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"A few months ago, when I obtained these documents about Vermillion Dragon's legitimate Boss, I had White Crow contact his former allies." In a dim room, White Bird's silhouette, along with her Elders, occupied the glowing round table showing a hologram of the documents in front of each members.

Then, the hologram changed into faces—in this case, the mask—of familiar individuals that once dwelled the Underworld alongside the real Vermillion Dragon.

"Blood Venom had reached out to us first. He confirmed that he had been suspicious of the sudden appearance of Vermillion Dragon. He agreed to assist us with exposing his real identity." White Bird pressed something on the table and the hologram of Blood Venom moved in front of an empty seat.

Then, the hologram turned into a screen and showed a man in red mask,

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"Yo." He greeted.

"Welcome to White Bird Organization, Blood Venom." White Bird politely acknowledged the man.

"Ya, thank you for having me, White Bird. Who could've thought that I, Blood Venom, would come in terms with the White Birds and work with her." Blood Venom mused and laughed.

"It's not permanent, if you're worried." The woman reassured. Blood Venom shook his hands, "Oh no, no! I actually would love to work with you. Because of you, us real Vermillion Dragons will be soon given justice for being kicked out of the Organization ruled by a damn fake."

'Plus, the real Vermillion Dragon was already among your ranks, as an Elder no less!' Came unheard.

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Silver Dragon's lips curled in amusement behind his mask.

What everyone don't know, not even Blood Venom, is that White Bird already knew the identity of the real Vermillion Dragon and the fake. It's only a matter of time before everything will be revealed.

"Former members of Vermillion Dragon had been contacted by our Artificial Intelligence."

Ethan: who?

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"An Artificial Intelligence?" Although she wore a mask, everyone knew that White Bird was raising her eyebrow.

Blood Venom nodded and secretly glanced at Ethan, who was giving him an icy glare. Gulping down his anxiety, he began to explain.

You really can't blame Blood Venom for not informing Ethan first. He was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Ai threatened to destroy his precious computer by placing her very own virus that even him, Blood Venom, cannot fix.

"AILiF or Ai, was created by Vermillion Dragon and was responsible for gathering intel and hacking into enemy base's computer systems. If Ai was helping us find my former comrades, it's clear that the current Vermillion Dragon is not the real one." Blood Venom said, choosing to ignore Ethan's raging glare—which goes unnoticed by everyone.

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Lillie was intrigued. She peered at the quiet man, wondering why he had not mentioned an important factor like creating an Artificial Intelligence to her.

Did he deem her unworthy of the information?

Ethan pretended to not notice the looks his wife gives him that made him uneasy.

'Why do I suddenly feel...accused?' He thought, averting his gaze back at his wife—who was giving him another look.

Ethan: 'Why do I suddenly feel it coming from her?!'

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