Kuro no Maou

Chapter 372

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Welcome to the continent of Pandora, White Hero Abel.」(Mia)

神託/shintaku which dictionaries define as “oracle”. The word is used a lot in chapter 163, where Shikkaku has used “oracle” but I believe in this context it means “prophecy”, whereas in English “oracle” more often describes people who make the prophecies. I’ve also translated it as “divine message” in Death Mage depending on context as well.

I never expected that I could witness this.」(Abel)

The same goes for me. I never thought I would see a hero act like an assassin.」(Mia)

It is only in legends that heroes shine. There is no glory in the path I walk; there never has been, nor will there ever be.」(Abel)

You’re a serious person, aren’t you. There’s not a single good thing that will come out of serving that kind of god, you know?」(Mia)

I have known that for a hundred years.」(Abel)

So, what will you do? Are you still planning to take this child’s life?」(Mia)

It seems my guess was incorrect; there is no meaning in killing him now. And I cannot even touch him at this point, can I?」(Abel)

As expected, it seems that becoming the second Apostle causes your perception to become extraordinary. If you had stepped forward one more centimeter, I would have been able to shoot you down for trespassing on the Elroad Empire’s territory.」(Mia)

An Apostle wouldn’t do something as foolish as stepping into the territory of another religion’s god.」(Abel)

Well then, I’d be grateful if you just leave quietly now.」(Mia)

That was my intention from the beginning. If that prince is not the new Demon King, I do not have any other leads. I will leave Spada tomorrow morning.」(Abel)

I’m glad you’re honest, so I’ll let you go with one Black Ballista.」(Mia)

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『Black Ballista.』

… It seems I was not able to deceive the eyes of a god after all.」(Abel)

What an elaborate Doppelganger, to even produce a corpse.」(Mia)

It is weaker to make up for that, however. I could not make even the smallest reaction to that attack.」(Abel)

Now then, I shall take my leave, ancient Demon King. I will pray that we never meet again.」(Abel)

Goodbye, white hero. If you meet your god, make sure to tell him to give up on Aria.」(Mia)


Oi, what’s wrong Nero, do you have a cold?」(Kai)

You did come back completely drenched last night. Where were you hanging around without even using an umbrella?」(Kai)

Ah… Is that what happened?」(Nero)

Are you still half-asleep?」(Kai)

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But man, I’m really glad that Nell is feeling better. With this, the sis-con onii-sama’s troubles are resolved!」(Kai)

… Huh? What did you just say?」(Nero)

Hmm? Why are you making such a scary face? You’re such a bad sport, Nero, though that’s nothing out of the ordinary. Look, speak of the devil. Oi, Nell, Safi, over here!」(Kai)

It’s still morning, you’re so loud, you idiot. Don’t talk with your mouthful, actually, just don’t talk for the rest of your life. It’s unpleasant. Good morning, Nero, it’s a lovely day, isn’t it?」(Safiel)

Don’t go saying so many bad things about people and then saying, ‘it’s a lovely day,’ as if nothing happened!」

Ufufu, Kai-san and Safi are getting along well as usual. Ah, Onii-sama, good morning.」(Nell)

… Nell.」(Nero)

What is the matter, Onii-sama? You have such a blank expression on your face. Could it be that you are still half-asleep?」(Nell)

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見慣れる/minareru and 見惚れる/mihoreru.

No, that’s not it, Nell! Are you alright now?!」(Nero)

Yes, I am fine now.」(Nell)

I-I see… No, since you’re alright, it doesn’t matter…」(Nero)

Now once Sharl comes back, Wing Road will have made a complete revival.」(Kai)

Sharl is receiving His Majesty’s training – er, rather, his guidance, so I suppose she will not return from the royal castle for another month or so.」(Safiel)

Ah, I suppose she wasn’t forgiven for leaving the fortress by herself after all.」(Kai)

Oh my, it is surprising that you understand that she was at fault for acting on her own.」(Safiel)

Even I can read the mood and understand that much!」(Kai)

It would be good if she got her selfishness corrected.」(Kai)

His Majesty had quite the serious look in his eyes. I’m sure she’ll come back all depressed, so make sure you console her gently, on top of her bed.」(Safiel)

Stop making those kind of jokes this early in the morning.」(Nero)

No, Onii-sama. Such treatment really does give energy, so please do it for her.」(Nell)

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… Huh?」(Nero)

W-well, for now, let’s just relax and wait until Sharl comes back. I’m not in the mood to go on quests anytime soon anyway.」(Nero)

No, I have to get stronger so I can beat that guy, so let’s keep accepting more dangerous Rank 5 quests!」(Kai)

Yes, I want to find the Wrath-Pun that slipped out of our grasp, too.」(Safiel)

No, wait, you guys didn’t bring down the Wrath-Pun?!」(Nero)

Kai was so disappointing that… Even with me and Sharl there, he couldn’t cover us properly.」(Safiel)

Oi, don’t mess with me! It’s because you said something reckless about how you wanted to recover it so I shouldn’t injure it too much –」(Kai)

Shut up, a weakling who got knocked out by one punch from the Nightmare Berserker shouldn’t complain.」(Safiel)


I understand the situation, but –」(Nero)

Onii-sama. I want to accept difficult quests and improve myself as well.」(Nell)

Nell, don’t push yourself too hard. Even in Iskia, things worked out well in the end, but we would have all been wiped out with one more mistake.」(Nero)

Yes, that is exactly why, Onii-sama. I want to become stronger; I want to become more useful – After that battle, I have come to realize that I need to be stronger.」(Nell)

… Okay, I got it. Well then, starting from tomorrow,『Wing Road』will resume work.」(Nero)

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