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Ethan and the twins shouted at the same time when the newly declared mother staggered, her chest expanding and recoiling with labored, panicked breaths.

With abnormally fast reflexes, Ethan was quick to catch his wife before she collides onto the ground.

He cradled her vulnerable body closer to him, cupping his free hand on her pale, cold cheek; her skin was coated with a thin sheen of cold sweat.

Scooping her up, he carried her towards the couch and gently laid her there. He rested her head on a soft cushion to elevate her head, and at the same time, make her comfortable. The twins rushed to to her side and examined her condition.

Cyra held her wrist and felt for her pulse. "She fainted from emotional shock. Both heartbeat and breathing reestablished equilibrium." She explained then sighed in relief, thankful that nothing bad happened to Lillie and her baby.

"Considering it's the boss we're talking about, she'll probably wake up in a few minutes." Cyrus chimed to set everyone's—himself included—minds at rest.

Cranking her neck to face Ethan, Cyra slowly asked, "Silver are...Ethan Li, aren't you?"

That day, when the boss introduced the new addition to the Elders, Silver Dragon, to them, she didn't mentioned his true identity.

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They assumed Lillie was hiding it at first, but if she was really hiding it, how come they figured it out? When the boss hides something, she hides it well that not even them, her closest confidants, would find out.

Unbeknownst to them, the truth is that Lillie wasn't intending to hide Ethan's identity from the Elders, that minor detail simply slipped her mind.

But since they've already put together the puzzle pieces without a sweat, there doesn't seem to be any need to explain.

As the twins had observed, the boss' relationship with her fiancée, Ethan Li, was close-knit. And observing their boss' interaction with Silver Dragon was enough to say that they're the same person.

"I am." Ethan saw no reason to deny the claim, so he confirmed Cyra's question without hesitation.

"I want to punch you so hard right now for being reckless, but I wouldn't give all the blame to you. Both of you had been reckless. Do you know how dangerous it would be if her enemies found out she's pregnant?"

Of course he knows.

Ethan lowered his head. Cyra's frustration wasn't unjustifiable. He fully understands that she was only worried about Lillie's well-being.

Anyone in her shoes would react the same way; everyone who cares for Lillie and knew about the dangerous side of life she took part into.

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Ethan was impressed with her self-control, for holding herself back from snapping his neck.

"Lillie is currently in a fragile state. She couldn't afford to be out in the open as White Bird for too long, lest we're wishing for bullets and daggers flying her way. That would put the baby at risk. We'll also have to make sure—one hundred percent sure—that the baby wouldn't receive any negative effects if the boss was poisoned."

Poison or drugs seem to be her enemies' favorite method in trying to dispose of her—as both Lillie Bai and White Bird.

Since it was quite frequent plus due to a horrible event of the past, Lillie had her body tweaked to be immune to most poisons or drugs. But that doesn't mean it applies to the baby as well.

"I'm pregnant, not incapacitated."

Three pairs of ears piqued at the sound of soft, irked groans coming from the woman lying on the couch, who's been the core of their concerns.

"Lillie." Ethan's hand automatically reached out to hers. "How are you feeling? Do you need anything? Water, perhaps?"

"No, I'm good, thank you." Lillie squinted her eyes as they were assaulted by the glaring lights of her ceiling that had, unwarrantedly, greeted her as soon as she opened them.

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"Took you three minutes and twenty nine seconds to wake up? You never cease to amaze, boss. I anticipated ten minutes." Cyrus whistled, impressed. He then winced when his twin whacked him on the back of his head. 

"This is not the time for your obnoxious jokes, brother. And why the heck are you timing the boss?"

"I wasn't trying to make a joke! And my jokes aren't obnoxious, FYI. Lastly, I saw the opportunity to record how long before the boss wakes up, so I did!"

Lillie carefully sat up with Ethan supporting her. She sighed and massaged her temples when the twins started their good-natured bickering.

"Cyra, Cyrus, please leave us for a moment. We'll come back to the clinic later to have a copy of my...pregnancy result."

Finally realizing that they were being too loud, and thus, only aggravating their boss, the twins came into an abrupt halt and faced their boss with sheepish looks and an embarrassed, red blush on their cheeks.

They bowed their heads and muttered an apology.

Lillie waved her hand, gesturing that their actions were excused.

"There's no need to rush, boss. Take your time to rest and let everything sink in to you gradually. The last thing we need is you having another panic attack."

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"This is the first time we saw you lose control over your emotions—don't get me wrong, it's not a bad thing. Guess that answers the million dollar question whether you're still human—ow, ow, ow, ow!"

"Please excuse his big mouth, boss. We'll leave now, see you later!" Cyra waved her hand goodbye, while the other was latched harshly onto her twin's ear, dragging him out with her.

After the door produced a soft click, indicating it was securely shut, the expectants looked at each other with uncertainty.

Yet, their eyes still held a strong emotion of love.

"We...we're having a bun." A smile couldn't help but grace Lillie's lips.

Seeing his wife smile ever so warmly, Ethan couldn't help but do the same. He leaned towards her and pressed a deep kiss on her luscious lips.

"And we're going through this together." He said in a whispery voice as he retracted from her lips. "I'm here. I'll always be here for you and our baby. I promise I won't let anything happen to you two, so there's nothing to be afraid of."

Ethan's words of consolation managed to calm the raging turmoils in her chest. She snugged into his embrace and rested the side of her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes as his hand continue to make soft rubs on her back and the other on her abdomen—which was now carrying the fruit of their love. 

A shaky sigh escaped her lips when she felt tears trickle down her eyes.

Pregnancy is definitely making her emotional.

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