Koukyuu no Karasu

Chapter 2.1

Koukyuu no Karasu Volume 3 Chapter 2 - The Turtle King (Part 1)

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Translation Notes

1. This is a reference to the historical “Five Surnames and Seven Hopes,” the collective title for the seven most powerful clans from the Warring States Period to the Tang Dynasty. They consist of the Cui Clan of Boling, the Li Clan of Longxi, the Cui Clan of Qinghe, the Zheng Clan of Xingyang, the Wang Clan of Taiyuan, the Li Clan of Zhaojun, and the Lu Clan of Fanyang.

The new bodyguard sent to Jusetsu, the eunuch Tan Kai, was somewhat different from who she had imagined.

“Ei Sei said he’s good match for you, so I assumed that he would be a quiet and obedient person.”

In response to Jusetsu’s words, Onkei, with a very serious expression, said, “This is Attendant Ei’s harassment.”

“Harassment? Towards me?”

“No, towards me.”

Jusetsu stared at Onkei. “…Do you not get along with Tan Kai?”

“I do not like him.” His tone was so flat and decisive that it was bracing, but he added, “But in regards to the mission of guarding you, we can indeed compensate for each other’s deficiencies.”

“And by that, you mean…”

“Tan Kai is good at archery, and I am good at martial arts.”

“I see, so close range and long range. ——Ah, could it be that Tan Kai was the one who shot the arrow when I was attacked by Shougetsu?”

Onkei nodded. “He was the one who shot Shougetsu’s shoulder.”

Indeed. As one would expect from someone recommended by Ei Sei, he seemed to be skilled.


“Lady Raven Consort, Kougyou has peeled some pears for you.”

Tan Kai came into the room with a bowl of pears in his hand. He was holding an unpeeled pear in his other hand and biting into it as they watched. He was a young man who was a little taller than Onkei, with a somewhat refined face and alluring almond-shaped eyes. But he was as carefree as the wind and too unfettered like a feral child.

“Tan Kai,” Onkei’s voice was sharp and cold. “Know your place.”

“Whoa, your reprimands got shorter.”

“We’re in Niangniang’s presence. I’ll tell you every single thing you did wrong in detail later.”

“I can’t remember each and every one of them, you know.”

He seemed to be aware that his manners were so poor that he couldn’t remember all his missteps.

Jusetsu didn’t care about etiquette at all, but she wondered how he survived in the inner palace with that personality of his.

“I’ll just say one thing for now. Don’t hold the bowl with one hand.”

“That’s all?”

“If you hold the bowl with both hands, you won’t be able to hold a pear and eat it.”

“Haha, I see,” after saying that in a completely unimpressed tone, Tan Kai put the bowl on the table. “Shall I call Ishiha as well? He’s outside playing with Xingxing.”

Jusetsu nodded at Tan Kai’s words. He grinned and left the room. I feel like I somewhat understand why he was able to survive in the inner palace with those manners of his. He had an amiability that couldn’t be hated, and an allure that drew people to him.

“I sincerely apologize for him, Niangniang,” Onkei was already fed-up just from this exchange. “I mind it not,” Jusetsu answered. In fact, she really didn’t mind.

Tan Kai brought in Ishiha, who was holding Xingxing. Everyone ate the pears, including Jiujiu and the rest. Yamei Palace had become even livelier with the addition of Tan Kai. The austere and frightening atmosphere of the palace where the Raven Consort lived was completely erased during the daytime.

No, it’s not quiet at night here either.

“Lady Raven Consort, you had guests last night as well, right?” Tan Kai said, leaning against the door and biting into a pear.

“Yes…” Jusetsu popped a piece of pear into her mouth and nodded. The well-chilled pears were full of moisture and made one feel revitalized when eaten in the hot and humid weather.

“With such frequent nighttime visitors, it’s impossible for a single guard to protect you. It was right to add me.”

“No, I don’t expect those kinds of risks…”

More and more people were visiting Yamei Palace.

“My neck has been feeling stiff lately. Is this a curse from someone?”

“My younger sister has received a marriage proposal. Could you tell whether or not it’s a good match?”

“Is there any charm that works for love?”

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Those were the only types of visitors she received. She understood that they were all in a predicament, but why did they keep swarming to her?

“I heard that you heard a request from a Hakkaku Palace attendant the other day, Niangniang,” Jiujiu said after leisurely chewing a pear. “And, you also consoled a palace lady. Before, you went to Hien Palace and interacted with Hua Niangniang, so you’re gradually seeming less and less like a mysterious and fearsome consort. People are starting to realize that you’re a kind person, Niangniang.”

Jiujiu smiled happily.

Jusetsu had weakened. How did things become like this? The choices that had been made one by one, had now piled up and changed the world around her.

That’s why I can’t forgive myself for a single one of them.

She had placed an attendant by her side, she had helped a eunuch, she had received gifts. She had made those choices while knowing that they were wrong.

An unexplainable frustration burned in her chest. This wasn’t right. It couldn’t be.

But then, where should she start to make things right? It was no longer possible to let go of everything and be alone.

“I wonder if it would be better to increase the number of attendants if things are going to be like this. But I’d just hate it if there are too many attendants here,” Jiujiu murmured. Jusetsu turned her gaze to her, and she ducked her head in embarrassment. “Because I’ll get jealous.”


“Niangniang is a kind person, so I’m sure you’ll also treasure your other attendants.”

Jusetsu tilted her head in consideration, then said, “You’re the only attendant I need.”

“Really?” Jiujiu seemed happy. Is it really something to be so delighted about, Jusetsu wondered.

“The Lady Raven Consort doesn’t seem to know what jealousy is,” Tan Kai said. When Jusetsu turned to him, he narrowed his eyes into a smile. Tan Kai always had an easygoing smile affixed to his face.

“If you’re talking about knowing it personally, then I most probably don’t know.”

Tan Kai nodded, still with a faint smile on his face. Onkei, who was wiping Ishiha’s hands, kept glancing at him. He seemed to be worried that he would say something insolent again.

“I’m sure you’ll learn about it in the future.”

It sounded like a prophecy. Jusetsu peered at Tan Kai’s face. One type of divination was to divine one’s own destiny from the casual conversation of others. For instance, if you heard the word “death,” it meant that you were about to die. Tan Kai’s words just now, which he himself might have said without any deeper meaning, had quietly crept into Jusetsu’s heart and sunk to the bottom.

“That reminds me, have you heard of this rumor?” Tan Kai’s voice was strangely cheerful, as if switching the atmosphere of the room. “There’s a rumor I heard at the rokuboushi the other day, about a ghost haunting the inner court.”

This wasn’t the type of story to be told in a cheerful tone. Jiujiu frowned in displeasure. Tan Kai continued to chatter on, disregarding her.

“Apparently, late at night, the ghost of an elderly drudge wanders around.”

Elderly drudge? Ishiha whispered in confusion, and Tan Kai grinned. “It means an old servant,” he explained.

“He doesn’t seem to be a eunuch. From the shape of his cap to his attire, he seems to be someone from a very long time ago. He totters around with his back bent—like this, see—and his clothes are tattered. He’s holding a small vessel with both hands as he drags his feet.”

What a pitiful tale, he said.

“This ghost took up residence in the inner court?”

“This is a rumor that’s only being talked about recently. I heard about it the first time the other day.”

“Why is a ghost from so long ago wandering about?”

“I wouldn’t know. Well, it’s just a rumor. We don’t even know if it’s true or not.”

“Don’t you know someone who actually saw him?”

“I don’t know anyone,” Tan Kai said easily. “It’s related to the inner court. I work in the inner palace, so I wouldn’t know anything.”

The inner court was the residence of the emperor, and the inner palace was the residence of the consorts. Each had their own eunuchs.

Jusetsu sighed. “There are plenty such stories of uncertain authenticity here. I’m tired of hearing them.”

“No, no, trivial rumors are still important, Lady Raven Consort. Rumors are clusters of information. They are places where you can find fragments of unexpected secrets. To play your cards well, you have to have sharp ears.”

“I see. So that’s how you’ve managed to stay safe all this time.”

Tan Kai smiled affably.

“I’m here to be useful to you. If there’s information you desire, I will get it for you.”

“I don’t particularly need information about others here. There’s no need for you to useful,” Jusetsu said, then added, “Don’t do anything dangerous.”

“Haa,” Tan Kai blinked as though let down. “Lady Raven Consort, you’re kind of…”

He scratched his ear in confusion, as though she was different from what he was used to.

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“She’s very kind,” Jiujiu interjected.

“She’s kind, or rather, she’s too soft.”

“Hey!” the corners of Jiujiu’s eyes raised.

“It’s my job to cross dangerous bridges, so this is the first time someone’s telling me not to do anything dangerous.”

Tan Kai looked at Jusetsu with narrowed eyes as if he was trying to guess what she was thinking, but then he suddenly cracked a smile. He glanced at Onkei, then turned his attention back to Jusetsu.

“Understood, Niangniang. I won’t get involved in anything dangerous. But, if you’re ever in danger, I will do my utmost. I will repay you for your concern for my well being.”

As Jusetsu had only known him for a short time, she couldn’t tell how serious his words were. But, she decided to take them at face value. “Mm,” she nodded. The affable expression returned to Tan Kai’s face.

“Although, Niangniang. It might be unwise to have the carefree attitude that you don’t need to know what’s going on around you. It might have been fine until now, but from now on…”


“Because the Raven Consort is no longer the Raven Consort she’s always been. You are no longer the mysterious consort isolated deep in the depths of the inner palace. You are intimate friends with Dajia. That’s problematic. It’s very problematic.”

She had also been lectured frequently by the previous Winter Minister, Gyoei, to not close to him.

“Reason?” Her question was curt.

“Secretariat Un is impatient. He’s the prime minister. His granddaughter is the Duck Consort, Lady Kajou. Secretariat Un’s ‘ears’ are planted within the inner palace. He bribes palace ladies and eunuchs to obtain information. He is puzzled by the fact that the Rave Consort, who had been completely disregarded until now, had suddenly started interacting with Dajia. At any rate, there’s not much information on you. He’s frantically trying to find out just who the Raven Consort is and how close she is to Dajia.”

“…He would know that we don’t have the kind of relationship to be frantic about once he investigates.”

“I wonder about that. Since you are a consort who doesn’t perform night duties, it’s true that there wouldn’t be any danger of an heir being born. However, depending on the situation, that might be more troublesome.”

Why? Jusetsu frowned.

“Producing heirs is the emperor’s duty, so Dajia takes good care of his consorts. But your relationship with him doesn’t fit within that framework. And yet, he’s always visiting you——”

“…He is not the kind of man who is kind to others out of obligation.”

Koushun didn’t possess that level of dexterity.

Tan Kai showed an unreadable smile.

“I guess that’s what it is about you.”


“I’ve taken a liking to you as well, so I’ll gather useful information within a safe range. If I don’t do that, you’ll get dragged into troublesome things occasionally.”

After saying that, Tan Kai opened the door and left. He was most likely taking a look around outside. Onkei let out a sigh. “He is a strange one,” Jusetsu said, taking the initiative.

“It’s not so much he’s strange as that he’s selfish.”

Onkei looked fed up, but his melancholic face looked exceptionally beautiful. “Is something the matter?” he asked when he noticed Jusetsu staring at him. She shook her head. If she said what she thought, she was likely trouble him even more. But, Jiujiu readily said, “Beautiful people still look beautiful even when they look sorrowful,” and Ishiha also nodded seriously. Onkei, with a perplexed look on his face, let out another deep sigh.

Dewdrops glistened on some of the lily pads that were battered by last night’s rain. The buds also looked moisty and puffy with water. Squinting at the glare of light reflecting off the dew, Koushun put his hand on the parapet. Although the outer corridor facing the lotus pond was in shadow, there was no way to block the heat and humidity. Ei Sei had been fanning him, but his retainer, Ka Meiin, was approaching him from the corner of the corridor, so he had Ei Sei step back. He asked Meiin, who was bowing, to come closer.

“Today’s council went on for quite a long time. I expected it to be, though.”

The main agenda was to determine the successors to vacant official positions. The Magpie Consort’s father, who was the vice director of the Secretariat, had been demoted to regional administrator, and the director of the Ministry of Personnel was dismissed after arranging for Shougetsu to be admitted into the inner palace at the request of Gyoei, so both positions were vacant. The council had quarreled over who should be appointed to those positions.

“Secretariat Un didn’t concede either.”

“That was also expected…”

On one side, Un Eitoku, the prime minister, recommended people from distinguished families, and on the other side, Meiin recommended people who weren’t from those sorts of families—commonly called a “cold” faction or cold families—thus dividing opinions into two.

“A long time ago, the Secretariat were the stars of distinguished families, and the Ministry of Personnel was the stronghold of distinguished families. They are desperate to regain that position.”

In the past, if you were the child of a prominent family, that alone was enough to get you a government position. Although that system still existed today, most of the so-called star officials were those who had passed the court examinations with excellent grades. Nevertheless, it wasn’t so difficult for children of prominent families who could spend enough time and money on studying to pass the examinations, unless they were exceedingly dull-witted. That was why many people from prominent families held high positions even now. On the other hand, there were people who didn’t come from prominent families who could also “spend sufficient time and money on studying.” For example, wealthy merchants, large landowners, and powerful clans. It was those people who were now rising in the bureaucracy.

“I’m sure they especially want to regain the Ministry of Personnel. After all, they would have the authority to manage government officials. Once they take it, we’ll be back to the era where prominent families are at the height of their power,” Meiin made a gesture like he was putting down a Go stone. “—At least, they think so.” Then he shook his head.

“People’s activities cannot go backwards. Therefore, government must also move forwards.”

Koushun simply stared at the lotuses in silence. The one he chose in the end were those recommended by Meiin. Un Eitoku’s betrayed face was still flashing through his mind.

Meiin wasn’t from a prominent family. He was the son of wealthy merchant who lived in the capital. At the time when he passed the examinations, prominent families were still exercising their authority, and it was difficult for sons of merchants to hold a position in government, even if they passed the examinations with excellent grades. The only positions those people could take were Winter Ministry acolytes, and other than that, officials whose roles weren’t prescribed in the civic codes—unspecified officials. Meiin served as an unspecified official in the countryside for a long time. It was Un Eitoku who recognized his talent and chose him as his son-in-law. Eitoku recommended Meiin to Koutou Academy as a scholar. Eitoku had a good eye, and Meiin was now the foremost scholar and the chief imperial scholar. If Eitoku was Koushun’s right-hand man, then Meiin was Eitoku’s left-hand man.

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“Secretariat Un is the head of the noble Un family after all…” Meiin murmured in a somewhat dry voice.

“I doubt he’s a stickler for things like cold factions and prominent families, since he discovered you.”

“No, I’m not so sure about that,” Meiin smiled thinly. His intellectual appearance was bright and vivid. “There’s a difference between making someone your son-in-law and letting them take authority.”

Sometimes, Meiin would show a glimpse of cynicism. He, for his part, seemed to have an inferiority complex in regards to prominent families.

“…I hope I never let a talented person like you slip through my hands.”

Koushun tried to shift the subject, but he wasn’t very good at such things. However, Meiin seemed to have sensed that and matched him.

“Nowadays, no one is turned away simply because they aren’t from a prominent family, so this has been improved. But still, it is a closed door for those without money or backing. Oh yes, pertaining to that, I have something I wish to request of you, Your Majesty.”

“What is it?”

“I have a friend from back when I was working in the provinces. He is a deputy inspector in Ga Province.”

A deputy inspector was an unspecified official.

“As you know, they are not centrally appointed officials, but hired at the discretion of their superiors. He is a very talented man and is sought after in many regions. As it should be, since he passed the examinations with top marks. However——”

“He’s the type to get turned away at the door?”

“Yes. He was originally an orphan and was adopted when he was fourteen or fifteen years old. He also thinks that it’s better to work freely in the provinces than to be forced to become a government official and be confined to the capital, so he has remained a provincial official until now.”

“He’s now interested in going to the capital?”

“No, it was I who recommended it. He told me that he was going to resign from his post of deputy inspector in Ga Province. Apparently, there was something he disliked there. That’s why I invited him to work for me. Of course, since Koutou Academy is under Your Majesty’s direct supervision, nothing can happen without Your Majesty’s permission.”

“…Ga Province, huh.”

“Yes. It’s the hometown of the Crane Consort, if I remember correctly. It’s a difficult region to work in if you don’t have good relations with the Saname clan, whether you’re a government official or unspecified official.”

“Did he not get along with the Saname clan?”

“That seems to be the case.”

“Did you ask him the reason in detail?”

“No—” Meiin looked perplexed. “It’s not uncommon for people to move away because of disagreements with the powerful people of a region…shall I ask him? He is staying at my house right now.”

“No,” Koushun thought about it a little, then said, “If that’s the case, bring him to Koutou Academy.”

Meiin’s eyes widened. “Your Majesty, you’re going to meet with him in person?”

“I will have to meet with him anyway. I’m sure that anyone recommended by you is more than worthy, but I want to see who he is.”

“Of course,” Meiin nodded. “Then, I shall bring him to you on a fine day.”

“Very well. What is his name?”

“Reiko Shiki, Your Majesty. He was born in Reki Province, northeast of the capital.”

Reki Province, Koushun muttered in his mind. That was the place where Kajou’s lover died. He was engulfed in a riot caused by the Moon Truth Sect.

While thinking, What a strange coincidence, he was about to end the conversation there when Ei Sei appeared. “Secretariat Un is—” Before he could finish, Un Eitoku came hurrying towards them from the corner of the outer corridor. His gait was so quick that it was hard to believe that he was an elderly man.

“What’s wrong, is there something urgent?” Koushun said.

Eitoku bowed, and then replied, “You won’t deign to meet with me unless it’s an urgent matter?” Koushun smiled wryly.

“Don’t say such contrary things. Come here and admire the lotus flowers,” he pointed to the side. Meiin gave up his spot. Eitoku glared at him. As expected, he was in a bad mood because of what happened at court.

“I see the two of you have been trying to exclude this senile old man lately.”

“He who considers himself a senile old man is not a senile old man. Just because we didn’t agree with your opinion doesn’t mean that we want to exclude you. Don’t be so sullen.”

“…Your Majesty, please do not try to appease me so frivolously.”

Koushun had said this to ease Eitoku’s irritation, but it had the opposite effect. Eitoku’s face turned crimson. He was the only one among Koushun’s retainers who could show so much unconcealed emotion towards him. He was his mentor who had always supported him through his time as the crown prince, the deposed crown prince, his restoration to the throne, and his accession.

“It is true that I do not wish to exclude you, Tutor Un.”

Koushun called Eitoku the way he used to call him when he was a child. For a moment, there was an intense nostalgia in Eitoku’s eyes, and then his face became even more sad.

He’s gotten old.

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Koushun thought as he looked at his face. He felt a cold, painful sadness, as if a blade had sunk into his chest soundlessly.

Eitoku apologized for his rudeness and left. After his bent back disappeared beyond the outer corridor, Meiin spoke in a mutter.

“Secretariat Un was most likely going to advise you on unspecified officials.”

“Unspecified officials?”

“In the provinces, unspecified officials are already becoming more powerful, and the officials dispatched from the central government are becoming less and less influential. And in order to confer stipends, government positions are added for convenience, so the position becomes meaningless. Recently, he has been bitterly complaining about how proper officials are becoming in-name-only figures and how unspecified officials are throwing their authority around, making the codes meaningless.”

Unspecified officials had it convenient. The directors could be decided at the sole discretion of the emperor, and the directors could employ subordinates without having to ask the central government for their decision. As their name suggested, they weren’t bound by the codes. They were gap-filling positions that couldn’t be filled by government officials. They were outmaneuvering professional positions.

In addition to that, Meiin must also be a reason for Eitoku’s apprehension, Koushun thought as he glanced at his profile. He was afraid of being outmaneuvered by him. Scholars were also unspecified officials.

The Eitoku from five years ago…no, three years ago would not have feared such a thing.

Will old age dampen his spirit, dull his instincts, or cause him to look only to the past instead of the future…?

Koushun considered how to handle Eitoku, and by extension, the faction of the prominent families.

Rocked by his carriage, Eitoku headed towards the Un estate from the imperial palace. The mansion of the Un clan, one of the Seven Great Clans (1), was located not far from the imperial palace. When he arrived in front of the main gate of the estate, he dismounted from the carriage and passed through the gate. Soon after, servants arrived and welcomed him. Gyoutoku, his second son, poked his head out from the inner door.

“You’re late, Father.”

“Yes, indeed.”

“We have steamed rice cakes. I shall prepare tea for you.”

“…Eating is the only thing you’re fervent about.”

Eitoku was exasperated as he stared at Gyoutoku’s puffy and round face.

“Food is the source of everything. It’s important. If you are hungry, you cannot think, and you cannot be kind to others. To have a broad mind, you must be full.”

“Ah, yes, yes. That’s enough.”

Eitoku waved his hand. Is it alright for the heir to the Un clan to be so carefree? He thought. Gyoutoku had a round body and a round and amiable personality. This made him deeply virtuous among officials, but he lacked the level-headedness that was sometimes necessary. Eitoku was exceedingly anxious about leaving the estate to him and retiring.

If only Chitoku was here.

How many times had he thought that? His eldest son, Chitoku, grew tired of the intense ups and downs of bureaucracy and quickly left home to become a merchant. Now, he has made a fortune as a respectable sea merchant.

Chitoku, contrary to Gyoutoku, was a bit too sharp, which was why he was quick to turn his back on his family. How much better would it have been if the two of them had been able to help Eitoku by compensating for each other’s shortcomings.

It’s far too late to say any of this, though.

He sighed. He had no other sons besides his eldest and second sons, and he chose a son-in-law who he thought would be a good choice for his youngest daughter. That was Meiin. In terms of excellence, Meiin certainly lived up to Eitoku’s expectations. But, perhaps he was somewhat misreading his stubbornness and ambition.

His Majesty as well…

He had never left his side since he was a child. He intended to teach him politics, preach righteousness, and raise him with love. When he ascended the throne as emperor, he was moved to tears, thinking, Finally.

But he is no longer a little child.

He was not a child who Eitoku must guide and instruct. There would be times when he would disagree with Eitoku. That was natural. That should be celebrated as growing up.

However, he felt a feeling of “betrayal” deep within him that couldn’t be wiped out. The discerning Koushun must have realized this. That was why he said what he said to appease him.

While changing in his room, Eitoku looked at his hands, which were thin and fleshy and covered in wrinkles. Their elasticity and moisture had long since disappeared.

“Master, a guest has arrived.”

He had been putting his arm through the sleeve of his robe when the servant informed him.

“Who is it?”

“He calls himself Hou Sanrou. He is a silk merchant.”

“Hou? An unfamiliar name. He must not be a silk merchant from the capital.”

“He says that he comes from Ga Province.”

“Ga Province?”

Eitoku stroked his beard for a while, then spoke.

“Very well. I’ll meet with him.”

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