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Lillie Bai and White Bird, two completely different figures in the society but are really just one person.

One is a ruthless CEO who pummels her rivals and their companies to the ground, caused a sensation through the business world, and made miracles in White Phoenix Empire.

While the other is a cold-blooded, lawless Demon who kills without batting an eyelid, the one who created the White Bird Organization, and the person who brings death to whoever crosses her path.

Tell me...who is this cute girl in the passenger seat stuffing her cheeks with donuts like a hamster?

Which one is she?

Sweets Fanatic Lillie?

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This adorable side of his wife is definitely on the list of his "Favorite Side of Lillie". But the Lillie on the top 1 list of his "Favorite Side of Lillie" is Kiss Monster Lillie.
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Is there a need for further explanation?

All those sweets she ate, why isn't her personality as sweet?

Did her black belly digested them really fast?

Ethan chuckled at his joke. Taking a quick glance at Lillie, he wiped the frosting off the side of her pouty lips. "Calm down, no one would take them from you."

Lillie's cheeks flushed pink, embarrassed that she has been caught being a glutton.'s only Ethan, so Lillie did not mind.

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When they came to the donut shop, it was empty with the exemption of the night shift employees. Imagine their frightened reaction when they witnessed two immortals entering their humble shop wearing red carpet worthy dress and suit.

Their presence obviously did not fit in with a puny donut shop!

Did these two escaped a party between immortals so that they could experience what it's like to be in a common place?

Scanning through the glass, Lillie was glad to see her favorite flavored donut available.

"I'll take all of these."

The poor cashiers jumped in fear when they heard the iciness in Lillie's voice. Unfortunately, they're not aware that it's just Lillie's normal speaking voice.

"Y-yes, m-ma'am!" One of the cashier frantically filled the largest box with the donut of Lillie's choice and was about to seal it.

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"Don't seal it," Lillie quickly said. There's no need to seal it since she'll be eating them right away.

The box almost flew out of the cashier's hands in fright.


Ethan payed for the donuts. Lillie wanted to insist but he already gave his card to the cashier's trembling hands before she could get hers.

After the two domineering figures left, the poor cashiers cried in relief. Their other co-workers, who were in the locker rooms at time, asked what happened.

"We saw two immortals..."

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Ethan drove in an unhurried pace, letting Lillie finish her donuts in the car, or else they'll be scolded by Nanny Ying and Butler Tian if they saw her eating "unhealthy snacks" in midnight.

He smiled adoringly at her when she would bring one to his mouth.

Maybe the sugar did not digested yet that's why his wife is acting so sweet right now.

The donuts' sweetness are perfectly balanced. The sweetness isn't the kind that make one cringe.

But he soon discovered that eating the donuts his wife hand-fed him to be incredibly sweet that he fear he might get cavity.

Nonetheless, this particular sweetness is not something he finds concerning. Instead, he hoped for it to keep on coming...

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