"What are the odds..."

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"Did you say something—" Veronica flinched when she saw Lillie's darkened expression.

Oohhh...this is not good.

"You know her?"

"Not really."

"Eh? Then...then why—?" Lillie grabbed her arm, cutting her off mid sentence, and lead themselves back with the rest of the family.

That annoying reptile, how did she get her grimy claws on her eldest cousin brother?

Was this intentional? Did she find out that she and Ethan had something to do with her organization being trashed? Or was this a petty revenge for failing to snatch Ethan?

"Anthony, I explicitly told you to arrive on time." Arthur Bai frowned at his eldest son and the woman beside him.

He's also not too keen with his son's girlfriend. The woman's intentions are still unclear.

"Sorry, dad. I had to pick up Tingting from her condo." Anthony Bai had most of his father's looks. He has a strong jawline, thin lips and straight nose, curly black hair and green eyes that he got from his mother.

While everyone was busy looking at the new arrivals, Ethan slid off and went to his wife's side.

"Out of all the fishes in the sea, your cousin brother just had to choose a piranha." Ethan quietly said to her. "What is she up to this time?"

"We'll know, soon."

Ming Ting acted like a delicate lady and bowed her in embarrassment. "I'm sorry for keeping everyone waiting, Second Master Bai." With her head lowered, the corner of her eyes landed at the couple.

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Ming Ting wasn't surprised to see Lillie Bai, this is her family's dinner party, after all. And of course, Ethan Li wouldn't be too far from her.

The last time she saw those two were at that French restaurant where she and her father met that b*stard, Wei Fang.

Just remembering that two-faced b*stard made her blood boil. He's the reason behind her father's business going down and her family being dismissed in the Elite Society.

She could've easily rebuilt the company and have her family stay within the Elite Society using Azure Tortoise's wealth. However, she needed to lie low and do it without anyone being suspicious on where her wealth came from.

Anthony Bai held her hand and guided her towards his family and relatives. He greeted everyone and introduced her to them.

"Good evening, everyone. I apologize for barging in to your family dinner, I am Ming Ting." She politely lowered her head.

"Aiyo, don't apologize, Miss Ming, you're our Tony's girlfriend! If he wanted to bring his lady to the family, then we'll gladly welcome her!" Alexander Bai politely said.

His brother's reaction towards the woman didn't go unnoticed by him. But he still choose to be civil towards the woman as he wasn't too quick to judge someone based on other people's perception.

"Now that everyone's here, let us dine. I'm sure you're all famished from traveling."

As if on cue, trolleys of food were pushed inside. Platters of different kinds of delicacies were carefully placed in the table, bottles of wine were popped open and poured on everyone's glasses.

Lillie seemed to be focused on the wine glass she's holding, but she had her eyes completely set on the woman just across the table, talking merrily with her eldest cousin brother.

Ethan pretends to lean his head down on his food as he whispered to Lillie. "What are you going to do?"

"Nothing," Lillie sipped on her wine, her eyes not leaving Ming Ting's frame. "For now."

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If Azure Tortoise dare attack her family, Lillie swore that she will not let her see tomorrow's daylight.

"Ah, Thea," Anthony finally noticed his cousin sister.

"Hm?" Lillie pretends to avert her attention from her food.

"I'm sure you've met my girlfriend, Ming Ting, before, right?"

"I'm not certain I did."

"Tony, I told you she didn't know me. I just saw her at a restaurant." Ming Ting bashfully said, lightly elbowing her boyfriend.

Ming Ting awkwardly smiled at her, "I'm not sure if you remembered, but I was also at that French restaurant you and Mr. Li were having dinner before."

"And while Young Master Li was waiting for you, my father and I chatted with him."

"Really? He did not mentioned anything." Lillie faced the man beside her.

Ethan did not denied her claim. "Ah, yes. You and your father were suppose to have dinner with Wei Fang. I hope it went well?" His eyes stared at her with concealed mock.

Ming Ting clenched her hands under the table, clearly seeing the provocation. "Sadly, Mr. Wei rejected my father's proposal." She said with a sad smile.

"I see. How unfortunate for Wei Fang to lose a valuable asset."

Ming Ting smiled, stabbing this man multiple times in her mind.

Veronica witnessed their interaction with eagle's eye. "Is there bad blood between them? I would've expected it to be you, since you reacted so violently before." She whispered to Lillie.

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"That woman is bad news."

"I knew it!" Veronica quietly exclaimed.

"But I need to observe her more."

"What's there to observe? Isn't she using eldest brother?"

"I have a feeling it's not that simple."

After their encounter with Azure Tortoise and the chase she and She Gu dispatched, Ethan send out the Black Python to weaken her organization by killing many of her subordinates, ruining her transactions, and sabotaging her weapons' shipment.

Unfortunately, it was not enough to entirely destroy her. She's not an Underworld Leader for no reason.

Lillie heard from the reports that Azure Tortoise wasn't active in the Underworld for quite some time. She must be recuperating and tending her family's current situation.

The Ming family's business is soon to crumble. There were rumors that it was because they offended the Wei family.

But, Ming Ting is Azure Tortoise. Surely, she would've seek vengeance by now, right?

Then, why hadn't there any news about the Wei family's massacre? Also, Lillie just caught glimpses of Wei Fang in the mall, alive and well.

Something must've frightening Azure Tortoise.

Did she found out something? Something that made her take a step back?

Something that made her fear the Wei family?

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"I heard Miss Ting and Eldest Cousin Brother used to date back in college." Lillie probed.

Ming Ting answered her honestly, "Yes, Tony was actually my first boyfriend." Her cheeks flushed red.

"Then, what happened for you two to break-up?"

Ming Ting looked down shyly, feigning nervousness, "I— father didn't approved of our relationship."

Mr. Ming truly didn't approved of their relationship because the Bai family that time wasn't as influential as they are now.

Ming Ting is a filial daughter, she listens to her father's every wishes.

But, her feelings with Anthony were genuine. The days they've spent after seeing each other again, made her recall how she fell in love with this compassionate man.

She had even stopped pursuing Ethan Li, thinking that she wouldn't need a man who will not reciprocate her feelings.

"Why did he changed his mind now?"

Ming Ting shuffled in her seat uncomfortably.

"We were young at that time and his father didn't trust me." Anthony answered his cousin. "But now, I proved to her father that I can take good care of her."

Lillie can detect the lie in his words.

What's this? Her cousin is protecting her. Does this mean he knows something?

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