"You would make a phenomenal grand finale for my greatest masterpiece, Little Flower." If puppy eyes aren't doing it, then guilt trip it is. "A sensation, even. The surprise star of the night."

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"That's nice. I'm sure most of your dozens of models would gladly accept your offer."

"Boo, such a KJ."

"Leave her be, dear. If she doesn't want to, then she doesn't." Mr. Bai patted his wife's shoulder in consolation.

To think his stubborn wife would give up after all of those rejections from the past years. He also still doesn't understand or have no clue why Lillie would refuse to model her mother's dresses, even if it's only for one time. She never did tell the reason.

As far as he could tell, Lillie had no problems with being the center of attention, or having the public eyes glued at her.

"Alright, fine. I just tried to see if you would change your mind." Mrs. Bai pouted petulantly.

"I would've informed you if I did."

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"Sure you would."

Now that Mrs. Bai had said her piece, it was Mr. Bai's turn to have the podium.

However, the exchanging of dialogue with Lillie would not be as father and daughter, but as President and CEO. For simplicity's sake, it's all about business.

To which Mrs. Bai just tuned out because she found it boring.

Gosh, her only daughter is starting to be like his husband's old and boring business partners. She must do whatever it takes to prevent that from happening by livening up her daughter's life!

And what better idea is there else than to make her spend more time with her fiancée?

If only it was as easy as it sound. This CEO couple are always so busy. In addition to that, they're workaholics!

They haven't even halved the things they needed to plan for the...

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Lillie and her father turned their heads in unison at the Bai family matriarch, who suddenly exclaimed and smacked her hands on the table.

"Little Flower! The wedding, the wedding!" She frantically said as if the devil was hot on her trail.

"What about it?"

"What do you mean what about it?! We haven't finished organizing your wedding, which I remind you, will be in seven months!" Mrs. Bai was ready to rip her hair off from exasperation.

"Mom, calm down. Ethan and I were already on it."

Mrs. Bai froze. "Eh, really? When? Where? How? Why didn't I know anything?"

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Lillie shook her head in a bit of amusement. "Mom, you were so busy designing this year's collection that I didn't wanted to bother you. Besides, Ethan and I can perfectly handle everything from here on out. You already did so much with the dresses and suits."

"Our daughter's right, dear. No need to stress yourself out." Mr. Bai agreed. "I believe they're capable enough to plan their own wedding."

"If...if you say so, then I'm glad." Mrs. Bai sighed in relief. If we were talking about the past Lillie whose relationship with Ethan was still unstable, there might be no wedding.

The reason why Lillie and Ethan's parents agreed for an arranged marriage, was because they knew the two liked each other since high school.

But their pride got the best of them—Lillie's, mostly—that they wouldn't become what they are today if it weren't for the little pushing their parents did.

Ethan's adoration for Lillie was obvious for his parents. But how did Lillie's parents know she liked Ethan?

Let's just say a certain eccentric, fashionista of a mother walked in her daughter's bedroom while she was asleep and accidentally heard her mutter Ethan's name in her dreams.

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Sigh, teenagers.

Mrs. Bai would keep this secret up until her grave. She didn't told her dear husband in fear he might collapse from shock or have a heart attack.

Oh, and also, she saw the letters. Lillie fell asleep while she was reading them, so Mrs. Bai couldn't help but be curious.

She didn't read everything, just enough to know that the letters came from a mysterious suitor.

But how did she know it was Ethan?

She didn't.

Then, how did she know Lillie likes Ethan?

It was pure instinct.

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