Ethan's day had not been the best. First, he woke up in the morning by a loud ringtone—forcing him to untangle himself from cuddling his wife. Second, the weather hasn't been too gracious on him today. It's still in the middle of spring, why is the sun unbearable today?

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Lastly, and probably the most irritating, Ethan arrived in his office and was greeted by a humid room.

The air-conditioning system was broken. It took the maintenance five hours before they fix it. Five, grueling, long hours inside a sauna like room.

He felt suffocated with his suit, sweat already soaking it, so he end up removing the layers, leaving only his white shirt—which became a bit translucent, showing his perfectly built pecks.

Fortunately, he was not needed anywhere but his office.

Those lucky yet unlucky employees who entered to hand over their projects, felt as if they were literally in the devil's lair with their devilishly hot boss wearing his almost see-through shirt.

The female employees fan themselves, suppressing the urge to faint at the sight.

True to his title as the Devil, Ethan's temperament heeds no bound in being ruthless. Maybe the heat was to blame for his unusual hot-temper.

\"Trash! Everything is trash! I want you all to repeat everything and finish it by five!\"

\"Late by a second, deduction of salary!\"

\"Late by a minute, say goodbye to your position!\"

\"Late by an hour, get out! You're fired!\"

The employees ran out of his office, crying.

CEO Li is too unreasonable today! How could he abuse his power like this?!

Did he fought with his wife? If so, please spew your anger at a different target, alright?! This displacement is not good for our hearts, alright?!

\"Sir, you are scheduled for a board meeting by 3:50.\"

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Secretary Yu flinched when Ethan's menacing glare darted at her frame.

\"B-board...board meeting....s-sir.\"

After a few moments of silence, Ethan pushed his chair away from his desk and stood up.

Secretary Yu watch him enter the bedroom in his office. When he came out, he was wearing a new shirt.

Grabbing his blazer, he strode out with Secretary Yu tailing behind.

Sweat immediately excreted on his forehead as soon as he exited his office. The temperature outside was actually hotter.

Ethan then thought of his employees. They probably had it much worst compare to him.

The heat was probably affecting their performance. Ethan felt a bit guilty—but not too much.

\"Ah, the air-conditioner is fixed.\" Secretary Yu noted the cool air flowing out of the vents.

Ethan suddenly felt a painful pound on his head.


Yifei floated on the pool, pretending to be dead.

Gabriel rolled his eyes. \"Storm, can you get her?\"

Storm paddled closer at the floating human. He dived below and placed her on his back.

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Yifei was startled. \"Yah, no! Please don't eat me!\" She gripped onto Storm's thick fur.

\"Oh, you're so soft...\" She muttered, her eyes sparkling.

\"Storm is not hostile, you can pet him.\" Gabriel reassured.

After that, Yifei fell in love with Storm.

\"Aww~ you're such a sweetheart~\" Yifei cooed. \"Who's a good boy? Such a good boy, yes you are~\"

Gabriel joined Yifei on the pool. Lillie threw a beach ball at them so that they could play.

\"Sis, come play with us! Two on two.\"

\"Yeah, yeah! You and I versus Storm and Gabby!\"


Lillie shook her head, \"Sorry kids, I'm waiting for a call.\"

\"Awww, can't you at least play one round while waiting?\"

As Yifei said that, Lillie's phone rang.

Lillie grabbed her phone and looked at the two teens, \"If it ended quickly, I'll play.\"


Coincidentally, after Lillie entered the house to accept the call, Yifei's phone from the chair rang.

\"Yifei, I think that's your phone.\" Gabriel was near, so he saw whose phone it was.

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\"Oh, thanks.\" Yifei swam out. Drying her hands, she took her phone and read the name of the caller.

\"I'll be right back, play with Storm for a while.\"

Gabriel didn't get to reply as Yifei make a dash towards the house.


[Miss, we found a lead.] Elliot was stationed in White Bird Headquarters. He called to inform her of their discovery.

\"Good. Send out Mo Kun and Chunhua to gather some intel around the area.\"


After the Tracking Squad's failed mission, she gave the job to Lan Wu Cheng, Song Mo Kun, Elliot, and Jessica.

If even her skilled trackers cannot find the fake, she think it's time to send out the big guns.

Four of White Bird Elders who specialized in digging out rodents.

[The Reapers are already making their move. Should we instruct them to leave it?]

\"No need, the Reapers already know what to do.\" Lillie had already speak with Death.

\"How are the puppets?\"

[Lei said that it'll take a few more weeks before that woman can speak properly.]

\"Her condition?\"

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\"Good. And Lei's brother?\"

[He has been assigned to lead half the unit of assassins to ambush ten trucks of weapons for the military.]

\"Does not He Jiu know this?\"

[We already contacted him. Instead of weapons, She Gu's men will be 'unloading' military forces.]

\"Hmm, wonderful. Foil more of She Gu's plan of acquiring more weapons. We don't need him reloading.\"

[Yes, miss.]

Gabriel was on the lounge taking a rest with Storm by his side.

Lillie stepped out once again after the call. She looked around and asked, \"Where's Yifei?\"

\"Phone call.\" Gabriel shortly said.

\"Sis!\" Yifei's frantic cries came from a distance.

Lillie and Gabriel immediately darted their heads at her as she ran towards them. \"What's wrong?\"

\"It's big brother...\" Yifei panted.

Lillie's heart thump anxiously.

\"He collapsed!\"

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