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Because of shock, Li Yi Fei had called Lillie unconsciously. Her classmates whispered among themselves, wondering who this woman was.

But when Li Yi Fei called her 'sister-in-law', realization struck them like lightning. Li Yi Fei have only one brother, and that brother is the infamous Devil of the Business World and Elite Society, Ethan Li.

This woman is Ethan Li's wife?!

When the professor realized this, his jaw dropped to the floor.

I-Impossible! He knew of Theodora and Ethan's relationship back in high school!

And even today, their relationship with each other are like water and oil, cat and dog! When their paths meet, even the heaven rumbles with their ferocious fight!

Simply not possible!

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How could Theodora be with Ethan?!

"Su Cang, former president of the Mathematics Club." Lillie nodded in acknowledgement. Su Cang thought his heart was going to burst and mentally exclaimed, 'She remembered me!'

"Miss Crevier, it's good to see you again." He may not look like it, but Su Cang was trying hard not to stutter. He also wanted to look professional in front of his idol.

'Crevier? Isn't that the surname of the famous Cold President of Sky Emperor University?' Everyone thought.

'Could this woman be 'that' Theodora Crevier?'

"May I ask what you came here for?" Su Cang scolded himself. 'You sound arrogant, damn it!'

"Hn. I would like to..."

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'...have a date with you.' Is what he hoped and prayed she would say.

"...excuse Li Yi Fei and Gabriel Bai." She said, shattering his dreams immediately.

Huh? They understand why she would call for Yi Fei but, Gabriel too?

"Oh...You two." he robotically pointed at Yi Fei and Gabriel with a depressed aura, "You're excused."

The two obediently followed Lillie out the room, leaving everyone with minds full of questions.

Confusion immediately turned into dread as soon as Gabriel realized Lillie's presence.

'B-but I made sure to erase my trace! I really hate sis's tracking skills sometimes' His internal grumbling went unheard.

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"Care to explain your late night activities, Thomas?"

Gabriel gulped. She called his second name and it only means one thing...


Bullet like sweats began to form on his forehead and neck, dampening his shirt's collar.

"What do you mean?" He feigned ignorance. It was a stupid move, he knows, but he can't think of a better excuse, ok?!

Lillie's heels stopped clicking, indicating her stop, her back facing them. Gabriel's stomach churned.

"Do you really think feigning ignorance will help you?"

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Gabriel: "I'm going to die!"

Li Yi Fei stared back and forth at the Bai siblings, oblivious of the tense atmosphere.

"Sister-in-law, what did you come here for?" She asked, breaking the tension in an instant—much to Gabriel's relief.

Gabriel: "An angel!"

Turning to face them, Lillie gave her mischievous younger brother a look before averting to attend to Yi Fei's question.

"I was asked to check on something," She stared at Gabriel, "and, coincidentally, the school asked me for a favor."

"A favor?" Both of them repeated.

"I'm here to sign a permission to organize my batch's reunion."

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