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The sun has yet to rise but Lillie had already awoken from her nap. Only three hours of sleep and it's already enough for her.

She stood up from her warm bed and stretched her sore limbs. She saw her figure from the body mirror and looked at herself in disdain.

Wrinkly clothes, bird nest hair, smushed lipstick. If anyone saw her right now, they would probably jump through the windows of her office.

Good thing she warned Elliot before to not enter her bedroom at all cost. Or else, he'll definitely see the real she-devil, literally.

Lillie entered the bathroom and took a warm shower, her face was now clear of make-up, revealing her unblemished, jade, white skin.

Her transparent green eyes are no longer apparent from weariness. Turning the shower knob off, she took her light pink, fluffy towel and wrapped her body with it then another towel for her hair.

Switching on the hair dryer, she took her brush and dried her natural and luscious ash-colored hair. After that, she went towards her walk-in closet, where all of her business and emergency clothes are.

She wore a white pencil skirt and a beige, long-sleeved, high-necked blouse with ruffles and a simple white pumps. [1]

Her hair was put into a simple yet elegant messy bun. She thanks youtube for that.

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Opening the door through her office, she saw Elliot sitting at the side as expected, with a cup of steaming coffee already on her table. It was the usual routine for them.

"Miss, your father had call through the landline, informing you to come back to the old residence for some personal matter." He said, straight to the point.

Lillie hummed and sat at her swiveled chair and turned it around towards the huge and clear window that displayed the picturesque view of Country K.

"It seems I need those papers now." She mumbled.

"Miss, I've already finished them." Elliot intervened and placed a brown envelop on her desk.

Lillie faced her swiveled chair back on her table. She stared at Elliot with a raised eyebrow.

"Always prepared aren't you?"

Elliot chuckled. "Miss is jesting, you ask for such simple task. So, I had the liberty to finish it sooner than what you've expected."

Lillie shook her head, slightly amused. "You never fail to surprise me with your capabilities, Elliot. Good thing I had such great eyes." She said, not even humbling herself just a bit.

"That, you have, miss." Elliot agreed.

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"Now that these are done, reschedule the board meeting."



"That bitch! How dare she make us wait?! It's the fourth time she rescheduled the damn meeting! Is she even putting us in her eyes?!" A fleshy middle-aged man screeched furiously.

"Mr Zhang please ease your anger. If someone heard you talking like that to her, it'll be off with your head!" His co-business man anxiously reminded. This idiotic fatty doesn't know a damn thing about Lillie Bai's capabilities.

"Do I look like I fucking care if she ever find out?! That slut is nothing but a little girl who still needs her mother's milk! Who does she think she is? She's just a stupid brat who got lucky and depends on her family's wealth!" He carelessly discriminates.

"I don't know what that dumb Alexander thinks to let that bitch to handle his empire! If it were me instead, I'll definitely have this place flourish to the heavens!"

Everyone nervously sweat by this fatty's taboo words. Where are they right now? They are still at the she-devil's den! Badmouthing and disrespecting the she-devil on her territory is simply asking for an early death!

This fatty is too stupid that they want to vomit blood in despair. They won't accompany this man any longer if they still want their heads and business intact.

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"It seems my actions has caused a few misfit towards this gentleman." A familiar cold voice eerie spoke behind them. The others were frozen from their places as shivers were send down to their old spines.

"M-m-miss B-bai!" They all sweat profoundly. Now this fatty had done it. Lillie Bai had definitely heard him! They all silently curse him up to his eleventh generation! If they were implicated because of this, they will gladly do the 'pushing' to appease this Emperor's anger.

"Humph! Little bitch, now you dare show yourself!" The fat man arrogantly procrastinate, he must've assumed she ran after him and was afraid he will find another company to work with.

His now ex co-workers' heart shook and silently prayed for this man's soul. He's simply an idiot! They wonder how this fatty got this far in the business world that he can't even distinguish good and deadly bad.

"Mr Zhang, is it? Well, it seems we won't be needing your help after all as you are too 'excited' to leave." Lillie Bai threw the papers on the fatty's face.

"What?! You think you have the power to fire me?! I'll let you know that if it weren't for me, this company will be trash!" He haughtily ridiculed.

"Oh really? What part? The part where you secretly stole the money that was meant for the Diamond Empire so that you have something to pay for your mistresses?" Now this got the fatty's attention that caused his body to freeze.

The people heard this and whispered among themselves.

"You mean that incident where we almost lost such gem?!"

"Yeah, Mr Zhang was responsible for the finances that time yet he insisted that he's

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not to blame for the lost of money."

"There was not much evidence to prove it so the President let it be and had Miss Bai fix everything."

"How shameless can this fatty be? Look, he's fat because of the money he stole from the company."

"Miss Bai also said they were all for his mistresses! Mistresses as in plural! Oh my god, Mr Zhang's married to a proud and powerful woman and he's doing such things behind her back."

"If the Ping family heard this, they will immediately have someone cut this fatty's baby maker!"

Mr Zhang was covered in cold sweat as he stared at the vicious she-devil.


"I already have your resignation paper prepared on that envelop and also the divorce paper Miss Ping wanted you to sign." Her heels clicked and slowly walked towards him, as if she was a lion and him a delicious, fat rabbit.

"Have a good day, Mr Zhang." She muttered and walked pass him.

Mr Zhang's legs felt soft as be stumbled on the cold floor staring at the air with clouded eyes.

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