Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear

Chapter 566

Bear-san Surprises Cliff

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In the common room, I had Lara-san brew tea from the sacred tree, and while we were taking a break, Cliff came in.

“How’s the magic lesson? It must be difficult.” (Cliff)

“Yes, it’s very difficult. I don’t know if it’s because I don’t have enough magical power to gather, or because I don’t have enough knowledge to imagine, so I can’t make light magic as bright as Yuna-san.” (Noa)

Noa answered with a slightly depressed expression.

However, on the contrary, Cliff had a surprised expression on his face.

“Wait a minute, I wasn’t expecting that. Are you already able to use magic?” (Cliff)

“Even if I say I can use magic, it’s just about this much.” (Noa)

Noa asks Lara-san to close the curtains to darken the room. The room becomes darker, though not as dark as the basement.

Noa then held her pendant, closed her eyes, and concentrated.

And her right hand that was holding the pendant glowed.

It’s not dazzling, but it’s not dim either. It’s just the right brightness to use when going to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” (Cliff)

Perhaps he’s disappointed thinking that this was just the extent of it or something?

“It’s just the beginning. She’s still learning.” (Yuna)

I defended Noa.

We’re just getting started. Nothing can be done so easily.

“What are you talking about? There’s no way you can learn magic in just a day, not to mention half a day. How to gather magic power, and how to process the image. It takes time to get used to it. It takes time to grasp the trigger.” (Cliff)

Apparently, he was surprised that she was able to use magic.

Certainly, Noa had said something like that. But I guess that’s not the case because the two of them were able to use it right away.

“Even if you say it like that, both of them were able to use it right away.” (Yuna)

When I said that, Cliff looked at Fina.

“Miss Fina too?” (Cliff)

“Yes. But it’s a bit dimmer than Noa-sama’s.” (Fina)

“May I see it?” (Cliff)

“Etto, yes.” (Fina)

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Fina took the ring from her pocket, wore it on her index finger, closed her eyes just as Noa did, and concentrated on using her light magic.

Fina’s hand shone.

After they showed their magic, Lara-san opened the curtains with perfect timing.

“Yuna. How did you teach them?” (Cliff)

“I just taught them what Noa told me.” (Yuna)

He looked at Noa to confirm.

“Yes. Usually, a person who can use magic holds the other person’s hand and makes them remember the sensation of magic power. Yuna-san just did exactly that. Was I wrong?” (Noa)

“No, you’re not wrong. But as I said before, it takes a few days before you can feel the magic. And even if you can feel magic, you will have a hard time gathering it. And even if you can gather magic power, you’d still have a hard time imagining magic. So I just couldn’t believe that both of you could cast magic in half a day.” (Cliff)

“So then that means both of you were excellent.” (Yuna)

Judging from Cliff’s conversation with Noa, it seems that the method I taught the two of them was definitely the common method. In other words, it wasn’t a special teaching method, and it wasn’t like I was drawing out their potential with bear magic. Well, they don’t have that kind of magic or skill, to begin with.

That means they both had a talent for magic from the very start. That made me happy.

“Yuna-san’s magic moved through my body, so I could just feel my own magic right away. I’m sure Yuna-san was very good at channeling her magic.” (Noa)

Fina nodded at Noa’s words.

I’m happy to hear that, but you won’t get anything by praising me.

“Well, if you’ve learned how to use magic, that’s good and all. But from here on out, your growth will depend on the amount of magic you have and the image you have of yourself. You have a long way to go to become a full-fledged magician.” (Cliff)

Certainly, magic would change depending on the total amount of magic power you have, the amount of magic you can gather in one point, and the power of your imagination.

Sometimes there were characters in manga and novels that had a lot of magic power but could not use magic themselves. If any one of the following was lacking; the amount of magic power one has, gathering magic power, or the power to imagine, magic couldn’t be used, and if any one of these was weak, the magic would also be weak. It’s a narrow gate to be able to use strong magic. And the one who has all of them would be an excellent magician.

But they have just taken their first step into the world of magic. From now on, I think we should go step by step. Still, as someone who uses magic with cheat equipment, I can’t talk big.

“So where am I going with this?” (Yuna)

We didn’t talk about that part, that’s why I asked. For now, I would like to have a goal.

“I’ve already told Noa, but only to the extent that she can do it. Magic is not something you can just tell someone to do, and there is a magic that she’s not good at. She has to find out what she’s good or bad at as she works with her magic.” (Cliff)

Certainly, people have strengths and weaknesses. During the magic exchange session, students also had clear strengths and weaknesses.

“Father, did you perhaps send me to the magic exchange that Oneesama attended so that I could see different kinds of magic?” (Noa)

“It’s not good to stick to one magic. You might get fixed ideas and not be able to use other magic. At the magic exchange meeting, you get to see different kinds of magic, so you learn a lot about magic visualization.” (Cliff)

Indeed, fire magic comes in many forms. There were fireballs, arrows, flames that cling to you, and so on.

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In that light, that magical event was probably the best way to practice visualizing.

“In that case, we should have taken Fina with us.” (Noa)

I agree with that. It would have been a learning experience for Fina, who wants to use water magic, to see it.

But, in the case of Fina, was it enough to produce the water needed for dismantling work?

Then Cliff, having heard what we had to say, left the room, and we also decided to end our magic lesson for the day. Noa looked disappointed, but it was not a good idea to overdo it, and it was only the first day.

I reminded Noa and Fina not to use magic for the rest of the day.

In the current situation, where we don’t know how much magic could be restored, it would be better not to use it.

Fina and I left the mansion, promising to come back tomorrow.

As I walked Fina home, I asked her what I wanted to ask while walking.

“How can you use the bear phone? You said you can’t gather magic, right?” (Yuna)

“It’s the same as using other magic stones. If I touch and imagine it, I can talk to you, Yuna-oneechan.” (Fina)

“Then you weren’t intentionally pouring magic power into it, were you?” (Yuna)

It seems to be the same as the light switch in the room.

When you touch the magic stone, it’ll pass through the magic line and light up the room. The tunnels in Mereera were similar.

But in the case of the bear phone, it needs to connect with the other bear phone by adding images of “connecting” and “talking”.

Think again about magical power.

Magic was a mysterious thing the more I thought about it. I used to use it as such in games, and in this world, I used it as something like I did in games without paying attention to it. Until now, I had never thought about what magic power was.

Still, is magical power close to static electricity?

Even if you have static electricity in your body, you cannot feel it in the normal way. Even if you try it, you cannot gather it intentionally. Of course, if there’s a medium, it’ll be possible.

When you think about it, magic may be similar to static electricity.

Thinking like that does not mean that there’s an answer or that I can come up with one. There’s no use in thinking too deeply about magic. It’s not that there’s anything wrong with it, so no need to worry about the details.

The next day, I came to Noa’s house with Fina. And just like yesterday, we practiced light magic in the dark basement room.

“It’s brighter than it was yesterday.” (Noa)

It certainly is brighter than yesterday.

“Noa-sama, you’re amazing.” (Fina)

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“You haven’t practiced or anything since yesterday, have you?” (Yuna)

Cliff has also warned her not to use magic too much.

“No, I didn’t.” (Noa)

Noa looked away and gave an obvious look.

“You did, didn’t you” (Yuna)

“U~u, I did use it, but I didn’t practice. I was just happy to be able to use magic at night when I went to bed, so I just used a little bit of it.” (Noa)

When Noa spoke honestly, Fina also opened her mouth.

“Well, actually, I was so happy that I also used magic in front of Mom. I’m sorry, Yuna-oneesan.” (Fina)

Well, I was even impressed when I was able to use magic for the first time in the game world. I really felt like a mage.

Because flames and water come out of my hands. I will never forget how impressed I was at that moment. So I understand how happy Noa and Fina are to be able to use magic for the first time. So I can’t really scold them.

“Just do it in moderation.” (Yuna)

They both replied.

“Yuna-san, light magic is fine, but is it okay to use other magic?” (Noa)

I need to check the other magic to see which attributes they’re good at. But it’s only the second day. I think they should practice light magic a little more.

“For now, we will practice light magic. Light magic seems to be the best way to practice gathering magic power and imagery.” (Yuna)

And unlike other magic, it’s easy to practice.

“Okay, but how bright do I need it to be?” (Noa)

“Hmm, If you can do this much, you’ll pass.” (Yuna)

I created a dazzling light. The bear’s face glowed brightly like a flare.

“Yuna-san, it’s too bright.” (Noa)

Noa and Fina covered their eyes with their hands.

“I can’t do that. Besides, I don’t need to use such bright magic.” (Noa)

“It’s useful. And I’d rather you two learn this magic first than other magic.” (Yuna)

I put out the light

“But why?” (Noa)

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“If you are attacked, you can use it to blind them.” (Yuna)

It’s a common technique to block an opponent’s vision with a blinding flash of light. Even in my former world, flashlights were an effective tool. Whether it’s night or day, if they suddenly received a blinding flash of light in their eyes, they would close their eyes and their vision would not be restored immediately. With eyes, I think it’s effective for both people and monsters.

However, if you overdo it, you may blind your opponent permanently, but if you care that much about your attacker, you can’t use magic.

First of all, it’s more important to protect yourself.

The best thing, of course, is not to be in that situation in the first place.

“Certainly, it’s so bright that you can’t keep your eyes open, we can escape that way.” (Noa)

“You two are adorable, you just have to be careful.” (Yuna)

They will grow up to be beautiful and pretty. There’s no need to have self-defense magic to protect themselves.

“So it won’t be a waste of time to learn it.” (Yuna)

“Okay.” (Noa)

“Yes, I will do my best.” (Fina)

They nodded obediently and continued practicing light magic.

But next time, I’ll have them practice other magic as well.


Author’s Note:

Sorry for the delay.

I finished working on volume 13 of the book and volume 3 of the manga. (It will be released on August 30.)

The only thing left to do is the final confirmation of the store perks, so I think I’m good to go.

But next, I’ll have to work on volume 14 little by little.

And the covers for book volume 13 and manga volume 3 have been released.

In the book are Yuna and Karina. In the manga are Yuna and Fina.

Both are cute.

The images are published in activity reports and on the author’s Twitter below. It’s also published on Amazon and others, so please take a look.

There are store benefits again this time. If we know the store location, we will report it in the activity report, so please be patient.

 As always, thank you to those of you who always report typos. I apologize for not being able to reply.

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