Lillie changed into a casual, yet chic clothes that consist of a white, turtleneck sweatshirt tucked into a beige square pants, and a pair of comfortable rubber shoes. Her beautiful, ash-blonde her was tied into a high bun with a few hairs framing the side of her face.

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Lillie slid on her round eyeglasses, then looked behind her from the mirror to see a sulking Ethan in his business attire.

The small bandaid marring his cheek did not soiled his face. On the contrary, it only added to his devilish charms.

"Are you sure you're alright going alone?"

Lillie wanted to roll her eyes for the umpteenth time. "I only need to pick up my nephew and the twin's gifts from the mall. I'm not going to a street fight."

He wanted to go with her to the mall, but Lillie insisted that it's only a simple task, she could manage doing it by herself.

"Besides, you still haven't convinced your father about our little trip. Better finish as many works as you can to do so." She evoked.

Much like her father, Li Yefeng was hesitant in allowing his son to go. He might've reconsidered it if his son finish the paperworks that stockpiled during his absence.

Ethan grunted in response. She's right, as always. She always seem to know exactly what to say for her to win the dispute.

"I'll be back three hours before we go to the party," Lillie pecked him on the lips. "See you later."

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Ethan silently watched her strode out of their bedroom. The sensation of her soft lips and the lingering taste of her strawberry flavored lipgloss calm him down.

However, the effect didn't lasted long enough as Lillie only pecked him. If it were a full on, long kiss, he might've let her go without anymore disagreements.

His daze over the kiss was awoken when he heard her car's engine roaring into life and the gates opening.

Ethan looked down at his wristwatch and sighed.

Time to go to work.


Lillie headed straight to a popular clothing store for babies that has the best quality and the cutest designs.

One of the salesladies approached her with a polite and kind smile. "Hello, ma'am. May I be of assistance?"

"I'm here for my custom-made order."

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"May I know the receiver's name please?"

"Lillie Bai."

The saleslady's eyes widen and quickly said, "Right this way, Miss Bai." She could literally hear her heart beating on her fingertips. Everyone in the store knew that Lillie Bai called them for a custom-made design, but they wouldn't have expected her to personally get it.

Taking note on her clothes and appearance, even if she's in casual, she managed to make herself look sophisticated. Maybe it was the way she walks and how her aura radiates grace, aristocracy and aloofness.

She looks like an op protagonist that came straight out of a manhwa.

The saleslady bet that even if Lillie Bai put on rags, she could make it fashionable.

Lillie hands the saleslady her card on the counter. With a swift swipe, the transaction was complete, and the items were handed in a large paper bag.

The salesladies bowed their head and thanked her and said "Come again soon!" in unison.

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Once she left, the salesladies gossiped with one another.

"I heard from the manager that CEO Bai asked for a gender-neutral design for twins."

"Twins! How lucky!"

"I wonder whose babies they belong to."

"Definitely not hers, I could tell just by looking."

"CEO Bai's mother is Agathe Crevier, right? Why didn't she asked her to make the baby clothes instead?"

"That's a question I can't answer."

The real answer for that is Lillie didn't want to bother her mother for it.

Also because she knew her mother would gift the unborn twins some clothes too.

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This is a competition between mother and daughter who both have great taste in fashion. Now, the question is, whose design would win her cousin sister's approval?

Walking around the mall with a paper bag that has the brand logo of a well-known baby shop, earned a few stares—especially if the person holding it was a beautiful woman.

The men who ogled her for her unparalleled beauty wanted to beat and curse the man who swept her off her feet and made her a mother, while the women looked envious at her appearance, the way she brings herself in a casual clothes, and for being well-off as to buy baby clothes from an expensive brand.

However, there are some who thought how lucky her future baby would be to have such beautiful mother. The baby would definitely inherit some of her good genes.

" I was saying—ah, Mr. Wei? Where are you going?"

Wei Fang stood up from his seat near the window of an expensive restaurant. He blinked, not believing his eyes for a moment.

That woman passing by just now...

Wei Fang ditched the person he was having a meeting with to see if the woman he saw was really his Thea. His secretary was left to apologize and entertain the person while they wait for him to come back.

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