the remaining heroes.”


“….?! ….You really are the worst.”


“You know that from the start, right? But, even still… you won’t decline, will you?”


They looked at each other for a while. One with a gaze full of bloodlust and the other with an amused gaze.


But in case of Taishi, if he rejects now, his position will only get worse and, in the worst case scenario, he might get Chika killed too. And of course, he also knows that Avoros knows.


And that’s exactly why, even while he was burning with anger, he was not going to let it explode.


“…..I understand. But, if you break your promise, I will kill you!”


“Kukuku, that’s interesting. I don’t think you would be able to do that but what I am saying is the truth. It’s not a lie.”


“Also, I won’t kill Shuri and the others. I will go back to our previous world with them!”


“Hmmm… well, that is fine with me. I don’t think we will be able to kill the heroes in the war in the first place and I am only asking you to capture them.”

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“Then……. I accept.”


“But, they are now a member of the demon lord’s army. As such, they will also fight us seriously, you know? Can you fight them with all your strength?”


“That’s what you want, right? Then, I don’t have a choice.”


Although he was talking as if he had affirmed his resolve, his expression looked like his heart was being overwhelmed by pressure and he was enduring it all.


“Ahaha, alright then. Then, I will have you show me your resolution. According to my predictions, they will probably make a move soon. How they will move–that’s not for you to think about. You just need to be prepared to fight whenever. I also gave you… that, right?”


Taishi looked even more frustrated.


“Well, it’s up to you whether you use it or not but don’t forget that your death might also lead to that child’s death.”


After saying that much, Avoros left the place with a smile.


Taishi, who was left behind, looked at Chika again, who was floating inside the crystal.


“I will definitely save you… no matter what happens… definitely.”


In this war, he will also probably meet Shinobu and Shuri, whom he was wanting to meet…… but as enemies.


It would be great if they just quietly follow him but judging from the fact that they have also joined an army, they are also probably not allowed to act selfishly.


He might have to actually fight them in the battlefield. If that happens, there was a need for him to restrain them without hurting them.


But, if Taishi is up against the two of them, there was a chance he would get captured instead. That would risk the success of the mission and would threaten Chika’s life. In other words, he couldn’t lose.


Taishi put his hand into his pocket and brought out something after searching for a while. It was an irregular-shaped, deep-red crystal.


While gazing at that stone, he closed his eyes.


“…I will just have to do it.”


In that quiet space, only Taishi’s will of firm resolution reverberated.

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