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Lillie observed how Ethan was behaving rather odd. At some point he was stabbing the steak as if it was his enemy.

His hands was getting paler by the minute as he was clenching them too hard. Lillie couldn't help but be 'slightly' concerned.

"What's the matter?" She calmly asked. Ethan heard her question and felt a bit ease.

"Nothing...I remembered that I also have something to do in Japan." Ethan lied without even batting an eye. As if it was natural for him.

"When?" She asked. Ethan mentally gulped and sweat. He didn't know when she'll leave and if he didn't leave with her, it'll be impossible to find her as she's too cautious.

He knows that Lillie don't usually go out of the country and if she did, it'll be a secret. No one would know where she is by then. People don't even realized that she was at another country unless she launch something there or opens another branch.

"Uh...Thursday?" He guessed. Lillie was silent, making him sweat.

"Oh, how unfortunate. Our schedule aren't matched." Ethan dejectedly sighed in his mind.

"Oh..." Ethan shoved a piece of steak in his mouth, stuffing his cheeks with food, making him appear as if he was a hamster.

Lillie was looking at him weirdly. What's wrong with this man? Is he bipolar or something?

Sighing, Lillie shook her head and continued eating her meal.

A soft melodic sound suddenly rang out. Hearing the familiar sound, Lillie placed down her silverwares and dig out her phone, looking at the caller.

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It was Elliot.

"Yes?" She answered.

"I's fine, don't worry about it.....alright, goodbye." Ethan was curious about her phone conversation.

"Well, Mr Li, it appears I will also be flying to Japan on Thursday, what a coincidence." Lillie stoically stated.

Ethan's ears perked. Did he heard her right? Did she said she'll fly on Thursday too?!

"The flight I wish to take was Friday, sadly the first class cabin was bought by a bunch of rich young misses. Fortunately, Elliot got a ticket for Thursday."

Thank you, rich young misses!

"I presume we'll go together?" She asked.

Ethan coughed to contain his excitement. "Well, that'll be a great idea. You know, to avoid hassles."

"I guess you make a point." Lillie acknowledge his words and nodded. Ethan wanted to jump to the heavens and give his lucky star a kiss!

Wait....he didn't have a ticket yet, right?

"I'm done eating." He said and quickly left.

What a strange man. Lillie now thinks that Ethan have some mental disorder. Possibly bipolar disorder? Or maybe schizophrenia?

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Ethan pulled out his phone and quickly called Ming Lian.

[Yes, Sir?]

"Book me a flight to Japan on Thursday."

[Wait for a moment, sir.]

After a few minutes.

[Sir, I'm afraid it cannot be accommodated.]

Ethan's face darkens and his eyes were icy.


[It was already full...]

Ethan wanted to vomit blood and smash his phone on the wall in anger. Lucky star? What bullshit!

Lillie was done eating as she was about to go upstairs, back to her room, her phone rang again.

"Elliot, what is it again?" She answered.

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[I'm terribly sorry, Miss Bai, but I'm afraid I cannot join you with your trip to Japan.]

"Why is that?"

[It's quite embarrassing but, it's actually my mother's birthday on Thursday. She hoped that you'll grant me a day off to spend her birthday with me.]

"I understand. Alright I'll give you a day off, I'll go to Japan myself."

[I'm really sorry, Miss Bai. I'll catch up to you after.]

"No, it's fine. Take the rest of the day off until I come back." It's been a while since she gave him a day off. He deserves it, after all, it was he who sometimes do much of the work with the paperworks.

Lillie hates paperworks, she avoids them like a plague. She's more into computer work.

[Really? Thank you very much, Miss Bai!] Even Elliot wouldn't turn down that offer!

"By the way, did you bought two tickets?" She asked.

[Yes, I was about to cancel the other one.]

"Don't, just leave it be."

[Okay, miss. Please be safe on your flight.]

"Alright, thank you."

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Lillie ended the call and searched for Ethan. She saw him lying on the hammock while smoking a cigarette at the backyard. She noticed that there were cigarette butts on the ground, it seems he already smoked a lot.

Lillie raised her eyebrow. She didn't like people who smoked. So, she snatched the cigarette from his hand and threw it on the ground.

Ethan was furious, he was about to yell at the person who did that but suddenly swallowed his words. Lillie was glaring at him.

"Stop smoking, it's unhealthy. Plus, second hand-smoke is more dangerous." She sternly reminded.

Ethan was dumbfounded, he felt the anger subside and turned into warmth.

"Sorry...I promise I won't smoke again." He obediently said.

"Good. By the way, do you already have a ticket for your flight?" She asked. Ethan sighed and shook his head.

"Elliot bought two but suddenly have other plans so, he could not come. I'll give you the extra ticket." Ethan's eyes widen and quickly got off the hammock and stood in front of her.

"Really?" He asked.

"Sure, but you have to pay me though."

"No problem!"

Lucky star, I'm sorry for not believing in you! It won't happen again!

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