Voices came into an abrupt halt, heads turning to the direction of the loud sound of wood groaning as the double doors of the conference room were opened.

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Two figures stood by the door frame for a second before striding. Their ambiance were cold, dark, and intimidating.

The kind that makes even a veteran Underworld dweller's knees to buckle in terror, as these two were literal devils on earth.

If only the group by the table were ordinary, they would've already passed out just by looking straight into those piercing eyes that stares right into your soul, ready to tear it off your body and devour it.

"Welcome back, boss." The Elder greeted in sync at the white-clad woman with the phoenix mask, before those who were a bit close to the recently recruited Elder, Silver Dragon, casually greeted him next.

Drunk Python and Blood Venom frantically stood up when they realized that the big boss lady has arrived, along with their boss man.

Drunk Python didn't know Ethan's new alias, nor what his new look was going to be. He just presumed that the man standing beside the Lady Boss was him, considering that's the most plausible answer.

"I apologize for the delay and interruption." White Bird flicked her wrist, beckoning everyone to settle back to their seats, to which they complied.

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"Welcome to our base of operations, Drunk Python. And also welcome, Blood Venom, for finally joining us in person." Lillie addressed the two Commanders as she proceed towards her seat with Ethan trailing just a few feet behind her.

Mentioned commanders bobbed their heads forward in an unvocalized gratitude for her warm welcome.

Lillie sat down on her seat, Ethan was on her left, whereas Elliot was on her right.

"We're all glad to finally have you two here. I take it that Drunk Python has been imparted in with the necessary information?"

"Yes, boss. And we have already answered most of his queries as well."

"Very good. Allow me to take over from here, White Crow."

Elliot bowed and sat down.

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Lillie crossed her legs and rested her curled hands on her knees. "As per usual, two of our Elders are absent. But they had already been briefed of the plan for the next course of action. A plan in which our special guests plays the major role."

Said special guests stiffened at the mention, their eyes and ears pique in wonder and interest.

"We had already gathered a fraction of the loyal subordinates that were under the submission of the real Vermillion Dragon. Now, I'm granting these two Commanders the responsibility to take the helm, and lead them once again."

The prime reason why Lillie intend for this was to offer those former Vermillion Dragon subordinates a sense of familiarity and reassurance.

They were still cautious of the whole alliance with the White Bird. Bearing in mind of their bloody past, they wouldn't blame them.

The Commanders' appearance would definitely remove those doubts and concerns. Best case scenario, it would develop trust; thus, strengthening the alliance.

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Some must be wondering why Ethan couldn't make an appearance since he was the real Vermillion Dragon.

As far as his former subordinates' aware of, the Vermillion Dragon currently reigning over the organization was the real one.

Unfortunately, Ethan couldn't risk unveiling his identity to them yet. God knows how far humors spread, so they need to be careful on who they could trust this secret with.

And let's say that all of those former subordinates of his were truly loyal, you still wouldn't know on who else could be listening.

Walls have ears, as the saying goes.

If his presence reaches She Gu's ears, that would be game over for their playtime.

And that's boring.

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"The plan," Lillie's crimson eyes gleamed, her lips—that was similar to the color of her eyes—curled into a mischievous and wicked smirk.

"Is to shake the Underworld to its core. No Demon will not know of the Vermillion Dragon Commanders' revival. Starting off, you two will let that fake know just how upset you are for being kicked out of your own property."

The two Commanders exchanged knowing glances at each other, looked at their boss man, before finally looking at the Lady Boss.

Lillie saw indentical Cheshire cat grins etching their faces that indicated they couldn't subdue the excitement they have for this upcoming event.

Hoho, they would definitely enjoy making that fake's hair fall off from stress when they're done making the rest of his week the worst.

Don't blame us for being ruthless, She Gu.

You asked for it.

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