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Only a fool would believe that they could waltz in and leave unscathed after provoking Lillie Bai.

When Ethan removed his mask and came back to the company, he was given a confused and concerned look from Ming Lian.


Well, he does not have time to cover the eye-catchy bruise from the side of his lips.

Ethan felt terribly wronged.

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Before parting to continue their work at the company, he gave her Ai's flash drive so that she could connect her to the company's network operating system.

Because of this, Ai became Lillie's spy to her own employees. She would give her reports if there are any suspicious actions committed. Like sending confidential information to outsiders, shady transactions from the company's bank accounts and hacking through the company's main frame.

Looking out for rogue employees was already implemented. It was made easier and faster because of Ai.

'Knock knock'

Replying a brief "come in", the door opened and Elliot entered. "Boss, we received intel about She Gu's movements. He's attending a black market to a bidding event for the Black Egg." He reported.

"Which one?"

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"Netherworld Hotel." The pen on Lillie's hand stopped moving and her eyes left the unsigned paperworks to focus her attention to the matter being discussed.

To the people of the Underworld, the name Netherworld Hotel was a very obvious name. This is where the demons' [1] circle come to enjoy themselves and also to attend the hotel's underground black market. A typical place for any shady transactions and illegal bidding events.

Netherworld Hotel had the Reapers' backing that is why no one dare cause trouble to them. White Bird was their biggest patron as she provides them the Black Egg but, no one but the Reapers knew that.

"If my memory serves me correct, I have a business meeting at Netherworld Hotel this week."

"Indeed, miss. A dinner meeting, to be precise, with Weishi Corporation's CEO, Mr. Wei Fang." Warning bells suddenly rang from Lillie's mind as dread crept in her stomach.

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Him again? Fate seems to always torment her with her past. The last time she saw him was that night at Sapphire Blues by the yacht where Ethan confessed his undying love to her.

Just by his presence that night, Lillie thought the mood would be destroyed. But, she would never expect that the knight that saved her from a minor distress was her mysterious high school suitor, Ethan Li.

Fortunately, that idiot (Wei Fang) did not recognized her. If he did, he would surely react violently—she assume.

Her unresponsive state made Elliot wonder what caused her mind fly elsewhere. Snapping her out of her revery he asked, "Is there a problem, miss?"

She tapped the pen on her desk. "Perhaps there is a small predicament between our business with Mr. Wei and our little heist at the Black Market." She contemplated.

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"Should I cancel the meeting with Mr. Wei instead?" Elliot offered a suggestion.

"No. We need the Weishi Corporation to sign a contract with WPE for a temporary business partnership." Lillie scolded herself for not being attentive. She must have been too busy that she did not found out that Weishi Corporation belongs to Wei Fang's family.

You also can't blame her because she severed contract with him long ago. She hadn't seen nor heard of him for years. Not until that night.

"But, the bidding starts around eight o'clock in the evening and so does the dinner meeting." He reminded.

Lillie sighed, rubbing her temple. "Coincidence? I dare say not." Elliot chuckled lightly at Lillie's rare grumbling.

'She can be childish sometimes.' He thought.

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