\"Have you traced the location where the call was received?\"

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\"This...we're unsuccessful, boss...\"

\"Obtaining the number had already been tricky, but we managed to decipher it. The identity of the receiver however...\"

\"In the end, we're still fighting blind?\"

\"In—In spite of that, we made them feel restless with our threat! Without a doubt they won't be planning anything against us soon!\"

\"I'm not worried about their plots. I wanted to know who it was that had guts to pretend to be me.\"

\"Please, forgive us for our incompetence!\" Sensing White Bird's patience to be running out, the captain of the Tracking Squad and his subordinates bowed their heads deeply in shame.

They are inside the headquarter's communication portal. This is the only place where you can contact White Bird and request a meeting with her when she's not around.

\"We accept any punishment you see fit for our failure...\"

The Tracking Squad is under the Elite Assassination Unit, they are considered incredibly skilled and are one of the best when it comes to pinpointing the enemy and their hideout.

Sadly, their skills were proven useless in unveiling the fake White Bird's identity and location.

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This remarkable foe is a tough one to chew.

The captain of the Tracking Squad had been the most embarrassed when he found out that the spies of fake White Bird came from a small group that does not even hold candles with the weakest Demons in the Underworld.

They were deceived, and it made them look like fools.

How could they just leave this room and act as if they hadn't just loss face in front of the big boss? For them, being demoted is not enough to compensate for their failure.

White Bird flicked her wrist, \"No need to worry, I do not blame you for this mishap...\"

The Tracking Squad wanted to cry and worship White Bird's benevolence.

\"As for your punishment, you will be accepting double the amount of missions. Silent Death will be watching your improvements and decide whether or not you will be needing more training.\"

Boss, ah...are you sure you're not blaming us? Accepting double the amount of those missions is like a death sentence! And training with Silent Death is no different than being mentally and physically tortured ah!

Wuwuwu...boss, please have mercy ah!

\"In the meantime, this mission will have to sit. Failure is unavoidable, but there is a limit to it, as well as my patience. Make sure that you're successful on your next missions. I hope there will be no more mishaps like this.\"

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\"You can count on us, boss! We will not disappoint you again!\"

\"Good. You're dismissed.\"

Lillie opened the automatic blinds behind her to let the sunlight brighten her study room after she ended the video call. There's not much to do in the company so she stayed home to relax.

Sweat glistened her face as she removed her mask and hid it in a secret vault.

Ethan left hours ago to tend the work he missed. She accidentally eavesdropped to his phone call with his secretary.

Secretary Yu's frantic cries—begging Ethan to finish his stockpiles of papers—can almost be heard echoing throughout the house.

Ethan begrudgingly put on his suit and drive off to work. Though he was less reluctant when Lillie promised to give him a minute long kiss before he goes.

\"A minute is not enough...\" Ethan complained, his lower lip pursed into a pout.

\"Then no kiss.\"

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\"Hey, wait, wait, I didn't say that.\" Ethan was quick to change his mind at her warning. \"A minute is good too...\"

A minute kiss is better than no kiss at all, alright?

Lillie sighed with unhidden fondness and amusement at his antics.

\"Miss, your refreshments are in the pool area as you've requested.\" A maid knocked on her door.

Lillie opened the door and said, \"Thank you, I'll be right there.\"

The maid bowed before excusing herself.

Storm's ears perked when he heard his mistress' voice. He was lying beside the door, waiting for her to come out.

Lillie petted his head tenderly, \"Good boy, Storm.\" She generously praised.

Storm had his chest out with pride. He was utterly enjoying this day because the stinky human man is not around to hog his mistress from him.

Storm has his mistress' attention all to himself.

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\"Come on, let's go out for some snacks. With your thick coat, I'm sure you're feeling uncomfortable with this heat.\" Lillie beckoned with her hand.

The mistress and wolf stepped out of the house to get some fresh air. Lillie let Storm play on the large pool to cool down while she relaxes under the canopy, holding a glass of iced tea.

Today's whether is quite humid, so she changed into an off-shoulder, pastel blue crop top and white shorts. Her hair was pulled into a simple high ponytail.


Lillie cranked her head behind and saw her brother and Ethan's sister excitedly running towards her.

\"Gab, Yifei, what are you two doing here?\"

The two grinned sheepishly. \"Hehe...sorry for coming unexpectedly, but we called Butler Tian and Nanny Ying to ask if you're available. We told them not to say anything to surprise you—\" Yifei started explaining.

\"Storm!\" Gabriel's eyes sparkled when he saw the eye-catchy, large, black wolf paddling in the pool.

Storm was already swimming towards the edge of the pool when he was alerted by the male voice and two new presence running towards his mistress.

When he saw the two, he immediately recognized one of them was his mistress' brother and his favorite little human boy—who doesn't look so little anymore.

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