"Brother, have you seen father anywhere?" She Lei entered his dear, deceased brother's office. Making sure to lock the door behind him, he approached the body seated behind the desk, seemingly busy scribbling something on a paper. 

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She Jing's hand stopped and placed the pen down before his empty gaze met his. "Ah Lei, it's me, Jill." 

"Ah, so it's Senior Sister K. Jill who's taking the wheels today," She Lei casually opened the alcohol cabinet and took out his favorite whiskey, and prepared himself a glass. "Where's my crazy old geezer?"

"I haven't seen him all day. Last I heard, he left and went somewhere. He couldn't possibly meet with the dark doctor, he's still in the academy." Cyra—Killer Jill—communicated through the transmitters installed in the nanobots controlling She Jing.

She Lei hummed, slumping down on the couch. He twirled his glass of whiskey, the ice clinking against the glass, before gulping it down in one go. The liquid delightfully stung his throat. 

"The old sc.u.mbag is getting suspiciously secretive. Just what is he hiding that he wouldn't disclose even to his 'favorite' son?" Sarcasm coated every word. 

"He's going out alone pretty often, not bringing a single bodyguard with him."

She Lei scoffed, refilling his glass. "And what made him confident to go out alone, that coward?" He quipped, mostly to himself. 

"Nothing we know as of the moment, but I do have some guesses. After the Commanders exacted their vengeance on the old fool's properties and planted fear in his mind, he's been agitatedly seeking help from his allies. He's also planning on how to further expand his connections." She supplied. 

Unfortunately for him though, his allies were hesitant in involving themselves in the dispute between him and 'his' former Commanders. 

As far as they can tell, it's a personal issue. So 'Vermillion Dragon' should deal with it himself. 

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"He's really thick-faced, isn't he? Shouldn't he first be asking for forgiveness from his allies that were affected by the two Commanders' ill humor before demanding their assistance?"

"He's an 'Underworld Leader'," Cyra air-quoted with heavy sarcasm. "Why would he need to apologize?"

"Ah, yes, forget what I said. It was silly." She Lei waved his hand dismissively. "He's been not-so-subtly nudging me to communicate with my maternal grandfather too. As if grandpa would help him after what he'd done to his only daughter, my mom."

"Ah Lei, this body isn't doing well from constantly being exposed in the decrepit fool's anger. I'm afraid it won't last long. It's nearing expiration." 

"Now that you've mentioned it, he looks as if he's ready to keel anytime soon. Has the boss said anything about it?"

"Well, we found out who's been bothering our boss these recent days. The heavens must favor us greatly because it just so happened to be your good-for-nothing s.p.e.r.m donor's biggest ally."

She Lei's expression contorted into a wicked look. "Oh? And I'm assuming it's linked to my dear brother's final mission?" 

"Die in the hands of She Gu's allies after believing that they've been stabbed in the back by him," Cyra confirmed. 

If she wasn't lazy, she would've willed She Jing to put on a sly smirk. 

"Beautiful!" She Lei clapped. "The perfect final scene before the curtain finally falls. Let's make the best of dear brother's last performance, shall we?"

"I couldn't agree more. Here."

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She Lei accepted the folder that was handed to him. Humming thoughtfully, he read its content. 

"The Uncrowned Leader, Agni. Intel said he's quite active recently, so that's what he's been doing—making things difficult for our beloved boss. Think you can make dear brother's body last long enough to exhaust him?"

"Hmm, I'll give it thirty minutes before it gives out." 

"Eh, not bad." 

"Can't wait. I'm going to enjoy myself with this one. It's like playing a VR action game."

"Aww, I hope I could give it a try too." She Lei w.h.i.n.ed enviously. 

"If that's all you need to hear from me, I'm gonna switch. It's almost time for my lunch break and I've been wearing this motion-capture suit for three hours now." She complained. 

"En, en. Thanks for your hard work, Senior Sister Jill. Enjoy your lunch." She Lei waved and respectfully greeted her goodbye like a dutiful younger brother to his elder sister. 

"You should take a break as well, Ah Lei. You and I both know how tiring it is pretending to work for that waste of oxygen." Cyra kindly suggested, looking after her Junior Brother. "Enyo [1] will cover for me next. I'll tell her to make sure you're not overworking yourself."

"You know I love you guys, but you really should stop babying me all the time." She Lei pouted childishly, contradicting his statement. 

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Cyra chuckled. "You're the youngest, can you blame us?"

Unable to refute her answer, She Lei crossed his arms and grumbled. 


Lillie was in a state of pure bliss and content as she took a generous bite of her strawberry and chocolate creme cr.a.p.e. While one hand holds the dessert, the other was locked with Ethan's grasp. 

Ethan couldn't take his eyes off of her. His fond smile not wavering in the slightest as he admires the beautiful sight that pales in comparison to the attractions they've toured around Fenhua City.

The two of them changed into casual, warm clothes fit to counter the autumn air. It partially hid their signature looks. 

They didn't go all the way, just enough that people won't recognize them at first glance. Besides, people's attention seems to be more drawn into Fenhua's attractions to notice the infamous heavenly couple—which goes in their favor.

"Is it good?" It was a silly question. Obviously, it was good if she enjoys it so eagerly. 

"En, you want to taste?" She tilted her head at him, bringing the crepe towards him. 

But instead of taking a bite, Ethan lowered his head and ran his tongue on the corner of her mouth to wipe the cream off. 

Lillie blinked, baffled and surprised. When she got a full view of his face, he locked eyes with he and boldly licked his lips, winking mischievously at her. 

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"Taste good."

Lillie's cheeks flushed. 

Ethan's heart went wild at her fl.u.s.tered look and couldn't help but want to hide that look from everyone.

And that's exactly what he did by engulfing her into his embrace. Her face was buried into his c.h.e.s.t. 

Onlookers who were near enough to witness the spectacle were force-fed with dog food. 

They wanted to cry in envy, yet they couldn't help but find it endearing. You could clearly tell if two people are in love from the way they stare and hold one another as if they're the most precious thing in the world. 

It's rare to see something like this happening outside of fiction. 

"What do you think you're doing," Lillie complained, her voice was muffled from where she hides her blushing mess of a face. But could still hear the embarrassment in her tone and see the red spreading to her ears. 

"Teasing my wife, what else?" Ethan shamelessly admits with a proud grin. "I see you aren't immune to my charms yet, my dear? Not that I would let that happen."

"You're awfully confident, aren't you?"

"Well, so far it hasn't failed me yet, now has it? And I believe you would know better than anyone." He whispered from her ears, his warm breath effectively making her shiver. 

Lillie swore she'll get him for this. But she thinks he would gladly receive retaliation if she did what he did.

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