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Ethan woke up, the sun penetrates through the curtains and glared on his eyes. Growling in annoyance, he removed the duvet that covered his naked chest.

He was half naked to be exact, he feels much more comfortable wearing less clothing when sleeping.

His body's structure portraits much like a Greek god. Sun kissed skin, muscular arms and chest, six pack abs with a delicious trace of v-cut.

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He's proud of his body, took him years of struggle just to be this hot. He wonders if Lillie ever saw his body, would the marriage take place sooner? He was being narcissistic, guilty. But who could blame him? He had millions of fans who reminds him everyday.

But, those praises never reached his ears, only Lillie's words he'll believe.

He went downstairs, after he took a shower and dressed up into his Armani suit, paired with a black, leathered, lace up shoes and a silver Rolex watch, placed on his left wrist.

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"Good morning, young master." Nanny Ying happily greeted him. Ethan nodded at her in acknowledgment.

"Miss Bai just left. She woke up early than everyone else so breakfast is not yet prepared." Nanny Ying narrated.

"I was surprised to see her cooking breakfast when I went to the kitchen. It was quite unusual for a woman, with a prestigious background like hers, to know how to cook. It was delicious too." Nanny Ying loves everything about this girl.

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Unlike those whiny and spoiled young misses from other families that she met every time there's a celebration in the Li household.

"Come, come! Miss Bai already made some for you." Ethan felt his heart warmed. Lillie made breakfast for him? Should he be worried that it's poisoned? Well, to be completely honest, he's willing to have everything she gives him. Even if it caused him eternal slumber.

As soon as he entered the dining room, his nostrils caught the wonderful scent of bacon and eggs with french toasts. Nanny Ying placed a freshly brewed coffee on the table to complete the meal.

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"Enjoy." Nanny Ying secretly giggled at the sight of her young master's expression. He's like a child who's opening his Christmas presents.

Ethan was left alone to enjoy his meal in peace. Looking around to check that no one's around, he took his phone and captured multiple pictures. He would have this developed and framed after. His wife, making breakfast for him for the first time.

Lillie had no idea that her small 'peace offering' had caused many of HL Corp's employees to be scared out of their wits. Is the Devil planning something? Why is he grinning from ear-to-ear?!

Should they pray for him?! Was he possessed by a great, evil spirit?!

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