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Good day, my beloved readers!

I would go straight to the point.

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I have decided to put this book ON HOLD for a while until I'm done studying for the exams.

Do not worry, it will only be for a while (Not months or years, ok). If all of you had already know, I update on Saturday and Sundays, with the exemptions on a few bonus chapters on the weekdays.

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Why did I suddenly decided on this? Well first thing, our exam is really really difficult. Just to share, I'm actually pursuing the Medical Field, and there are a lot to learn and memorize.

Second, it's because I'm running out of ideas on how to continue. I know, I know, I'm really terrible and I hate myself for that.

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I hope you guys understand my predicament, and I'm really sorry for doing this to you.

Thank you for being patient with me, I'll see you again soon.

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Lots of love,

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Tsukino_Kimiko @@

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