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"Welcome back, Miss Bai." Elliot bowed upon Lillie's arrival at her office along with three more people. An Xiu Ling and the twins, Cyrus and Cyra.

Time does fly fast when you're enjoying yourself. The trip back at France was a memory worth saving. She even get to see her Senior brother after so many years.

Ethan hadn't been that happy for the two days staying at France because of Death's presence and overall interference. Constantly stealing his lover away from him, pulling her off his embrace to some places.

After they left him that night at the Japanese restaurant, Ethan thought that it would be the last he'll ever see that white haired demon. But no! He just had to show up inside their living room!

Ethan should've thought; Death is Lillie's Senior brother, he's clearly far from simple!

He underestimated Death's skills too much. He swears that he'll never risk it ever again!

"I see my brother's days as CEO wasn't...eventful." Lillie's voiced trailed at the sight of mountains of paperworks left at her desk—scratch that—they were everywhere!

"Straightforwardly speaking, he was awful." Elliot, his usual polite tone has disintegrated along with his patience for the weeks he've spent in 'helping' Gabriel with office work.

"He left many unsigned and unread documents that were due for a long time!" Cyrus and Cyra growled angrily.

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"Even with all the help from us, the least he could do was read and sign the damn papers." Even the respectful, boss-loving An Xiu Ling was furious.

"Never let him enter the office again!" The three yelled in sync.

If Lillie were to be on her death bed and was questioned what was her biggest regret...

It will be letting her little brother run her office.


A certain brother,


"Are you alright, dear?" Mrs Bai asked.

Gabriel sniffed and rubbed his nose. "I'm good." Someone's probably cursing me.


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Elliot organized the pile of papers and divide them into three. Lillie analyzed the papers and hand Elliot the ones being signed and rejected.

"Have the documents for Hong Long sought through by Gabriel?" Not lifting her gaze from the paper, Lillie asked.

"I was able to hide and complete them."

"Good. This collaboration has not been approved by my father, yet. However, I don't see problems with for him to reject the idea." She said, (mostly to herself) stamping the paper with her signature.

"My relation with Ethan will be exposed to the public soon after all." Elliot slightly flinched.

"Boss, these are the information we've collected about She Gu's business." An Xiu Ling placed a thick file on her table.

"We've also gathered some rumors about his 'other' businesses too. The proof is not that strong, I'm afraid." Cyra piled hers on top of An Xiu Ling's.

"The good news is that it's not subtle as we've expect, only a bit time consuming and troublesome." Cyrus chuckled.

"I'll be waiting for more good news then. You three are dismissed." She pertained towards An Xiu Ling and the twins.

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"Yes, ma'am!" They bowed before leaving her office. Elliot placed a warm cup of tea on Lillie's table, already expecting that they'll be staying here for awhile.

Elliot admit, no matter how many times it has prevailed Lillie's office every time she's doing her paperworks, the silence didn't failed to unnerve him.

Lillie left her paperworks to sip her tea when Elliot initiated a conversation.

"So, your relationship with Mr. Li is...alright now?"

Lillie's eyes darted in his way at his unusual question. "We managed to sort it out," She shortly replied.

"I'm glad." He mumbled.

Realizing the cause of his odd behavior, Lillie's eyes soften at her trusted companion.

"Stop worrying about me too much. You know I can handle it." Lillie soothed.

A half-hearted yet relief laugh escaped his lips, "I know you can."

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"Second young master, Master She summons you at his office." A petite maid announced after knocking on She Lei's door.

"I'll be there in a moment." He loudly said through the door. She Lei heard movements before soft footsteps withdraw from his room.

Sitting on his bed with his laptop on, not once did he removed his gaze away from it. He was currently reading some of his father's schemes and some evidences that White Bird needed to take him down.

Honestly speaking, there's pretty not much exciting about them.

His father has been doing nothing but searching around the globe for a miracle doctor to heal Yu Mei. It was utterly unsuccessful—She Lei made sure of that.

Even if they did manage to find a miracle doctor, She Lei's positive that they won't be able to cure her mental illness. Also, unless she had a reptile's regeneration abilities, that tongue of hers will forever be lost.

She Lei was laughing at She Gu's predicament. He enjoys seeing that bastard burning money and resources for that b*tch.

He will never regret siding with someone as cunning and ruthless as Lillie Bai.

Shutting his laptop, he saved everything in a small flash drive—that is to be given to Lillie—and placed it on his pocket.

"Now let's see what the old man wants."

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